Wednesday, May 22, 2013

AoW18: Persuasive Presentations

Directions:  Watch the following persuasive presentations.  What is the most effective part of each presentation?  What persuasive devices are at use?  Ethos (building credibility), Pathos (emotional appeal) , Logos (using reason/logic).

THINK ABOUT:  What works?  What techniques might you borrow for your own presentation?


YPI EXEMPLAR_Winning Presentation from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.


Youth Philanthropy Initiative_Exemplar 2 from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

What is the purpose of each video?  What techniques could you borrow for your own videos within your presentations?

WHEELS Up! from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

In this 12-minute speech, she engages the audience and develops a mutual connection with them right from the start with stories of her family, her modest upbringing, hardships experienced and overcome by her parents and herself, and how she met her husband. It is these stories that add the most colour to her talk, and that I believe provide the greatest bond with the audience.
This is a very inspirational speech that does not waver from its goal. Every story and example gets the point across of how “regular” people all have the power to do remarkable things if they get educated, help each other, pursue their passions, and use their talents to help their communities grow. If I was in her audience, I would feel like she’s speaking directly to me.

What would a presentation skills coach say?
The speech content is inspirational and well-structured. Very tight, direct, and persuasive. Calls-to-action at the conclusion, coupled with a smile, a strong voice and eye contact send off the audience with drive and motivation. The only thing I would add to the content would be a little more detail on her first date with her husband. My guess is that she didn’t want stories that were not relevant to the overall theme of her speech to overshadow the points she wanted to make. But it certainly would have been interesting!
So it all comes down to her delivery.

Directions:  Watch the following persuasive presentations.  What is the most effective part of each presentation?  What persuasive devices are at use?  Ethos (building credibility), Pathos (emotional appeal) , Logos (using reason/logic).

In your comment:

1.  Identify a technique within a video that you find to be persuasive (tell the video and describe the part)
2.  Analyze:  What makes it persuasive?  Building credibility and connecting with the audience?  Emotional appeal?  Logical appeal / reason?


  1. The following presentations have different devices to make there presentation more persuasive. For example, presentation number two has a small excerpt of the interview conducted in order to add credibility(Ethos). Another example is presentation number six. Presentation number six provides pictures/images to move the audience (Pathos). One final example is presentation number three. Presentation number three not only uses both emotional and credible devices but it also uses logic to prove it's point (Logos). These aspects create a more credible argument and persuade people to agree with there point of view. They do this by connecting with the audience, giving facts that support there argument, and incorporating common sense/ethical into the argument. In conclusion, these presentations all have either ethos,pathos, or logos to help them be more persuasive.

  2. There's always many different kind of ways to persuade people. But, I believe the best way to persuade people is to be able to connect with the audience. Knowing that your talking about something that everyone is the audience that could relate on that. But, in my opinion I believe that video #2 is a good persuasive video that shows the impacts in this situation. In video # 2 it has interviews, songs, a audio clip of a call to 911, and just music that really connects to the topic. Like Zaida said these presentations all have either ethos,pathos, and logos in order for them to be persuasive.

  3. A technique that is used in the videos is that they use a good and interesting way of saying what they want to say. In the wheels up video the students instead of saying my mom said "what is this" they used their cultural background and said " perro mijita que es esto." This makes it persuasive because people can identify themselves with experiences exactly or similar to it. That way of persuasion/explanation appealed emotionally to the audience because the audience started laughing.

  4. A technique that is used in the video is pathos, they show basic facts about teenage abuse and how it happens. They even show a seen where its a kid calling 911 which really captured me and I'm sure captured any one else who watch the video and it really shows and grabs the viewers emotional appeal. What makes this video so persuasive is that abuse is happening world wide, so many people are able to connect to it and reflect with it this kind of emotional appeal as shown in the video really captures people and so their able to relate to it. All of these presentations either have ethos, pathos, and logo to help the video / presentation be more persuasive to grab peoples attention!

  5. these use many techniques such as ethos pathos logos. in one video they show how the men abuse women and they put stats that could be read easily. another video shows a real 911 call to show us how graphically they can be. these videos are persuasive because they show how kids get emotional about seeing teir moms getting abused.

  6. Well, in my point of view to be able to persuade people you would have to have something that will strike a nerve (pathos). For example in the video that contains the abuse going on and the 911 call ,it makes people want to do something about it, to help make a change. A little girl crying and describing the horrifying seen of her step father abusing her sister and her mother may wow people and push them to do something in contrast to a picture and somebody just saying things. I also think that there should be able to have people that have actually felt the pain and speak up for themselves to make it more realistic (ethos).You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. You just have to have the right technique.

  7. There's many ways to persuade someone. But i think pathos is the best way to do that because is connecting with the audience and its also showing how the audience might feel. One example is the 911 video. It showed how women get abused like in real life. That technique they used in the video shows how there's many organizations working together in the community to help those type of people.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The presentations given all uses different divices. For example, all the presentations used at least one of the divices ethos, pathos, or logos. Also the more divices used, it can help persuade others more quickly than if you use less divices. It also shows how you know more about what your talking about and the more information you know the better the reader can understand your topic. It may also help connect with the audience and that's what you want to do, and the more people your presentation connects with, the better the presentation is. Therefore, these presentations used ethos, logos, and pathos to make the presentation more interesting.

  10. I personally think that presentation #2 is the best presentation. In the beginning I was really engaged. The music, pictures, and call I think are all really good ways to keep your viewer engaged. I believe that ethos, logos, and pathos are all really engaging as long as you don't use too much of one of them. I really like how presentation #2 started and i'm really startled that they managed to keep me watching. So i think presentation #2 is the best because they have facts, pictures,and they managed to vary with the call.

  11. They all use differents techniquez that makes them stand out of each other, but for me,the prezi example stand out to me the most because they used real life calls which made it interesting. They used all the techniquez.

  12. There are many ways to to make a good presentation. The most important to me is that people get engaged on the topic which the presenter should provide a lot of examples. This is important because people would not only listen to your comments but also get to see how it works and some examples of the things they do. Also another interesting thing is that people should do in a presentation is that they should be motivated ion their topic. This is important because it would not only show it on the presentation but also if your that motivated your presentation would be very good since you actually put time in it. Lastly another technique is eye contact. This is important because you maintain good body language to the audience when you giving them eye contact. Therefore, these are some techniques that are important in a presentation.
    From the videos I think that the video of the 911 call is better since it provides a real life 911 call and it brings the crowd together in an incident like that. Also it uses emotional reactions on the video.

  13. Each Video has a different technique or many techniques. From my point of view for me the most effective part of each presentation was pathos and logos. These two techniques are important because the pathos used in these videos had... emotions the words had meanings, like the 911 call from the 8 yr old girl. Also the logos which were pictures made each video presentation effective, like the example of the kids with posters... there faces looked sad and that made a impact on the way people took this serious or not.

  14. The first presentation had a lot of interviews and it made the presentation better with ethos by being credible information from the people being interviewed. The second video with the 911 call gave a lot of pathos in the presentation because the intensity of the phone call and the screaming of the child as she witnessed her mother and sister get abused. It showed what a traumatic event it was for everybody.It was connected with ethos because of how real the phone call was. Lastly, that presentation also had logos from all of the facts and statistics that were shown.

  15. The following videos have different techniques that make it persuasive. I think what it has that makes it persuasive is that they’re all creative. By creative I mean like for the domestic violence one which is video #2, the video has a real recording from an actual conversation that a little kid made by calling the police. That is using pathos because you can hear the little kid very sad and crying because his stepfather hurt his mom and sister. The other videos are very creative too like the one with the candle. The video with the candle at first it’s weird but then when the facts come on, it makes much more sense. But overall my favorite is the 2nd video because it not only is creative but it still provides facts so that the people can be aware of domestic violence. In conclusion, what makes a video persuasive is that the video has to have a touch of you so that others can see that you actually care for your social issue.

  16. These following videos have different ways of making their point and being persuasive.For example,some have videos others have statistics and stories.Each and everyone has their own way of being persuasive like the first video they were persuasive by showing a video and having a main point and even though they would change at some points they would always go back to the main point.A technique I would like to use is having lots of eye contact because lots of people struggle in that also always having a focus on one point even though I might change or rephase the topic

  17. A technique I found good in the video was catching the audiences attention. Because that is what will get people interested and also the creativity on the video will persuade people. What makes it persuasive is connecting with the audience because the people might feel a connection towards it leading them to feel persuaded.

  18. There are many ways to persuade someone. Each video had its own unique way on persuading. some used statistics some used stories, some used videos, they are all very different. I find the video ypi project - covenant house to be very persuasive because it uses people with signs.this helps engage the audience also when you use real life videos because the person watching it automatically starts thinking if they should help the issue.

  19. In the Michelle Obama video a technique I found was using personal stories. In the video Michelle Obama tells her personal of seeing her dad suffering with a disease, and connect it to what she was trying to tell the those great women. What makes this persuasive is that with a personal story you develop more credibility but at the same time you are creating a stronger connection between you and the audience.

  20. I thought that the domestic violence video was very persuasive and it used all three techniques (logos,pathos and ethos) to make you believe and try so solve this common social issue . This video made me had more feelings because the group used the children calling 911 for help but it also made me believe how bad this issue is because it used statistics. Overall it was a great video an ill use it as an example to guide me in my presentation.

  21. Each of the above presentations had not just one but countless literary devices incorporated into them in order to make them persuasive. The first YPI presentation for example used many images with some amount of text to display their information and a video in order to show the audience some of what usually happens and how their organization works to solve or mediate the issue. Another example is the second YPI presentation in which the group members decided to start out with an opening video and then keeping the flow of things directly move to an authentic emergency call to a police station in which a mother is being victim to domestic violence and they ended with a few statistics on domestic violence. Lastly, in the third presentation of the WHEELS community members a lot of teamwork is present when delivering the speech and it is shone through their body language that they are all ready and confident in what they are doing. These are some of the many presentations I viewed and chose to elaborate on.

  22. Each presentations are every unique in there own way for example they explaned what they were doing. Also showed what they were going to use the money or whatever they were trying to get from the others.

  23. For each presentation what was most persuasive was having facts to support each statement and real life examples and stories. Each has a unique flavor to it that differentiates from the others. The topics also make it persuasive because some people might find some topics as interesting as others, i personally was more intrigued by the 911 Phone call because it was a very mature video that some teens might be surprised to see, i know i was.

  24. every presentation had good facts to support what were they saying. they also gave examples of it.they all explain what were they doing and why they were doing it. all of them had good and unique presentations. like the YPI presentation. they showed pictures and explanations.

  25. Every presentation has a good and supporting details that makes their presentation unique and makes the judges want to chose their CBO. also they have many life examples that make it good for others to see and other will be shocked when they see it like me. Lastly they have many unque factors that makes them different from the others.

  26. For each presentation the pathos worked best for me because it was very emotional for me seeing the little girl call help for her mom and then it was very dramatic which made me care for it more than already because it was such a senstive topic to base it on . But having facts and lots of persuasive information works just as well because it engages me into the topic your trying to tell me about and I'll be able to see your perspective of it.

  27. Each of the above presentations had not just one but countless literary devices incorporated into them in order to make them persuasive is that they are all creative in their hard work.This is important because it would not only show it on the presentation but also if your that motivated your presentation would be very good since you actually put time in it. In the other hand, rehearsing
    the presentation will lead to more perfection in the presentation.Using videos in the presentation will make it better to understand what you are really talking about.
