Monday, March 5, 2012

AoW#16: Abusive Relationships

Abusive Relationships

Healthy Relationships Involve Respect and Trust

When Brian and Sarah began dating, her friends were envious. Brian was smart, sensitive, funny, athletic, and good-looking. Even her mom loved him.
For the first couple of months, Sarah seemed happy. She started to miss her friends and family, though, because she was spending more time with Brian and less time with everyone else. That seemed easier than dealing with Brian's endless questions. He worried about what she was doing at every moment of the day.
Sarah's friends became concerned when her behavior started to change. She lost interest in the things she once enjoyed, like swim meets and going to the mall. She became secretive and moody. When her friends asked if she was having trouble with Brian, she told them nothing was wrong.
Healthy relationships involve respect, trust, and consideration for the other person. Sadly, some relationships can turn bad. In fact, 1 in 11 high school students report being physically hurt by a date.
People in these relationships sometimes mistake the abuse for intense feelings of caring or concern. It can even seem flattering. Think of a friend whose boyfriend or girlfriend is very jealous: Maybe it seems like your friend's partner really cares. But actually, excessive jealousy and controlling behavior are not signs of affection at all.
Love involves respect and trust; it doesn't mean constantly worrying about the possible end of the relationship. If you feel nervous or insecure about your relationship, it's important to talk it through with your boyfriend or girlfriend, not try to control their behavior.

What Is Abuse?

Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Physical abuse means any form of violence such as hitting, punching, pulling hair, and kicking. Abuse can occur in both dating relationships and friendships.
Emotional abuse (stuff like teasing, bullying, and humiliating others) can be difficult to recognize because it doesn't leave any visible scars. Threats, intimidation, putdowns, and betrayal are all harmful forms of emotional abuse that can really hurt — not just during the time it's happening, but long after too.
Sexual abuse can happen to anyone, guy or girl. It's never right to be forced into any type of sexual experience that you don't want.
The first step in getting out of an abusive relationship is to realize that you have the right to be treated with respect and not be physically or emotionally harmed by another person.

Signs of Abusive Relationships

Important warning signs that you may be involved in an abusive relationship include when someone:
  • harms you physically in any way, including slapping, pushing, grabbing, shaking, smacking, kicking, and punching
  • tries to control different aspects of your life, such as how you dress, who you hang out with, and what you say
  • frequently humiliates you or makes you feel unworthy (for example, if a partner puts you down but tells you that he or she loves you)
  • threatens to harm you, or self-harm, if you leave the relationship
  • twists the truth to make you feel you are to blame for your partner's actions
  • demands to know where you are at all times
  • constantly becomes jealous or angry when you want to spend time with your friends
Unwanted sexual advances that make you uncomfortable are also red flags that the relationship needs to focus more on respect. When someone says stuff like "If you loved me, you would . . . " that's also a warning of possible abuse, and is a sign that your partner is trying to manipulate you. A statement like this is controlling and is used by people who are only concerned about getting what they want — not caring about what you want. Trust your intuition. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

Signs That a Friend Is Being Abused

In addition to the signs listed above, here are some signs a friend might be being abused by a partner:
  • unexplained bruises, broken bones, sprains, or marks
  • excessive guilt or shame for no apparent reason
  • secrecy or withdrawal from friends and family
  • avoidance of school or social events with excuses that don't seem to make any sense
A person who is being abused needs someone to hear and believe him or her. Maybe your friend is afraid to tell a parent because that will bring pressure to end the relationship. People who are abused often feel like it's their fault — that they "asked for it" or that they don't deserve any better. But abuse is never deserved. Help your friend understand that it is not his or her fault. Your friend is not a bad person. The person who is being abusive has a serious problem and needs professional help.
A friend who is being abused needs your patience, love, and understanding. Your friend also needs your encouragement to get help immediately from an adult, such as a parent, family member, or guidance counselor. Most of all, your friend needs you to listen without judging. It takes a lot of courage to admit being abused; let your friend know that you're offering your full support.

How You Can Help Yourself

What should you do if you think someone might be abusing you? If you feel that you love someone but often feel afraid, it's time to get out of the relationship — fast. You're worth being treated with respect and you can get help.
First, make sure you're safe. A trusted adult or friend can help. If the person has physically attacked you, don't wait to get medical attention or to call the police. Assault is illegal, and so is rape — even if it's done by someone you are dating.
Avoid the tendency to isolate yourself from your friends and family. You might feel like you have nowhere to turn, or you might be embarrassed about what's been going on, but this is when you need support most. People like counselors, doctors, teachers, coaches, and friends will want to help you, so let them.
Don't rely on yourself alone to get out of the situation. Friends and family who love and care about you can help you break away. It's important to know that asking for help isn't a sign of weakness. It actually shows that you have a lot of courage and are willing to stand up for yourself. It’s also likely you will need help to break out of a cycle of abuse, especially if you still love the person who has hurt you, or feel guilty about leaving.

Where to Get Help

Ending abuse and violence in teen relationships is a community effort with plenty of people ready to help. Your local phone book or the internet will list crisis centers, teen help lines, and abuse hotlines. These organizations have professionally trained staff to listen, understand, and help. In addition, religious leaders, school nurses, teachers, school counselors, doctors, and other health professionals can be sources of support and information.
You can also get involved at a school or community level as an advocate to help prevent future dating abuse. One example of a school-based program is Safe Dates. Talk to your school guidance counselor about starting a group or other ways to get involved in making sure dating abuse doesn’t happen to people in your school.
Reviewed by: Michelle New, PhD
Date reviewed: August 2010

Answer one or more of the following:
Option 1:  
What does it mean to be in an abusive relationship?  What should you do if you find yourself in an abusive relationship?  What is your responsibility if you know someone in an abusive relationship?  Use evidence from the article and/or your personal experiences to support your response.

Option 2:
Based on the article, what advice would you give Melinda from Speak?  Be specific and use evidence from the article and/or your personal experiences to support your response.

Option 3:  Reply to a classmate's post: 
  • Summarize the argument made in the previous post and agree or disagree with your classmate.  Be specific by pointing out what you agree with or disagree with.  
  • Then add your own response.  Use evidence to support your response.
  • Finally, post a meaningful question to keep the conversation going.  

Challenge:  Imagine you attend Merryweather High and are friends with Melinda from Speak.  Write a letter to Melinda to give her advice.  Use what you learned from the article to help inform your response.


  1. Some advice that I would give Melinda would be that she needs to talk to her parents about what happened in that party last summer no matter how scared she is because it doesn't matter, if she doesn't say anything she will never get over the fact that Andy raped her. If Melinda does not say anything about her being raped she will never get over the fear its as if he holds a certain power over her, its her choice to take that power back. It would be a big FAT, SAD secret. I would also tell Melinda that once she does and starts to get help everything will start to progress. Also her parents would understand why the sudden change in Melinda occurred. The next best thing would be to tell her ex best friend and explain to her why she called the cops, she would also need to get the news out around the school so that people can understand and also so that no other girl gets hurt and possibly raped by 'IT'.

  2. abusive relationships are define as relationships where the man physically hits the other partner or the female but an abusive relationship is not only based on fact that one party of the relationship hit the other it also has to do with mental abuse like calling your partner names cursing at them, if something happened to you somewhere else you go see your partner and tell them that its their fault, it might not seem like much but verbal abuse can affect the way the person thinks the person could go from cheerful to thinking of suicide.if you find your self in an abusive relationship people say you should call for help talk with friends that would help call the police, but i my opinion of a person that would do that its like if their trying to run from their problems by getting help its like your cheating in the game call life i feel like this way because your the person who is in a relationship with the other person no one should interfere and if you feel like the relationship is not making you feel happy then you should end it yourself that's what i call taking a step ahead in life not showing fear to those that try to keep you down. my responsibility is to call the police and report it, but i would not do that for my own reasons i would give that person advice and when that person goes to break off the relationship i would go and watch make sure that it does not get physical but i make the person tell the other partner themselves that they want it to end.


    1. I agree with Sean. Abusive relationships are never healthy and can cause serious traumatizations in the future and can cause the person not to be trustworthy towards others.

    2. I strongly agree with Sean. Abusive relationships are characterized by extreme jealousy, emotional withholding, lack of intimacy, sexual coercion, verbal abuse, threats, lies, broken promises, physical violence, power plays and more.. but in this situation of Melinda its caused by one person towards the other. If you find yourself in a abusive relationship I suggest to get help asap because it affects your life and your inside meaning it can lead to suicide , and or might even give your a heart attack in the inside because of how scared you can be. In my opinion , I think Melinda should talk to her parents about the situation that happened last summer in the party and get it off her shoulders already or call the police because it is damaging her life and what's on her mind at such a young age. Also , in my opinion the person who is receiving this in there life can be scared because of there feelings after , when its done and actually said. Therefore , I think that Melinda should get help and stop this silence .

      Paola 9VO

    3. I also agree with sean because many people think its just physically abusing your partner it also has to do with emotionally also. I also think that people always think boys are the only ones who abuse their partner but really women do it also and its not good one way or the other. Like sean says i also think that verbal abuse goes a long way and you may not notice it but it does alot of harm like Sean also said and i think people should stop and if they cant handle it they should move on and go to another person or stay alone.
      -Xavier 9LE

    4. I agree with Xavier and Sean because also like every where people just think just a man abusing a women just by physical abuse but also using emotional abuse because one day I was walking int the street of 181 and wadsworth av and this man was just saying bad stuff to a woman but he wasn't even saying he was screaming her like so loud that probaly the rats from the trash herd it and ran away and it was just really sad because the woman was crying so bad I just wanted to stand up for her and teach the men something but I just don't know what to say but as I remember sometimes in health class the different ways a abusive relathionships are and the way how men think that they are better then which In my opinion if the men thinks it is like this then they are truly a jerk and it is just a problem around this planet. Jayson Flores 9V0

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A abusive relationship is when your partner hurts you physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. When being in a abusive relationship things ae always going to be bad for you. If you see things are n't going well you should always talk to an adult to help handle the situation. If you ever find a person that you think is in an abusive relationship it's in your best interest to go and speak to him/her because things can get worse. You must alert someone

    Leisley Gonzalez 9LE

    1. I agree with you Leslie, you are never going to get help on your own, or if you do, you won't know if that's the correct thing to do. I would tell Melinda to tell her parents, and speak up. She's having a mental problem and she's fighting it on her own. She should tell her parents because they want the best for her and they can't do anything since they don't know what's wrong with her. -Kathy Tavarez, 9LE

    2. I agree with both Lesley and Kathy about abusive relationships and any other type of abuse & how they'll turn out to be. I personally believe that if your abusived by your lover you should be able to speak up. Cause what's the point of you having a mouth when you can't even you it to defend yourself? You might say because your afraid but is it worth being abused repeatedly? If your being abused atleast try 2 put up a fight even if the person is twice your size. Be able to stand up for others too if you know that they are being abused because it's real tough for an individual to go through it and not seek help. If you know you'll going to be abused find ways to avoid it , make up an excuse or use self defense. I'd tell Melinda to let her parents know about her being raped and to keep from being silent. Because if you keep something like that for so long hidden itll bring you down more and more and might even lead to suicide. By letting her parents know about her being raped they'd help her to the best of their ability and try to send Andy Evans to jail.
      - Devante 9SM

  5. I agree with Leisley. An abusive relationship is when either you or your partner hurts you, physically, mentally, emotionally, an/or sexually. Im guessing the person whom is reciving this cruel and unusual punishment probally dont want to say anything because he/ she is probally terrified. The people who dishes out this punishment probally had something going on in their life, and has a lot of anger and just takes it out on their love partner. But can this be prevented? Yes it can! So to all the lover couples whom have an abusive relationship, try calling a counselor, or a therapist. and if that doesnt work, Contact the New York Police Department @ 911. Dont be afraid to snitch, because if you dont, you get the stitch!!!

    Paul Davis 9LE

    1. I agree with Paul. An abusive relationship can happen in many ways. Physically, mentally,emotionally, and sexually. This probably means that the victim is scared to say anything because the feel the predator will hurt them badly. The victim does change and becomes type paranoid when this happens to her. This relates to speak because Melinda fears that no one believe her or that Andy Evans will get her and hurt even more badly than he did last time.

    2. i agree with chris,paul and leiley because any of the genders can have the "pants in the relationship"therefore causing the relationship to have one person in control witch can have negative consequences. Usually the partner with the least power does not have the courage to say anything or are scared of the partners response. I think the only way problems can be solved is by just keeping life moving and going your separate ways.

    3. I agree with Paul, Chris and Yohan because they see the different points of view in this issue. The fact that not only boy can be abusive is a big point. Often people believe in a receivership the male is the most likely to be abusive. but in fact a believe it is women that have the biggest chance to becoming abusive. When i say this i mean in a seance that women tend to not trust the male and are always asking questions. this could oppress the male because the female could threaten to leave the reletioship if the male dose not compile of course it is vise versa and can be from male to female.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. There are many different meanings to an abusive relationship. In my opinion, an abusive relationship can be neglect abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, etc. As the article says, you also need respect and trust in a healthy relationship. If I were to find myself in an abusive relationship I would make sure that I'm safe and find an adult in my life that I trust. I would also try avoiding the person by not being near them, talking to them or picking up phone calls if that person calls. There are many other things that I would do if I find myself in a abusive relationship. If I were to know someone in an abusive relationship I would try talking to them based of my knowledge. Something that I would tell them to do is to find an adult in their life that they trust and explain to them what's going on. If that doesn't work then I'll try convincing them as to why they're aren't worth being abused or being disrespected. If they're being hurt in a serious way that can cause them their life, then I would contact the New York Police Department by calling 911 or a local phone book will have phone numbers you can call and offices you can visit to get help. No one should be afraid of calling 911 or telling an adult that they trust in their life because if they don't do something about being in an abusive relationship then they will no longer be respected. In conclusion, no one should be in a abusive relationship and should do something about it.

    Sixto Mescain 9VO

    1. @sixto mescain, i strongly agree with you, there are many different meanings to an abusive relationship, and not just dating relationship but also i friendships and more. my understanding from this article and also from the ook speak is that if you find yourself in a abusive situation you should contact an adult or friend you trust and let them know how you feel and how ca you prevent something like that to happen again. if you let that person to keep abusing you not just physically but also emotionally you sending that person a message, and that message is that you have no respect towards yourself and also that you let others disrispect you. i personally think that the best way to help a fried or family member is to show them that you are there for them and that it is super important to call 911 if things get worse.

    2. I agreed with sixto because there are many different meanings to abusive relationships.I consider an abusive relationship to be a form of abuse either mentally, emotionally or physically. In my opinion of a person that would do that its like if their trying to run from their problems by getting help its like your cheating in the game call life i feel like this way because your the person who is in a relationship with the other person no one should interfere and if you feel like the relationship is not making you feel happy then you should end it yourself that's what i call taking a step ahead in life not showing fear to those that try to keep you down. my responsibility is to call the police and report it, but i would not do that for my own reasons i would give that person advice and when that person goes to break off the relationship i would go and watch make sure that it does not get physical but i make the person tell the other partner themselves that they want it to end.

  8. I agree with Yohan and Sixto. I think that a abusive relationship is many things. For me though, i consider an abusive relationship to be a form of abuse either mentally, emotionally or physically. I guess if i was in Melinda's situation i would stay dramatized. I mean , who wouldn't though. I guess the problem with Melinda is that she doesn't have no one to speak to about her problems so she is stuck believing that she has no one. also, Melinda has no support and her doesn't even have a stable relationship with her parents. I would advise melinda to speak up towards this but in order for that to happen she has t realize that she doesn't deserve a person like that and that she is strong and capable of doing anything . Melinda should then learn how to communicate her ideas with people . The text said this, about knowing that everyone has the right to be in a safe relationship and Melinda kinda puts herself in the shoes of "it happened so i guess it is what it is." Melinda needs to get someone to listen to since communication is essential when you have someone to talk to and when you your self can take criticism. - Jasmine Diaz

  9. Abusive relationships lead to bad endings. To be in an abusive relationship means that when two people argue and when it goes to the next level which is hitting eachother. If you find yourself in a abusive relationship you need to get help exactly when it happens because it leads to men and women getting hurt. If you know somebody in a abusive relationship you should help that person by calling the police telling somebody you know that can help that person that is in that abusive relationship.

  10. I agree with sixto and Diana that their can be many meanings to an abusive relationship.Also a relationship has to be more about how poeple treat each other.From my point of view an abusive relationship is one where some one gets hurt, usually physically or mentally, this than leads to ear or hate and it then becomes a very unhelathy relationship

  11. There are different ways to identify an abusive relationship, an abusive relationship can be identify as emotional, physical and even sexual abuse.Like the article had stated in order to have a healthy and well grounded relationship you need trust and a well ground bond. If I were to be or find myself in an abusive relationship I would make to be safe and find an person in my life that I could trust and ask them for support and help. I would stop talking to the person that was emotionally, psychically,or sexually abusing me and avoid them the best way possible.If one of my friends or family members were in an abusive relationship i will try to make them feel better and secure and help them solve it in a way that they don't get hurt even more.I'll make them feel better by saying that they don't deserve to be abusive and they should fight and defend themselves i will help them contact help from the police by telling them to dial 911 or even taking them to the police station.
    -Jessica Betances 9VO

  12. abuse relationship means someone who been abuse for someone like boyfriend, friends and etc. like slapping, pushing, grabbing, shaking and etc. this abuse relationship had been happened a lot of time specially with someone like your age. there's a different ways if your find yourself as an abuse relationship. one, if you don't feel insecure to talk to your parents because you think that they going to pressure you, you could talk to a friend that you can thrust or an adult because this situation is very important or also you can call the police, talk to a professional help, don't wait no more because this is can affect you for the rest of your life, don't be scared is time to speak. my responsibility for someone that i know that is in this situation, i will talk to him/her giving advice, supporting them, not just that i will tell them to talk to an adult like a professional help because i know that those person wouldn't give them the back. i think this is really important for a lot of people specially for me or for someone that has a relationship with someone and they don;t know what to do, i think this is make people to open their mind and think about this situation that is happening in the world, we should make better decision before we something wrong, or something that we're unsure to do.

    1. I agree with the way that you defined an abusive relationship and the call to action that you gave. In my opinion this article connects to speak in many ways especially when it comes to the relationship Melinda had with Andy. Andy physically abused her by hitting her . sexually abused her by raping her and emotionally abused her by calling her name and making her have low self esteem. i think if Melinda knew what to do her situation would have gotten better.
      - Amanda 9LE

  13. Based on the article I guess Melinda should tell someone. Though Melinda doesn't feel like she can trust someone yet. Her parents don't notice the signs but this book is 10 years old at least. Abuse is now a sensitive subject. Like as soon as you have a visible bruise parents, Teacher and neighbors all want to know what happen. 9vo

    1. I agree with Brain R because Melinda should have told someone that she was being abuse. Even though Melinda doesn't trust no one yet, she should tell her parents that she is being abuse because she should at least trust her parents the most.

  14. What it means to be in an abusive relationship is that the person you are in the realtionship dpesnt trust you and is always seeing were you are .I also believe it has to do with the things people do in the relationship that leds people into acting like this in the relationship . What you should do if you find yourself in a abusive relationship is that you should see somebody that you think can hear you out and give you things that you may want to do.Also if the evidence that the person you have spoken to has help you then its important to share that out with your parnter . I think that everybody responsibility is if you know someone in an abusive relationship to tell them to look for help and led them know that was they are going thower is not healthy at all and can affect themself's in a bad way.

  15. To be in an abusive relationship means you are being manipulated, threaten, or hurt. If you were to find yourself in an abusive relationship you must always speak to the partner cause sometimes the partner may not even know it’s abusive and if it continues you must ask for help or end the relationship. If a family member a friend or someone you know is being abused you can tell if there is unexplained bruises, excessive guilt, some sort of secret that she is hiding and avoiding school or major events. You must tell someone or get professional help for the person cause it might just worsen.
    Alexis Jimenez, 9VO

  16. I agree with Alexis and Joanna. An abusive relationship is when a person is being manipulated, threatend of hurt. i also agree on how alexis said that you must talk to your partner because your partner might not even know hes being abusive and also comunication in a relationship is always a healthy like for example, when your jealous. This is why i agree with Joanna and Alexis.

  17. To be in a abusive relationship means the person you are with has a problem with their life. I think the person that is being abused should tell someone a partner like a friend or family member because if they don't then you will keep getting abused.You need to get help because throughout these years many women have been killed due to being in an abusive relationship.Also this is something that people need to speak up about because if not then who would be there to help you so get someone to help you before things gets worst.Fernando Gomez 9sm

  18. To be in a abusive relationship means the person you are with has a problem with their life. I think the person that is being abused should tell someone a partner like a friend or family member because if they don't then you will keep getting abused.You need to get help because throughout these years many women have been killed due to being in an abusive relationship.Also this is something that people need to speak up about because if not then who would be there to help you so get someone to help you before things gets worst.Fernando Gomez 9sm

  19. i agree with Junior Mayweather because a person needs to learn how to fight their problems. someone can not always know if you are being beat or if you are being abused.the only way someone can tell is if you speak up. like David Henry Thoreau said "it takes two to speak truth, one to speak and another to hear." meaning you need to talk to someone that you feel comfortable with because that person will be the one who you need the most. so if you are in a abusive relationship talk to a freind, teacher counselor, therapist, or just call 911 and they will help you.~Brian Torres 9VO

  20. To be in an abusive relationship means that you’re with a partner that is getting violent to the other person it makes hard for them to talk or letting them talk. There are people making them do what they want so they can abuse the person or get more power from them by putting them a hard spot. I will talk to someone to find a solution for so what I can do for the problem with it and try to break up with so it won’t affect you with the problem. When they feel depress or not talking anyone about the relationship that they have for the problem or they feeling like stress from the relationship. When there is person that getting quite for days so since they last talk to someone there are having problems with the partner they feel like they are trying to get away from other people.
    Anderson German, 9VO

  21. If i was Melindas friend from the book Speak I would try and give her some advice. I would want to try and convince her that what happened in the the party that night was something she really shoundn't keep to herself. Melinda was sexually abused by IT, and her parents and friends should know. She should tell her mother so that her mom can help Melinda take some action. She should tell Rachele not only because they were once close friends but because she could help Rachele keep away from him , instead of just writing her an annonimous letter. This could of saved the relationship between Rachele and herself too. It is not healthy to keep your anger and your horible past on the inside , she should tell the ones who care for her so maybe they can help her , and save her being so alienated from everyone else. To actually understand that she should trush some people in her life. For Melinda to not do what Sarah did.

    1. I agree with you and I would like to add that Andy Evans also emotionally and physically abuses her. He emotionally abuses her by calling her "ugly" and " fresh meat " making her feel vulnerable to him and he physically abuses her in her hiding closet by decking her in the face. I think if I was her friend I would try to console her and also get someone who can actually help her but i would be there for her along the way because it was difficult for her to go through that all alone. Sometimes I feel that all Melinda needed was a friend because things like that always happen but it makes it easier if you have someone to guide you along the way .

  22. What it means to be in a abusive relationship is when a man or a women are becoming a little to rough with their partner probably if the man is cheating or the women is stealing from a man and controlling his life by force. Like for example if you had a girl tries to control different aspects of your life, such as how you dress, who you hang out with, and what you say and sometimes your family if possible. Or mabey if that person can also means that the person has unexplained bruises, broken bones, sprains, or marks.- Rafael Garcia 9VO

    excessive guilt or shame for no apparent reason

  23. Being in a abusive relationship means, that one of either partner in the relationship hurts the other person either physically or emotionally. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship you, should definitively talk to other people you shouldn't keep a problem as big as this to yourself. If you talk to other people like a family member or someone who trust deeply they, could help you find away out of this situation. If i knew someone who was in an abusive relationship i would talk to them in a serious way and tell them that this is not okay, if the relationship is bad, and abusive, don't stay in it. Do everything you can to get out of it, because the longer you stay the longer they have control of you, and this could affect the rest of you emotions toward other people even the people who are trying to help you.

    -Dhilexa Martinez

  24. To be in an abusive relationship is when your partner or your friend is very controlling over you. In the article it said that abusive relationships are when you are abused physically, emotionally, and sexually. If a person is in an abusive relationship they should get out of the relationship as soon as possible because it's just hurting you. The person wants to change you and your personality. Also the other person is very protective and they don't want you to hang out with other people just them. If you know someone who is in a abusive relationship then you should try to separate them as soon as possible because the sooner they are out of the relationship the easier it will be to get your life back. So overall people should stay away from abusive relationships and people should stop abusive relationships from happening.

    1. I agree with Fernando Alvarado when he states that an abusive relationship is when people are taking control over you. Fernando says, "In the article it said that abusive relationships are when you are abused physically, emotionally, and sexually. If a person is in an abusive relationship they should get out of the relationship as soon as possible because it's just hurting you." I completely agree with Fernando because you should get out of those type of relationship because it really isn't doing any good for you and your just being controlled. If you feel as if you were in an abusive relationship than you should get out of that relationship just like Fernando says, "because the sooner they are out of the relationship the easier it will be to get your life back."

    2. I agree with both Fernando and Anthony because if the relationship is an abusive one then it should end at the beginning of the relationship. I do no think that abusive relationships are common. I do not see or hear about it happening often but, sometimes I do. Like in the article when it said that abusive relationships are "physically, emotionally or sexually." Sometimes the person suffers through the relationship because they need something that the partner has. Such as money. The suffering partner wants a mutual relationship but, in reality it is a parasitic one. Do you think that there are reasons to remain in a abusive relationship?
      -Ronald Alvarado

    3. I agree with what Anthony said because as mention "relationships are when you being physically, emotionally, and sexually abused." In my opinion I think that is a very bad sign and should leave the relationship run to a friend and just let everything out. Like Lhia said "tell someone it is bad to keep things in" I agree with this statement because keeping it in just makes it worse and the person starts to think more and more about it and starts to become apprehensive. Just like the the article said the girl starts to lose interest in her activities. This connects to Health class because we went over abusive relationship and it is a bad idea when you start to lose yourself because of the relationship the person chose to be with you for you not for someone else
      -Sucre Marmolejo

  25. To be in an abusive relationship means that one of the people that is in that relationship is getting physically abused in anyway. By phone, e-mail, social networks, even out on dates when your partner makes you do something that you don't want to do but you don't want him/her to break up with you. I think that abusing your partner in a relationship should not be considered as a relationship because that one person might change who you really are and act differently with your friends or family. A relationship to me is when you and your partner be yourself and act the same way as you do when you see your friends. Don't make other people change who you are, you are you and that is how it should be.

  26. Brian Concepcion-
    What does it mean to be in an abusive relationship? Well, in an abusive relationship, one of the people in that relationship is abusing or trying to control the other person in the relationship. This can be physical, mental, or economical. In a physical relationship abuse the abuser is hurting the other person in the relationship causing the other person to be afraid and not leave them. In a relationship where there is mental abuse, the abuser is usually threatening or insulting the other person in the relationship which can also cause fear to the other person making him/her scared of leaving them. In an economical relationship situation, what the abuser would do is always try to control the other person by buying the other person nice gifts that are expensive making the other person in the relationship not realize that they may be abusing of them. What people should do if they’re in an abusive relationship is to first admit to themselves that they are being abused and end the relationship as soon as possible. If the other person in the relationship refuses to let you go, then use legal force to separate them from you. If you know someone is in an abusive relationship, you should always try to help and speak with the victim and try to talk them out of the relationship.

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    2. I agree with brain on what an abusive relationship can be.Also i believe that in a abusive relationship that the reason why it happening is because insecurity and not letting the victim speak his/her mind.Also like brain said u can be economical abused with out even knowing it buy get stuff for the abuse to take advantage and use the stuff they buy the victim against if you are getting abused or know someone who is get abuse you should get help for counselor or some one u truths that will help you.No one should get abuse it's unhealthy get help now or help a friend before you or they get hurt bad.
      Anurys Gonzalez,9V0

  27. To be in an abusive relationship means to be in a relationship where you are abused in any way. Some teenagers are in abusive relationships and they do not do anything about it because they think that they can not find anyone better than that person. They also stay in the unhealthy relationships because they think they are in love and can not live without them when in reality they can probably live better without them. If I were to find myself in an abusive relationship I would do like the article suggests and stay away from the person, I would put an end to the relationship and consult help from a trusted person. For that person I would seek professional help so that they don't go on in life living like that. If you are being abused or even think you are you should look for help now before it is too late. Although you might care for that person do what's right for both of you and tell someone. Its either now or never.

    Erika Cabrera, 9LE

  28. If I were Melinda’s friend, I would tell her that she needs to tell someone what’s wrong. Keeping it all in would just make her feel worse; it would make her feel like it was her fault that “IT” or Andy Evans raped her, it would make her feel ashamed. “A person who is being abused needs someone to hear and believe him or her. Maybe your friend is afraid to tell a parent because that will bring pressure to end the relationship. People who are abused often feel like it's their fault — that they "asked for it" or that they don't deserve any better. But abuse is never deserved. Help your friend understand that it is not his or her fault. Your friend is not a bad person. The person who is being abusive has a serious problem and needs professional help.” It also gives Andy the satisfaction. He feels that he got away with it, that she won’t tell on him because she’s too scared. He was the one that hurt her, and it is very unfair to let him get away with it because he could have gotten her pregnant or given her a STD. Overall I would’ve told Melinda to SPEAK.
    -Lhia, 9LE

  29. To be in an abusive relationship means to be sexually,physically, and emotionally abused.If you find yourself in this situation, you should get help from friends or family members or adults that you trust. If you see that someone you know is in a abusive relationship you should offer your support by encouraging that person to get help immediately from an adult. Victor Liz-9SM

  30. To be in an abussive relationship means to be in an uncomfterable relationship. This is a very big deal because everyone deserves respect no matter where they come from, what they do, or how they act. Both male and female should be respected in a relationship. If there is any type of abuse in any way, the person should ask anyone in thier surrounding for help, look up a number in a phone book, or go on the computer in search of some websites where help can be given as stated in the article. The most important thing to do when someone is getting abussed in any way in a relationship, they should defend themselves and show courage to the other person and show your not afraid so that way the abusive person wont get too confident in treating their partner as pleased. One last main important detail to know is that relationships dont only occur between couples but also between friends, family members, and more.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with you Stephanie because I think that abuse can happen between anyone not only in relationships. To be in an abusive relationship, means that you get mistreated and the other person doesn’t treat you the way that you would like to be treated. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship you have to put in your part to speak up and say what has been happening and find a way to fix it. You have to speak up like the character from Speak, Melinda never does. If needed you need to use self defense and fight the person back and contact 911 as soon as possible. You should tell others what has been happening because like I recently heard, a young lady was raped and killed by her boyfriend and they were able to find her because others were aware of the situation. I think that if you are not happy in a relationship, then why stay in it? It is a waste of time and sooner or later it can harm your emotions because it will cause for one person to stay hanging on while the other is not really interested. I am really against of relationships like this I think that if it ever happens, I will do ANYTHING possible to fight them back. Fighting back may not always work, but running away and calling the police asap will.
      - Gabriela Jimenez, 9LE

  31. If i were melinda's friend i would say to her:
    Dear Melinda,
    I think that you shouldn't take all of what's happened and keep it all to yourself, i think that you should SPEAK and tell someone what happened. You were basically abused by Andy Evans, you were raped! Don't drowns yourself in your own thoughts and feelings, don't choke yourself up like how you've been doing mostly all of the 9th grade.Let your feelings yourself!
    Byron Garcia~9LE

  32. Miriam Arrieta
    In the book speak Melinda should at least talk to a counselor, if she doesn't trust her mother then she should look for someone who doesn't know her. But of course it has to be someone profesional. Also what she did at the end of the book was something that she could've gotten into a big dramatic scene in where she could have been point at if Rachel reacted in a different way such as telling lots of people that she was inventing something because she was jealous. This of course is not true but people could miss interoperate things. Anyways at least she encouraged her self to finally speak. This shows that a strong tree has grown.

  33. If i were Melindas friend i will tell her to get help. Instead of saying it in a bad way like heather i will say it more nice and more understanding. i will tell her that she needs to talk to someone that she trust, someone that wont judge her for her past and for her mistakes. i would tell her that what Andy did to her was not her fault that she was abused and she couldn't do anything about it because she was young. i would just explain to her that she needs someone to be there for her.- Sally 9LE

    1. If i was Melinda's friend I also would try my best to help her! I see it as Melinda wants to talk but is afraid of what Will happen to her. I notice people trying to abuse her and use her for work like Heather or abuse her Sexually like Adam. Maybe she don't talk to people after seeing her parents bad relationship and problems with not speaking in the past to friends. So she is afraid to connect because she don't want to end up like that again! But it is okay because I would be there for her!

  34. Being in a abusive relationship means having respect and trust toward one another. If respect and trust has been lost in throughout the relationship then the relationship may end up falling apart. An abusive relationship can mean when one of the partners is physically abusing the other partner either by punching them, or kicking or hitting. Emotional abuse is like teasing or humiliating which I agree because when someone emotionally abuses others most times they don’t notice they are doing that. Also in the generation that we today live on sexual abuse can happened to anyone old to young, girl or boy… This connects to what I read in the book Speak because Melinda got raped by a older guy name Andy Evans when she was only 13. “In fact, 1 in 11 high school students report being physically hurt by a date.” As you cans ee by this quote abusive relationships can happened at very young ages. My advise to Melinda would be to stay strong because she went through a lot but to let all of her feelings out to someone she trust because by the end is going to make her feel better inside!
    -Edelin Contreras/9SM

  35. My advise to Melinda is to let her feelings and emotions out and share them with somebody she can trust maybe her parents. I think this because if Melinda shares her feelings she will feel “clean” in the inside with nothing to hide and it would make her a happier person since she is always shy, and doesn’t talk much. This article related to Melinda because she was rape and it was a sexual abuse, by IT Andy Evans. Abusive relationship should be shared and not jept to you self because you can get help!!!!! ALFHA GONZALEZ 9SM

    1. I agree with Alfha because if should let your feelings out to someone you trust.In the part that she got raped was an abusive relationshhip to Melinda.Also an abusive relationship has to do with respecting each other.

  36. being in an abusive relationship is when the person you are having the abusive relationship is you physical violence on you or when they are hurting you mentally,emotionally ,or physically.If i find myself in a abusive relationship i would try to anything in my power to talk to somebody about this because that not a good thing so i would talk to my mother my father my teachers the police but whoever it is i have to tel someone.If i know anybody that is in an abusive relationship i would try to talk to them about it and go get help for them.-Raymond Carvajal

  37. Being in a abusive relationship means you become into different person and your bf/gf is treating you like if your his/her puppet.Another is that you can know if someones abused if they are hurt or being someone who you aren't.

  38. Being in an abusive relationship can be hard to tell someone. In the book Speak Melinda was abused sexually. One can tell that she was in shock and didnt know how to tell her mom because she went home and just sat down without a word. She didnt try to tell her mom or her dad, she didnt try to tell anyone. Throughout the book instead of opening up and getting Andy Evans in trouble then she wouldnt have had to be scared and trying to hide from the world. In the real world any girl who is being abused might stay away from people and try to avoid the qestions of them being abused and try to look the other way. I knew this one girl who was in a relationship and I knew that she was being abuse because she would usually come with a bruise some where on her body and when I asked her she said that she fell or that her and her boyfriend was playing around. This is important because if you see that your friend is in an abusive relationship then say something because it's not fair for someone to have to live with someone who doesn't treat him/her right.
    -Rachelle Rodirguez 9SM

  39. To be in an abusive relationship it means to live in a relationship without trust. This means your relationship isn’t a healthy relationship. My aunt was in an abusive relationship, she has been punched, her hair has been pulled and her eye has been swollen. As years past by she didn’t even bother trying to tell the police anything. This is a bad sign because if you don’t report your case than most likely, your partner would do the same thing he did to you to someone else.

    Lorianny Almonte, 9VO

  40. abusive realtionships is just completely wrong.Many people have gone through an abusive realtionship and they decide not to tell anyone because they dont want to loose the person or they too afriad that they will get hit again by the person.Abusive always starts happening because of jeliousy or money something that always got to go down.Abusive shouldnt be allowed because ur more then hiting them ur hurting there feelings and the way they act.

  41. The advice i would give to melinda is to speak up and don't be scared to say what she has to say because satuations like getting rape wouldn't be her fault. It would be the guy that did it to her fault and should put andy to jail. Because he desvures that, and you never know if he has done it to other girls that aren't able to speak up or is planing to do it to other girls. Also speak to a auldt because they are more understandble and would help you because getting rape would leave a big scare in your life that if you don't get it heal it would be there for a very long time just repeating what has happened to you. I would tell her talk to her parents,friend,coulnser because they are the people that now her even better then anyone else and care and wanna know why she is cahnge/acting strange
    -Xiara Guzman 9SM

  42. To be In a abusive relationship is being in a
    Abuse by your Parntner

    If i was in a Abusive Relationship There some option i can do
    1 Cheat
    2 Tell her face by face
    3 Tell online/phone
    4 Tell somebody to tell her that i dont want to be with her

    If one of my friend was in a Abusive relationship and Don't know how to get out Option 4 is going to applied to me
    "(4) Tell somebody to tell her that i dont want to be with her"

    There always a way to avoid Abusive relationship but at time there will be Fatal risk if he/she is crazy or something but you just need a friend to help. one of my friend had a girlfriend who keep Texting,Calling, and Visiting him like ALOTS of time and she always give him a Paragraphs that have a Topic sentence A thesis a Analyze and a Conclusion. so it was really complicated so he got his Best friend to give her the news and Boom it's was over. but what i heard the thing his best friend said to her was Really Painful to hear in my point of view but it need to be done

  43. i agree with leisley beacuse beeing abuse dcould lead to you beeing tramatised and it could lead to a bad thinking towards guys beacuse you might think that all guys are going to do the same to you and is going to be really hard for you to trust a guy and to love them.

  44. I Agree with Elvin because all of those things sort of are the causes for the abusive relationship, and in my opinions there are guys and especially girls that are abused in their relationships and what i don't really understand how if your partner is abusing you and you still feel like you want to be with them but at the same time you want to be away from them, but i guess that, that is how love works for some relationships out there
    Wualez Tejada, 9SM

  45. Being in a abusive relationship could be very difficult and hard to get out of many ways.One way that is hard to get out of is because the person that is getting abused might not want to tell other people because she fears the abuser. Another reason why it might be hard to get out is because some people might not know that they are being abusive and they might not realize or thinks is being abusive. I feel that if you are in a abusive realtionship you should tell someone right away or get out of it before it gets worse. I also think that choose your partner wisely before actions even occur.

    Emile Lewis,9SM

  46. For a person to be in an abusive relationship it can be really devistating because it can scar the person for life. For example, if a person gets physically hurt they can always look at the mark and remember what happened to them. That would lead to emotional stress for sure. As you can see being in an abusive relationship can lead to many different things.

    1. i completely agree with what jay said. And it is true it traumitizes people for life and that hurts. And to the second sentence it is true because of a story i saw online about a girl who got physically abused by her man and he cut her with a knife and now she is scared of men. Thats why i think people should speak up and talk about their problems

  47. Juan D. Santos-
    To be in an abusive relationship means to be in an unhealthy relationship, with no trust or respect and does not take to consideration to their partners well being. It is also a relationship where the partner seems to rule over the other partner in a relationship and can both physically emotionally abusive. You should realize that you’re in an abusive relationship in the first place and know that you are supposed to be given respect and not be harmed physically or emotionally. Another choice is to get out of the relationship. Also talk to a friend or call the police, don’t think they won’t help, they will solve your situation. You should consider that you still have people who care about you very much such as friends and family. If you know someone that’s in an abusive relationship, the first thing to do is to talk over their situation; they may not know or understand yet that they are in an abusive relationship. You must help them understand that and give them support. In the worst case scenario if they are injured get them medical attention and call the police immediately or he/she will continue to be harmed or end up a worst state.

  48. Ashley R.

    To be in an abusive relationship is not healthy. A healthy relationship has trust, loyalty, and respect. Those who are abused emotionally, physically, or sexually should talk to someone that's one of the ways you can release all the stress and sadness you have inside.

  49. Justin Batiz
    To my advisement , I would tell Melinda to appreciate the friends that are good to you in life because there is a short chance that those good friends, if you abandon them or push them away due to your anger or frustration, they will not come back because good hearts normally, when their hearts are broken, have a long time recuperating themselves and they are not wanting to help you no more. Also , I say that when you get raped or had been through it, tell someone immediately because if you don't, you will be impacted negatively mentally and physically. As you go through it, you are going to seem to yourself "worthless". As well, have a friend that could give you patience, love , and care because you are going to be affected, whether you see it or not. Do this so that your sadness and stress be relieved and you will feel free as anyone in the world
