Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What Nourishes Us?

Over the course of this year we have had several investigations to explore this essential question.  To begin the year, you visited farmers markets to explore where food comes from.  We examined what nourishes our  food systems and what nourishes us physically.  In the middle of the year we examined what nourishes us emotionally.  We studied Melinda in Speak, visited MOMA, and created original art pieces to examine what it means to express oneself.  Finally, we examined what nourishes our communities by researching and examining social issues that affect our local community.

Directions:  Create a blog post that examines WHAT NOURISHES US?  Describe how your experience with YPI has helped to nourish the community and ourselves.

1.  What nourishes our communities?  Describe the social issue you researched and explain how your community based organization nourishes the local community.  Use evidence from your visit (stories, interview answers, personal experiences as well as the mission, services, and volunteers from the organization) to support your answer.  Discuss (8pts)

2.  What nourishes us as individuals?  How did your experience working on YPI explain what nourishes us as individuals?  Use your personal experiences of giving, volunteering, understanding your social issue, interacting with clients from your organization, or working with your team to support your answer. How did your experience of raising awareness for your social issue and organization make you feel? Discuss (8pts)

(Note:  Please answer each question completely for full credit (2 grades)


  1. There's many things that nourishes our community and one of them is art in the community. Art in the community was the main social issue I researched the reason why it Nourishes our community is because art builds character with in us. It makes us who we are. In my topic for art in the community it has impact many people in our societies many young women has joined Urban Butterflies organization and had helped with school to expand the organization and make it successful.

    What nourishes us as individuals are accepting what this community has and supported and take a stand and show us who we really are. My personal experience with YPI has been different because i learned a way to care for the community and help out.

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  2. There are many things that nourish us. The social issue I researched was domestic violence, I went down to Sanctuary for Families and saw how secure the place was and also confidential. I was able to speak with Pam Krasner the principal of the department of youth. From that interview I saw how they were really helpful and the people who volunteered to work there did it because they have a passion for that and want to help victims. From the interview I also heard a story that was on the New York Times on how a father kidnapped his own daughter from the mother in China, but the sibling of the mother had connection with Sanctuary for Families and even though it took a while to solve this issue they were able to rescue the daughter and mother from China and bring them back to the United States. Overall, this experience with YPI has been great because it brought awareness to my mind of how there are many social issues out there and there are people willing to help.

    The experience of raising awareness made me feel very helpful, even though I wasn’t able to go to the finals I felt very satisfied with my presentation and showing everyone how domestic violence is a big issue that needs to be fixed. I wasn’t able to interact with any of the victims but just hearing from Pam on how they help the victims and children’s I was able to get an idea of how helpful they were being to someone else. I think what nourishes us as individuals are the people around us because they are the influence we are around all the time. We see, hear and speak to the people that are around us every day and I think that’s what nourishes me the most.

  3. What nourishes our community is youth development. If kids grow up to be bad they would put our community dirty and the kids will grow up looking at them so they would grow up to be like that. But if more youth development happens kids will grow up going to school and graduating and finishing college and the kids will grow up looking at them so they would grow up to be like them.

  4. what i think nourishes our community is people coming together hand to hand and helping out people in need. Also kids helping other kids for example older kids reading to younger kids like an organization called family to family. For my ypi group we researched family to family. They help poor kids with food and books. Also they help many families with a home,shelter,and food. This organization helps to nourish the community because they help out the people that don't have food and homes. Also the families that don't have so much stuff to balance their homes. I think what nourishes us as individuals is that we help people from one person to another. MY experiences with ypi was stressful but it was exciting to find alot about one organization and be able to represent it. Even tough my group didn't go to the finals we still won at representing our organization.

  5. What I think that nourishes our community is when people are helping not fighting. Also when people love and dont hate each other. Also when people are sharing and caring about others.

  6. There are many aspects of everyday life that nourishes our community. One example of a crucial aspect of life that nourishes our community is literacy. The social issue my group chose was literacy and community bookshops. Word Up is a multilingual general interest community bookshop and arts space in Washington Heights. What Word Up does is help the residents in the community to live better informed lives as well as more expressive lives using books as tools to complete that goal. Word Up used to be located in 176th Broadway but closed down. My experience with YPI did not help me understand what nourishes us. Although I got to interview one of the crucial members of my organization, I did not get to see the organization in its everyday basis because it had been closed down. While presenting, our group was able to inform individuals about social issues but I personally felt that I did not make a change.

  7. My YPI group researched the organization Critical Resistance and their mission is to abolish prisons all over the world. We do not believe that people that made a bad choice should be put in a cage for years with food like animals, few showers in a week, and the same clothe for days that smell really horrible with all those bad conditions. When Ms.Macneil told me and my group (Nicole and Yarlin) about this organization we thought it wasn’t beneficial for us as a grade or for the world but then we gave thought to it and there’s more advantages to it than you think. Shana, which is one of the founders, Skyped with us in order to give us more information about Critical Resistance and then was that we started to like the organization even more because many of the things they said if you think about it they affect us every day. For example, in 100 years from now the next generation is going to think that they evolved from animals because when someone did something bad they were caged and treated poorly.
    To be honest what nourishes us to at least work together as a community and to not make big fuzz about irrelevant stuff. Together we can find the answers to all the problems that are happening there are just too many lazy people. I know it sounds all cute as if I’m looking for world peace or something but it’s not I’m just looking forward to a better future.

  8. What nourishes our community is when people come together to help each other. The social issue my group and I choosed was Child Abuse. When we first visited the New York Center for Children we where able to see how the rooms where as well as the prefessionals that worked there. We were also able to here personal experiences of kids who have been part of NYCC. The stories was very sad, even while telling the stories, you were able to see the emotion given. The NYCC helped with the recovery of child abuse, and I really didnt think that was a big issue but after hearing stories and personal experiences my idea has changed.

    While working on the YPI project, my ideas has completely changed. It helped me see ow it affects parents and their children. It also it gave kme the feeling of how I would feel if it had happened to me or someone that I know. We all need to work together to stop child abuse even if you dont think its a big issue. Would you like it if you, your child, or someone you know is being abused? I think not so we all need to work together to create a change in our community. Also by doing this your nourishing your self and the community because your helping make the community better.

  9. what nourishes us in the community is our youth development. Since we are the future we have the control on what we want and dont want in our community. But if we grow up in a bad community we will continue to keep our community bad, and it will be a continuous cycle. On the other hand if we grow up in a good community we would like it to stay good for many years ahead of us. Basically it all depends on our youth.

  10. i think that what nourishes us is a healthy community that eats right does not litter and can communicate well with others. this means that my response is meant to answer what nourishes us physically but also mentally. if we have a positive outlook towards the future than we can be well nourished physically and mentally as well. even though our community is not as healthy we can always believe in making us better as people and as a community

  11. I think what nourishes our community is people coming together to help others in need.This nourishes us because there are a lot of people in our community that need and deserve help. For my YPI group we researched The Bowery Mission. This organization help people that are homeless and that need second chances to put their lives back on track.This organization shows us that we don't have to judge nobody's actions, we just need to help them have a better future. This are the things that nourishes and that should be nourishing our community.

  12. What nourishes us as individuals are the lack of violence in our life. My experience working in YPI may be able to answer "what nourishes us?" My YPI group researched on domestic violence; we went to center against domestic violence to have a little interview with the executive chief etc. We spoke about how exactly it may disadvantage our community--the ways it disadvantages is because domestic violence occurs an unbearable amount of times in a year. Children may be able to pick up this terrible act and it will go down from generation to generation. This will obviously effect our community because there would be a lot of violence and there would be less people in the world because domestic violence basically leads to suicidal thoughts.

  13. What nourishes us? That is a simply question with but many answers. One example is the food we eat and we learned about that when we visited the farmers market earlier in the year. Also, the knowledge we obtain in our daily experiences whether in or outside of school.
    My experience with YPI has nourished me. One way is that I have learned of many community organizations working to help those in need. Also, I have worked to nourish my community by collaborating with my YPI group members to deliver presentations to my class. All in all, I have not only nourished myself but also my community.

  14. What nourishes our community is the healthy food, and the type of environment we live in.My experience in my ypi project helped me understand what nourishes us because it made me realize how people can all have an affect in our community.Also meeting the people in charge for raising the youth helped me understand what nourishes us because it helped me understand that not all people are bad even if their incarcerated, and need help. Me wanting to raise awareness for my social group made me feel proud and glad to be part of a group that only works for making our community a better place to live in. What nourishes us as individuals is the choices we make in life, and the way we do things to help make our society better.

  15. I believe that what nourishes our communities is what people do to make. If we take part in for example if the communities was destroyed by a tornado, the people will help rebuild, this will bring people closer tougher and make new friends which would help people fell better about them selves.

    People nourish them selves by food as some people might think. While that might be true its not just food, it also comes from what you do and your rel-shins to others like friends,mom,dad,brother,sister etc...

  16. What nourishes our community is the way we interact with each other everyday and how much positive energy we put in into the situations that affect us everyday such as homelessness, poverty, teen delinquency, etc. If we can take part in the community positively, our community can become at its best it ever will be. One reason why I think this because my organization that I have been dealing and organizing my project with have been going through part of this. These past 3 months I have been tagging up with the with my organization, Correctional Association, have been going through troubles in putting incarcerated delinquents into jobs so they can support themselves and their family. However the jobs they have the incarcerated delinquents interview for gave the delinquents a negative feel for them. At the time, the association had a huge protest on this but many people of the community around them didn't support them so there wasn't any support showing for the organization so the protest didn't really help. So I think that if the community would of supported the organization and have positive energy I think the support would be more lethal to the jobs and the jobs would of took notice. That's why I think that interacting and positive energy nourishes our community

  17. In my opinion what nourish our community is the people. One way that people nourish our community is that the people living in the community are the ones who look for ways to help people in the community. Another way is that they are the ones that have ideas to make it really happen in the community. Lastly one more thing that nourish our community is the race and cultures around so people have a lot of variety in which they could experience. Therefore, this is what nourish our community.
    In my past experience working with YPI what nourish me as a person was in a way helping my community. This experience taught me the many ways I can help my community. Also the people around the community that also need help made me think about how I could get involved and how it would affect not me but also people around me. Lastly how doing positive things in the community would improve our community in many ways and also change people life style and experience.

  18. There are many things that nourishes us. The social issue i researched was Domestic Violence i went down to the organization Center Against Domestic Violence in Brooklyn. While we were down there we were able to speak to chief executive Judith Kahan And advisor Rona Salman. They spoke to us about how important it is to take in fact of how people are being treated daily about the prevalence of it and how it should be treated.This was a very touching experience because we heard some personal stories and how they were helped and its just overwhelming hearing a story and knowing someone gave them a hand and helped them and now they have a safe happily life.To me this show what nourishes a community where when helps needed people are their trying to give you a hand to get back on track.Also its a place where we interact with each other everyday and just contribute the negative and positive impacts to our lives.Overall the experience with this center was amazing because it brought attention to us of how there are many social issue and their are people willing to help and give them a hand because they believe everyone should have happiness.

    My experience with YPI has helped me realize whats out there it brought awareness to me because i realized how impacting this is to the lives of victims. Although our group didn't win i do feel that i got the awareness personally from experiencing this with the people of the center because it was something i learned from them. I think what nourishes us is the influence of the community around you what revolves around you. I believe the organization YPI just made us get awareness of what the place we live around is, but really some groups expressing it wasn't really as well profound it is better when you personally experience things on your own because its more knowledge that your getting.Therefore there are many aspects that nourish us now in day .

  19. I think what nourishes our community is built organizations that was made from the community its self,by realizing an issue that has to be taken cared of.For example for my project in English class I learned many things that have to be solved but not only realizing it but by doing something about it. For example I gained in open mind for people that were formerly incarcerated Nourishing ourselves is not only taking care of ourselves but the community as well that will help provide more nourishment in return through health,emotion ect...

  20. I think what nourishes our community is to help each other and actually get along and help others who need the help . The social issue I pick with my YPI group is Child abuse , picking this topic was one of the saddest topic ever because learning and looking at child being abuse . This help me see the world differently because We as teenagers need to stop thinking about ourself because there others kids who suffering with issues and being abuse my their own family member .

    What nourishes us individual is by not judging other base on they live ,race ,act ,gender etc. My experience with YPI was the best , i learn to stop thinking about myself and think about others and what the world coming too .

  21. Many things nourish our community. For example the food we eat, how we help out, the community services we do, etc. The social issue I researched was child abuse. The community based organization that I chose was The New York Center for Children. They help the community in many ways. The NYCC helps children with child abuse all type, neglect, sexual, abuse, and emotional. This is important because children are the future of the country and we won’t have a bright future if kids are living a horrible life.

    I believe that what nourishes us the most is helping others and living a healthy life style. My experience with YPI explains what nourishes us as individuals because helping others is always a good thing and it makes you feel better about yourself. Even though my team did not win the 5 thousand dollars it help me get motivated on helping others at first I just did it because of a grade but then I really started to care and was motivated to help the children in need.

  22. Poverty increased rapidly throughout the years. Family to Family have people who have more help people who have less. This organization nourishes my local community because they give kids hands on experiences so it can be fun and engaging. They also give kids books so it can help them with their literacy skills. This organization is very important to Pam Koner, the founder of Family to Family because she is a mother of 2 kids and family is something that nourishes her.

    What nourishes us is what makes us happy and what helps us wake up in the morning. Working with YPI let me work with an organization that i think is an issue in my community and that i think would make me happy and excited to work with .Researching and talking to the founder of Family to Family made me realize that poverty is a big issue. Also hearing Pam talk about how her organization came about shows me that this is what makes her happy and seeing families with nothing get food and kids get an education nourishes her.

  23. There are many things that nourish our community. I think education mostly nourishes our community. My team and I researched an organization called Critical Resistance. This organization nourishes are community by informing people that incarceration is bad. They also help those who are formerly incarcerated and help those who are not. This social issue is not really addressed in our local communities and Critical Resistance is trying to change that.

    As an individual we have a lot of things that nourish us as well. As I researched my organization I learned that everything is not easy. I learned that we all have to work together to get things done, that's if you have big plans for your organization. Me and my team members were very prepared, but we just had a lack of communication that held us back from our work. So, I think that communication is big thing that nourishes us as an individual as well as a team.

  24. The social issue I researched was art in the community. Art nourishes our community because art is like a release. You can show how you feel and let go. Art makes you feel wonderful and be proud of what you created. The organization I chose to support was Da Urban Butterflies. Their mission is to empower young women through art. When I visited the organization I was nervous but when I got there I was very comfortable. The founder Ms. De la Cruz was very nice. She told us about the services which are cine machete, summer youth leadership development, workshops reading circles and cafe colao. She also told us about an amazing artist Ana Maria who had her beautiful painting in her living room collecting dust in her living room for 2 years. Da Urban Butterflies gave her the opportunity to show the world what she could do. A quote I used for my organization shows the beauty of art. “Whether it is the beautiful that brings to our hearts the love of truth and justice, or whether it is truth that teaches us how to find the beautiful in nature and how to love it, in ether case art does a noble work. It drags out the soul from its everyday shell and brings it under the spell of its own mysterious and wonderful power so that a memory of this experience stays with the people,labors, and refines their minds,” by Helen Modjeska “women and the stage,” the worlds congress of representative women.

  25. There's a lot of things people consider that nourishes their community.One I consider is the safety of all.My group researched Domestic Violence which my group and I went to Brooklyn.While we were there we were capable of getting information on this social issue.We spoke to the chief executive Judith and adviser Rona.We found out how they are trying to get out the motto to stop this violence by going to schools of people our age and educating them on how to stop it and not do it.This experience was an amazing impact to my life because it showed me that you aren't alone because where ever you go there is someone there that cares and is willing to give you a hand.
    I think what nourishes me as an individuals is knowing that I'm not alone.My experience with YPI was great because the project helped me open my eyes and see the things that are happening around my neighborhood. Not only that but it doesn't matter if you didn't win the grant because we did turn out winning because we all won more knowledge of our community even though we didn't win the grant we won a great learning experience.

  26. How we treat each other is how our community is nourished. The social group my group investigated was gay rights. This is a common topic because homo-phobics think that gays are not part of our community but they are as much as straight people.The center helps they homosexual community to have a place they can treated as normal citizens that they are, since some places and people in our community don't offer that. Also people with the power to make that change are not putting enough effort, thats where the center takes charge.

  27. There are many situations that nourishes our communities. The social issue I researched was the Fortune Society which worked with incarcerated people to give them the second chance they need to make things right. We met up with Fortune Society here at WHEELS and had an amazing interview, we learned a lot about helping does in need and that just because someone makes a mistake does not mean they should be thrown out of society or looked at as a bad example for does in society. Fortune gives you opportunities to get back in track & show does you can make a better choice!

    I believe what nourishes us as individuals is helping does in need and do what it takes to make things right and healthy choices towards ourselves and others. My experience working on YPI explains what nourishes us as individuals because it shows that we can make a change and we can help does in need. Being able to work together to help does in society and around our community is what nourishes us as a entire community and also as individuals. What nourishes us is being able to accept each other and everyone else around us for who they are in life and what they want to become!

  28. As individuals they way we treat the ones around us and how they treat us is what nourishes us. The good things we do for others.What nourishes me is that i help the ones in need and i change bad habits for the good of everyone that surrounds me. My family and my peers at school and teachers nourish me in my learning.

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  30. what nourishes us? what i think nourishes us is the food around us. we have to eat healthy food and stay healthy by excising. also our community by keeping it clean and not dirty and also by helping the people around us that do not have food,homes, or money.

    the social issue i researched was love heals. it was about an organization that helps people get more knowledge about HIV/AIDS.love heals went to schools, churches, community center etc to inform them about what is going around in the community and how you can protect yourself from getting it too.when i went over there to get more information about what they do, they gave us diagrams and pie charts of how many people have HIV now and how has it increase over time.

  31. There are many things that nourish us. The issue I did was Word Up. Word up was an organization that not only did it focused on books but also the community. It gave people many opportunitys and chances. It provided people with books and also make them feel at home. Word Up also provided many of the voulenters with activitys such as community meetings, poetry nights , and much more. Therefore, my organization I did my research on nourishes our community.
    My experience with my YPI organization did not show me as an individual what nourishes me. I say this because due to the fact that the organization is closed. But I do think it nourished me as in individual because it showed me a new idea of thinking and also taught me that others get opportunities.

  32. I think what nourishes our community is when people try and do things to take care of it. There's always a helping hand and people willing to make a difference.For example,the organization that i researched was ABADA CAPOEIRA. what surprised me about this organization is how much they want to help people find their calling. They offer a bunch of programs for the elderly, adults and children. When talking to the founder, jennifer, she told me how community is like a family when you have no family. i agree with her, which is something else that nourishes our community, everyone caring for each other.

    There are several things that nourish us as individuals. What we do daily in our lives nourish us. My organization that i researched focuses on giving activities to young people(like us). Every activity that takes place in your life, is a part of you, therefore it nourishes you. As for the YPI project,it felt good to raise awareness. It felt like i was doing something for my community.I think people are really going to think about all these social issues that affect out community and take action.

  33. What nourishes us is everyone around us the way we treat and respect each other . Also if we help each other . The social group my group investigated was trying to get kids into sport but at the same time showing them that school work is also important.

  34. What nourishes us as individuals is are family ,food and friends around us make us who we are . Working on YPI helped me because the organization my group worked with focused on getting kids into sports but letting them know that academic work is also important . That helped me focus more in school because I realized that getting and education can get you way more in life then just playing sports.

  35. There are many ways that a community can be nourished. One way is by ridding it of all things bad. Any issue that is having a negative impact on the community. One example of something that has been impacting the community negatively is child abuse. Child abuse causes the children of this generation to live miserably in fear. The children that are abused and neglected now are the adults that grow up to be criminals, or get into drugs, or even do the same to their children. And as child abuse keeps on it just cycles generation through generation causing the community to turn into something unlivable.

    The way that one is nourished as an individual is to do what he or she feels is right. To nourish yourself as an individual is to do what makes you feel good as a person. A person must do what makes them feel happy or healthy in any way. Making your life and the environment around you a place worth living in. That is how one is nourished as an individual.

  36. The things that nourish our community is people working as one and family staying together. The social issue that my group had was child abuse. The organization that nourishes this issue is the New York Center for Children. It's mission is to provide victims of child abuse a safe and enjoyable environment . The NYCC also nourishes this social issue by providing fun and colorful playrooms that allow the victims to be free and play with toys.

    The things that nourish us as individuals is getting along with people. Making new friends everyday. Having people smile at you as you pass by. Doing this YPI project made me realize we all need each other to keep us going through life. If you are alone you will have nobody to pick you up when you are down. Also nobody to have your back.

  37. What nourishes our community is people helping others with their problems or just helping people to feel like they did a good deed. My group worked on the social issue of domestic violence. Our organization which was Sanctuary For Families had a very moving story which was that a woman went to China but her ex-husband kidnapped her daughter but fortunately Sanctuary For Families got involved in this case and were able to bring both the mother and the daughter back here to the United States. This show how helping others when they need is is something that nourishes us because helping others is part of what makes us who we are. Whether it's a small deed or something big, helping others in any way, nourishes us.
    The thing that nourishes us as individuals is seeing how other people help others so that we can then help the people who need us. My experience working with YPI explains what nourishes us because I researched an issue that I felt was Very important and that made me want to help more. Raising awareness for domestic violence made me feel like a much more open-minded person. This is an issue that many people ignore but it happens everywhere. I tried my best to be more open to new ideas so that I can get more help on letting my voice be heard for this issue. I felt like if I accomplished a goal of mine which was to be able to move people with my video that I did for domestic violence. Fortunately since my goal was accomplished, more people are more aware of domestic violence and will pay more attention to any case of domestic violence that they see. Whether it's someone they know or a stranger; they'll try to help.

  38. What nourishes our community is the pride people can say they have in it whenever a new social issue is resolved. I had researched a organization called the correctional association and the way they help nourish our community is that they help fix the lives of many incarcerated people to help them have a second chance in life and start off new with new and better opportunities to be successful in life. This organization helped our community because they provide the critical needs of the incarcerated like helping them with their mental illnesses or physical disabilities. Also this organization help many incarcerated change their personalities and choices that can help the future by preventing another future crime, and making there be one less criminal loose in our community.

  39. What nourishes our community is our actions and opinions. Well in the YPI project, me and my group Accepting Eyes worked with The Center. Which this organization helps the LGBT community express them selves and being able to be safe around the community and in the center. We as a group knew that this was a big situation that a lot of LGBT community is having trouble showing them selves in the real world because they are afraid of the people's reactions. However, Accepting Eyes got all the information needed and tried to send an awareness to our community. This organization had helped a lot of people and they would love to help more people. They have made a difference. Like they once said Always show the you in you that makes you the you that you are." (unknown)

    Accepting Eyes had seen a lot of unfairness and people not accepting themselves or their community members. But, this organization had make me think way differently. My experience in the organization was amazing seeing people change in the bathroom and being able to express themselves in the center. They are just very welcomed not only with the LGBT community but with people who are not LGBT. However, this changed my group overview about the LGBT community. Me as a person knows that they are always going to be people who won't be able to respect and accept people's sexual orientation or something else. But, the whole point is that us as a community need to start giving a hand and being that spinal cord that everyone needs.

  40. What nourishes our community is the education we have, being sensible and making the right decisions for yourself. Thats only for our minds though, for our bodies it would be the food we choose to eat whether it being healthy or junky. My organization I researched was The fortune Society and it was a promotion to alternatives to inarcerated people so it gave people a second chance to better thier lives and learn how to behave in the outside world. It nourishes our communtiy because we then are given hope that we can have a second chnace in life but only one second chance to better ourselves into being good people and having others become good people by showing them the ways to be as a person in the community to not end up in prison over doing something stupid.

    What nourishes us as individuals is how we deal with things everyday at every moment because when we make the right decisions we wont make the same mistakes and it proves that we have learned something in our lives. My research on my YPI organization explained what nourishes us as individuals because these people have been locked up for a long time and now that they have been given the chance to start over they have taken the chance and demolished it , it obviously shows that they have learned from their experiences and want to grow up from the past so they have been going with their philosophy of life and taken that route and wherever it leads them will either be good or bad . Their nourished minds choose where they want to go and make out of thier lives.

  41. What nourishes us? a lot of different answer to that questions.Some of them are family and the food we eat, but it's what we experiences everyday in our lives that nourishes us and the problems we encounter everyday

    1. What nourishes our community is how individuals like our selves. help the community and the people in it.For example in the YPI project we were going to give the money to the organizations that needed it to help people in our community.
