Monday, February 27, 2012

AoW#15: The Black List

Directions: Watch three or more of the documentaries from HBO's: The Black List and respond to one of the posting options below

The Latin List of Reyna and Yesenia. from Yesenia Negron on Vimeo.

cultures from Channel Santiago on Vimeo.

Scarlet Pena from keanu abreu on Vimeo.

NPR News Story Link:

Get your Beautiful Soul at

The Black List, Vol. 1: Al Sharpton (HBO) by HBOclips

The Black List, Vol. 1: Richard Parsons(HBO) by HBOclips

The Black List Vol. 2: Majora Carter, Activist... by HBOclips

The Black List Vol. 2: Bishop T. D. Jakes by HBOclips

The Black List Vol. 2: Bishop Suffragan Barbara... by HBOclips

The Black List, Vol. 1: Chris Rock (HBO) by HBOclips

The Black List Vol. 2: Deval Patrick, Governor... by HBOclips

Option 1:  
What does it mean to be a person of color in America?  What are the challenges?  What are the expectations?  Is race major factor in how we live in our current time or is America now 'colorblind?'  Use evidence from the above documentaries as well as your own experiences to support your answer.  

Option 2:  Reply to a classmate's post: 
  • Summarize the argument made in the previous post and agree or disagree with your classmate.  Be specific by pointing out what you agree with or disagree with.  
  • Then add your own response.  Use evidence to support your response.
  • Finally, post a meaningful question to keep the conversation going.  

Challenge 1:  Write a memoir about your own experiences with race in America.  Choose a specific a moment where you were very aware of your own race.  Explode the moment in time by using narrative writing techniques:  actions, internal monologue, dialogue, and imagery.

Challenge 2!!
Create and post a video about your own experiences with race in America.  Model your video after the above documentaries.  (See Mr. Voulgarides to post your video on the blog!)  


  1. In believe to be a person of color means a term to segregate people. It distinguish people to groups. Some challenges people face is discrimination and bad expectations. For example in when there was huge segregation people were races and never had a fair court for African American. Another problem they face was not being accepted in society and was treated with violence. Now society had done a huge improvement but is still not good enough. One example is the groups like the kkk still exist. Another thing is when Barack Obama was almost assassinated when he was making speech.
    -Alexis, jimenez

    1. I saw alexis write that to be a person of color it is a term to segregate people. I also saw him say that a challenge was to be discriminated against and not being accepted in society and that society now has done a huge improvement. I agree with this because sometimes you do have to face being discriminated against but i think that depends on where you are living because if you where to live in washington heights you probably would not be discriminated against.

    2. Xavier, I understand that if a person is being discriminated that they should face it but I disagree with that. I dont think that they should face that problem the government should be more stricter with the rule of discrimination. Reason why is because if te government had stop segregation but they didn't try hard enough to stop it. People how are dark skin shouldn't have to go through all of the negative thouhgts and have to try to live life. I find it very unfair because there are kids who make fun of mexicans because the way they talk and the way they look and because of the size not only that but because mexicans try to come to the United States and they have to pass the boarder line to get here. I get offended because we mexicans go through a lot. I dont know if you've realized but the white people have the most important jobs and get more money and get more of the attention by the government. Therefore I dont believe that the colored people should have to face the problem of discrimination.
      -Rachelle Rodriguez 9SM

    3. In my opinion to be colored is to be different than all the other white americans. Alot of poeple will descriminate against you and you will feel different.However being colored/black and being looked down on is a reason that other afro-descent poeple like us,not neccesarily black poeple try so hard to prove others wrong we are all the same.Some challenges of being colored in the U.S is having to deal with racism and prejudism.

  2. I think that their is a person color in america but that nobody likes to say it so they wouldnt be judeged. Also what i think that means is that if America has a prefect or best color. I believe that the challenges are to overcome anybody negative comments and to move on to what you really wanna reach at.I also think that some people in Americana are color blinde not only by color but by other different things .For example for the "Get your Beautiful Soul" she says that she felt werried in the fat of how the poeple were at around her and how different people were but that they were beautilful.

  3. To be colored in America means to be expected to fail. I remember watching the video that included Richard parsons and he mentions that when a person of color succeeds they mostly refer to him as a black person who succeeded, and when one fails there's this there's 'another' black person that failed its as if they expect you to fail. That's one of the big challenges of being colored, that bias that we are more likely to fail not even bias but maybe even statistics show.In my opinion this shouldn't put us down but instead want to make this negative belief and turn it into our success, this connects to the trailer where one of the speakers mentions that black culture has been about taking something negative and turning it into something positive. To be blunt America is not color blind, if we were color blind we would not call each other black or white but by each other's names. Everyone is always going to be different and believe in different ways, that fact that you are colored should be something to be proud of show everyone that you can prove what means to be colored in America, is not what it means to be colored in America. In my opinion America should become color blind in accepting everyone as they are, different but equally valuable.

  4. To be colored in America means to not have power and not be treated the same as other people in America are being treated. Things in America aren't fair. For instance, back then, when segregation happened strongly, water fountains were separated. If you were considered colored you would drink water from the fountain that says "colored," if you were considered white you will drink water from the fountain that says "white." Even when riding the public bus you were separated, if you were considered colored you have to ride in the back of the bus and if you were white you would ride in the front of the bus. In my opinion, the expected is that ALL people are treated equally no matter your skin color or where you come from. The only difference is the skin color, that shouldn't matter. I believe that there is a major factor today in America. Most people when walking down the street and see a colored person they think differently about them. Most hispanic call colored people 'cocolos.' So I think that people that when you see a colored person you shouldn't make fun of them or call them names or think negative about them. America should accept everyone no matter their skin color or their religion or background.

    1. I disagree, I see why would you would say that because its uncommon to see a person of color having a high end job. Though it's still a there for them it's a choice. I believe that if America had more people of color in power then mintories would have a better chance of succeeding. The road is hard but segregation isnt around like it used to be. Yeah you'll find a racist here and there but that's like finding a "color blind" person back in south in the 50s

    2. I agree with Sixto because "Race" plays a big role in America. To be races in America means to not have enough respect towards others in having a different race around them. To me , its immature to be that way because its like acting as if someone has a ugly lollipop color that you don't like at all and judging it just because of its color without knowing how it actually tastes . I am referring to how races people judge others by what they see *skin color * and not by knowing what they actually are . I think everyone should be treated the same. To be colored in America means to not have enough rights and be treated differently as the rest but more like trash . One way is like when segregation happened . It made separated events meaning having different ways in treatment by the color of skin. It is a shame to me how people can be so mean to others just by one simple thing,the color. So yea,I think people should be treated equally no matter what because at the end of the day were all the same, we are humans .

  5. Today in america race plays a big role in society. Some people say that race doesn't matter in america but it does because there is still alot pf races people out there. I believe that race shouldn't matter because we as humans are equal to each other and people shouldn't talk about race. Some people say that
    people of color do not have power and that they don't get as powerful as white people but actually thety do because there is alot of black people that are as powerful as white people in america. The only difference is the skin color but black people can be as powerful as other people because we all can do the same things. All the people in the world should be color blind and accept colored people just the way they are because they have feelings too. Everyone should be treatned the same no matter who we are or how we look like.
    Alfha Gonzalez

  6. to be colored in america means someone without respect and people that doesn't have the same right as back in the day black people didn't have the same right as others because they were colored, they were like slaves that didn't have respect and right to speak. back in the day black people could not go to the same place as other people. i have been seem in the news different situation for example i saw in the news that in poorest community that black people and hispanic people had been strugles between them because of the color. in my opinion i think that all of this thing it should not happen because we all are equal and we should treatned the same no matter what color, what situation we being have before.

  7. I think being a person of color in the U.S is a gift. I think is a gift because people of colored have been treated unfairly in America and the world but still have overcome that. People are sometimes looked down upon by white people,(not as much as before), but because of being looked down upon that gives a person of color the opportunity to become something great in their life so they can prove to that person they are something. Being a person of color challenges you but people of color always over come things They were slaves, it was abolished, no black president, now we do. Being a person of color gives a person pride to rise above everything.

    1. i agree with Chris because he mentioned that being African American and living in the United States is something to be proud of. I think that being an African American in the United states is something to be proud of because being African American means that you've been though a whole lot, things like slavery. And many African American in our history have made a change. People like Martin Luther King Jr , MalcomX and Rosa Park and that's something to be proud of in my opinion.

    2. I agree with Christopher because he said that being an African American in the United States is something to be proud of. I agree with this because the African Americans have gone through a lot in history and if they can achieve the same thing a white person can its more special. In the United States there still is some discrimination. An example is that there is sometimes police brutality against them and sometimes its because they are African American. They have to put up with discrimination and stereotypes. Thats why they are more special.

    3. I totally agree with Chris's point people of color have a gift that the rest of us lack. If Obama was not black do you think he would have still been elected president. African Americans have lived through so many rough and powerful times in their life times. To Fernando don't you think every race has stereotypes. However, some stereotypes are more hurtful then others. In the videos above each person had their own feeling about being black and that is because each and every single person of color has a different gift inside them. The most important part is whether or not to take advantage of it. Being of color means to be different and unique that you succeed and be a role model for your race. How does being of color have an impact on society today?

  8. Team,
    Please be mindful of the conversation we had in class today. As we discussed in class, the term 'colored' has a loaded history and can be offensive. Please be mindful of this as you continue your posts. Look forward to reading your thoughts -- enjoyed hearing your honest thinking in class today.

    Mr. Voulgarides

  9. to be called "Colored" is basically saying that you don't have the same rights as others in a community, or even anywhere.Back then, when Jim Crow Laws were known and being used, the "Colored" people had laws that were very strict.They barely had any laws in general, the Jim Crow Laws made a setback for the "Colored" people, and even now in this era, even though there isn't any "Jim Crow Laws" anymore(because of the 14th amendment).There's still some type of discrimination and slavery in this world. even though "Jim Crow Laws" aren't around in the United States anymore, "Colored" people should be treated the same way as everybody else even though they are a different color than everybody else and also there appearance shouldn't be judged.

  10. To be a person of color in America, usually means that people might treat that person in color differently then what they treat their other friends. There are a lot of challenges for people in the United States and even in the entire world. To be a person of color means a lot to me. I think that people of color should have equal rights and should be treated with the same respect as you do with your other friends. They should not be separated by other people just because they look different or that person of color doesn't look friendly to you. You should let them have the same equal rights as you treat your other friends with respect. It doesn't matter if your a person of color or not, treat everyone with equal respect. Divided we Fall, United we stand.

    1. I agree with Ariel in all the points he has proven in his post. Everyone should be treated equally no matter the race. Just how Rosa Parks stood up for her rights and created a big bus boycott, everyone can do something to defend themselves, but sometimes there will be consequences such as when Rosa Parks got arrested. However, she motivated several people and created change! Race has always been a big issue, but I feel like before it was an even bigger issue. There is still some inequalities between races with education, income, job opportunities, etc. I feel like everyone should be treated the same because we are all human. - Kathy Tavarez, 9LE

    2. I agree with Kathy and Ariel. Race plays a big part in someones life specially if they are a person of color. They have history and people tend to treat them differently because of that. I Believe That is unfair because a long time ago people fought for equal rights, they died for something they believed in and then people are going to keep doing what they didn't want. We are all equal it doesn't matter the color of your skin just who you really are in the inside

    3. I agree with Ariel. Just because someone is from another color doesn't really mean anything. We are all the same because we are all humans.Back then, people had to be separated. For example, white people had their our water fountain and the people that are from African American had to go to another place which was dirty. This was not fair and good thing that Rose Parks stood up for herself even though she went to jail for it. I also agree with Sally everybody is equal.

    4. I agree with Ariel because people should not be treated differently because of race.I also agree with Marisol because it's just like Rose Parks in the bus.Also segregation comes in with the different fountains people had to use.

  11. It means that are born in America but your people from back of day had name that gave a lot recess things to it that affected their decision. The challenges for being an African American is the police because think that there are most problem people that happened during segregation. Other challenge is that they call a lot people different names that makes them have hard time to fit by what happened in the past. The African Americans want to have people mad about what happened in the past than thinking about the future. I think that race is one of the major factors for people that are being bullied or being different from what others say about the person. One example that is happening now is that the people without documents are being deported and some weren’t so pose deport so they made problem with it. A lot of the Latin people are being deported from the U.S to their country that they used live in it is like what happened to the African American but send back to their country.

  12. Brian Concepcion-
    Basically I think that what it means to be a person of color in America has a lot of meaning according to peoples thoughts especially with what I saw in one of the three videos. One of those meanings can actually be what you think of others and what others think of you. A good example of this is when they put the lady that was talking about the way she saw another lady. The reason is because she was talking about the way she looked and how pretty the lady thought she was. She said this because she was trying to get to the point that people of color always sometime experience the way that people think about them and it might affect them at one point.

    1. - Sucre marmolejo
      What Brian said is true that to be a person of color has a lot of meaning. But I think that people of color Black or Hispanic have a lot of meaning towards the race, either it's the history or the places and people that are referred as Black or Hispanic. In my opinion I think there are challenges that a person of color has had from discrimination and slavery to the daily struggle everyone faces. For example take the Chris Rock video he mentions that a Black person will never win in court no matter how much we beat him and in some cases that is true, maybe not know as much as before but it still goes on. What struggles you think Black people/ people of color have faced and still are facing?

    2. I agree with what brain said about people of color that what you think of others and what others think of you relate to what people of color feel about discrimination. I also believe that it harder for people of color to be successful because of discrimination and living in poor neighborhoods with bad influence.For example in chis rock's clip he said that no matter what a person of color does white people will be succeed better.

  13. Algelis pastor-

    I think to be called colored is actually really racist. First of all, calling someone colored is actually another way to say the n word. Second of all, this word is actually out of date. People actually dont use this word anymore. So theres no reason to actually use this word anymore. I actually think there is still discrimination because for example if a black person buys a bussiness, then they owe nore money than a white person.

  14. Being a person of color can mean many things to many different people. For instance, it can mean that you're black and you're proud. Some people respect you for who you are, others disrespect you because you're not the same race as them. Some people look at people with color as a violent people, as someone you should be afraid off, that's what many people expect for black people to be like. Also, is kind off hard for black people to live in this world since they are judged a lot and they don't get as many rights as light skin people do. There still is a lot of segregation and racist comments. Now that i am thinking about it, this is probably why black people react the way they do because they aren't respected as much as light skin people are respected.

    1. I agree with you Rusmaldy. You state some very valid point.i would like to add that african americans are judged and sometimes people show some actual proof but its peoples right to act the way they want and i know its bad and its like segregation but the first amendment states that you have the freedom of speech. I personally think that people push that amendment to far and thats not right

    2. I agree with Rusmaldy because people see the term a person of color in different ways. Some people may not like you or respect you because of your race and even make fun of you because of that. Some people also think that people of color who are black are people who are bad and shouldn't be someone you should be around. People of color are judged because of who they are, I guess this is why the act the way they do.

    3. I agree with Rusmaldy, because African-American people are not necessarily granted all of the rights that everyone else is promised. People of color have always been looked upon of someone of lower class who does not deserve all of the rights of a person who is white for instance. The reasons behind this, I do not understand, who started this, I will never know. It was just something that people during a certain time were brought up thinking that was right and that was just the way things were to be. People now in the United States who are African-American are given more rights and are becoming closer to a united community than ever before. That said, they also have a lot of challenges and difficulties they come across, but face in a manner that only grants them more respect. I personally think that your race definitely has to do with the way America is now, because people of their culture and background always seem to stick together because they feel safer and more comfortable. Some people still even have racists views and that is just how people are built up and they need to get over it, because everyone deserves to be treated equally.

  15. I really agree with Rusmaldy's answer because how you don't have to listen out there what they think of you like a quote i know it it goes like this "Just be yourself men be proud who you are" which connects to Rusmaldy's response. Well another reason that people who are racist to the black people is if you haven't notice the president of the United States is black and this is what i don't agree with Rusmaldy's that black people don't have rights it this country let me tell you if black people didn't have many rights in this country do you thatBarack Obama was going to be the first black president of the United States? In my own opinion I think black people are taking over America because if you know about basketball the best basketball player is black and Michael Jordan was a big basketball player which changed the way the people should be treated. It isn't only black people that are treated without respect we got white people making fun of latin's we also have latin's and blacks making fun of chinese and we even have latin's making fun of other latin's which is poison that is going on and if we don't change it know peace will be destroyed and will never be restored.

    1. this is jayson flores by the way

  16. To be African-American in the US could mean many different things. From many statistics black people are thought be violent and dangerous. But it can also be a thing to be proud of because the history that the US holds showing how much dignity and power African-Americans have. Being African-American can bring some difficulties with discrimination that still lurkes around. For example there are still people out there that believe we should still be segregated. Another example is when Al Sharpton had said that the Civil Rights had let the manager read his application, sometimes because of where they live and what they are surrounded by, bad decisions are made ruining chances of success, which leads back to statistics when they say that they have a low graduation rate. Those are some expectations people have of them, to fail. I do believe that Americans and the country are not completely colorblind. There are still people that discriminate even if not on purpose,unconsciously. In my opinion, African-Americans shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin.

    1. i also agree that african americans are stereotyped a lot because i've witnessed them being stereotyped by cops, teachers and even friends. on the contrary every race is actually stereotyped by other races. for example, white people are known to stereotype on african american and latinos are stereotypical against whites. it is just a natural thing.

  17. The term “color” is very offensive to the black community. When people think of African Americans they instantly think of people that have no hope in life for them to be somebody successful. There is a lot of negative history behind this term and today is sill consider to be impolite. To be African American in the U.S it means being less of a person and unequal yet that’s not true and therefore, The Black List is trying to change those views. America is colorblind still today in the 21st century. Black and whites have the same potential to accomplish great things in life and Chris Rock, Majora Carter and many others are a great example of this. Like Al Sharpton said facts show that Black people are double unemployed to whites in America. Sharpton said, “To judge a tree strength by how deep the roots run under grown… And the Black trench was the roots.” Why is this happening you may ask? The Black List is celebrating being Black and staying true to their roots. You best believe I think that African Americans should indeed have the same rights as whites because we are all human and color skin is just a color and part of our identity.
    -Edelin Contreras/9SM

  18. To be a person of color in America means to be less than others. It means to have less rights, to be the last person in anything. One example of this that am saying is when Chris Rocks says "If you are black,there's always going to be kind a over reaction one way or another, regarding your presents, being good or bad". This means that being a person of color might be something different to other people and this affects a lot the way that a person of color lives in America. Because they see us the as strangers in America.

    1. Victor Liz-9SM

    2. I agree with Victor Liz because some black people in america are sometimes treated the same and sometimes different like obama for example, he is treated like a king because he runs and control, and rules, but when it come to black people that live in the getto, they are treated like criminals and sometimes treats to society because their skin color -Rafael Garcia 9VO

  19. To be a person of color in America means that you need to achieve more in the society to makes things different. It means to try to make things different and try to change and make things better in a society. One thing I am trying to say is that when Martin Luther King Jr.was around he wanted to change something that was to try to make everybody to be in one community and to make everybody like each other and not to judge people. I think that his goal wasn't achieved as much because people today still try to make a difference. For instance in Occupy Wall Street there are people who are wealthy and don't have problem struggling in the other hand there is people from different background protesting because they are trying their best to make their families have good things but they keep on being let down.People think highly different of others because they think they aren't able to achieve something in that company or they won't try their best.
    Channel Santiago

  20. Being a person of color in america, means to constantly be looked at to see if you are going to do something violent. There is many stereotypes about how people of color, are always violent and dangerous. Because of all these stereotypes many people prefer to stay away from African Americans,for example a person who is aware of these stereotypes and is running some type of industry, that person, won't hire the african americans because of these stereotypes. There is still a lot of inequality in the US. Things like discrimination, and segregation still occur in things like public places, schools, and etc. Overall the treatment of "colored" people in the us is a lot different than the treatment of any race in the us.

  21. what it means to be a person of color in america is gaining more chances to achieve great things.some of the challenges are employment also racist profiling and etc... some people dont have many expectations for people of color but the ones that do expect to be shown what people from of other races can do.


  22. i think if u have any color that is not white you will be looked down upon, sometimes by the people of your own race. I think that this society is always looking for a race to have in the bottom. That when all the stereotypes start to come into play. If people would stop being fed up all the time and complaining we can actually make some change, instead sitting in your couch asking what am i going to do? actually get up and do something because when we don't we get angry and then some of the things that where stereotypes start to become true. Im not saying this is true for all, am saying is true for some. Yeah is hard not to complain and argue because is hard is hard.

    1. I agree with you Yohan because many people nowadays just sit around and wait for a change to happen but don’t actually help with the changing of things. I think that you need determination and dedication to keep on fighting to get what you want. I do believe that being of color in America is a challenge because there are many people that think you can't do the same things a person that is white can do just because of your skin color. I believe that this leads to discrimination in the world. Even though the Jim Crow Laws are no longer valid, there are similar things that happen.som people separate themselves on their own but others are forced to. There will be things that will be hard in life but that’s when you give it your all and prove that their wrong. It’s life and things that will try to make you fall will ALWAYS happen so there’s no point in complaining. a power leader that we should keep in mind in Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X , who gave it their all to make a change and change the minds of people. They knew that sooner or later something really bad will happen like getting killed but they knew they will be successful if they gave it their all. Keeping in mind that people died for us, we need to try to make a change so that the people of color are not looked down on, judged, and discriminated. It’s a mental abuse and causes rage throughout the world. The black comedian Chris Rock said "If you are black, there’s always going to be a kind of overreaction one way or another, regarding your presents, being good or bad". This shows how many people worldwide have noticed what’s wrong and they think we need to change that because they are being judged by their race and skin color. That’s wrong but how will this change? Americans are scared of the government...

  23. To be a person of color is to be able to say that you are person of color. This means you are able to say it with pride. Also this is how you represent your family and background. It doesn't really matter who you are or where you come from, what matters is what you have in the inside. This is how people meet other people, by their simpathy. Besides this it is important because it is the way you build trust around others. Being a person of color is what most of us are, mostly us as latin people. Don't you think so?

  24. i think that being a person of color in america means that you are treated differently and not have the same equal right as other people. in my opinion i think that america would never be "color blind" because even though you might not see it always, people still do get treated differently because of race.

  25. To be a person of color in America it means that you come from a background that had to go through a really difficult “Journey” to come out into the light in order to be with other people. The challenges that have been always in the path of what you might call black people are discrimination and segregation. This all came from the era of when white and black people despised each other but there were people like Martin Luther King Jr. who went for the light….he believed in peace and if there was anything as such as peace….he will do anything to grab it! MLK opened the eyes of many people in order to integrate not segregate. Black people were expected to be treated more like slaves than people and they really had to deal with it for a very long time. Race is a major factor in America because there are thousands of people that come from a different background and race and that aren’t the same. They are in matter of fact different. I don’t think that America is colorblind but that it is just wearing sunglasses. There are people that are actually blocking people to see the true meaning and all you need to do is take them out of the way. That is all you need, take off the shades and see the world in an all new perspective, see the light.~Byron Garcia, 9LE

    1. I agree with Byron. Being of a certain backround is very col knowing that you have so much history behind just by your pigmentation of skin. I find that very nice to know.


    Reyna & Yesenia , 9LE

  27. i agree with Mr.B-Garcia on what it means to be a person of color. Althoug MLK wasnt the only one who standed up for what he believed in. There was also Rosa Parks,Malcom X,and many more. But what we need to remember is that in the US and all over the world there still is segregation. Times changed but people havent and thats what we need to focus on.~Brian Torres 9VO

  28. To be an African American means to be someone of "Color" , but not only of color but a special figure that represents the past. I think the term colored refers someone of dark skin or someone pretaining to an African American culture or back round. Being in America theres many sterio types. Before in history , the segregation laws held back the African Americans from doing or attending certain things. Now, the laws are gone but around the world this unjustice of African Americans is still going on today. For example take Joseph Kony and his unright actions to maintain power and tyranny.

    - jasmine Diaz, 9LE

  29. To be African American is to be a normal person just of a different color. I really don't see nothing different between black people and others. In my opinion things changed many of our famous people and athletes in popular sports are African Amreican. This is evidence that America has changed now we have people from hundreds of countries but some people will always have something against black people and nobody can do nothing about it because people have the right to have their own opinion. Fernando Gomez 9sm

    1. I agree with Fernando in the fact that you will always have your own opinion for black people so it really doesn't matter what you think or what others think because its opinions , everyone has them. Although I think when people have an Opinion, it is always just an opinion, just a thought but when you have numbers or people on your side with an amount of support I think that it makes change. Theres change in numbers. Theres value in numbers. Also, I want to suggest that those people with numbers and support are the people with the corage to make change and actually pursue what they want. Notice all the movements that have happened and that have occured because those colord people with their opinions spoke out and had numbers which made change. jasmine , 9LE

  30. When it comes to our community especially or any other community, race is a big issue. Us people dont know how to accept each other the way we are or the way we look. I realized that this has been an issue since a long time ago and especially with African Americans. This does not mean though that we should continue this childish game and be followers. The funny thing is that children are never really too childish to judge another person by how they look and the color of thier skin. I have actually experienced racism myself and I still continue to everyday of my life. People judge my white looking skin even though i am really hispanic,Salvadorian. They make fun of me and most of the times put me nick names like white chick, or blankita. This makes me feel very uncomfterable and when I laugh or talk my face sometimes turns red and I blush but its due to my light skin but people dont seem to respect that. People should put themselves in other peoples shoes and think I wouldn't like to be judged so I might as well not judge others. I really seem to admire the Black List because they seem to show confidence towards their race and where they come from and even the people they admired were proud of thier race. Lets hold hands and be proud of ours!

  31. To be African-American is to be a Colored person and those Colored person face Racism All day Everyday.these people been threw a lot and people don't show respect and the show " Blacklist" show the way how Being African American is and People who are Celebrities show the way how the way of being colored is... this Relate to me because for being Hispanic (Cuban-Dominican) And the thing is I been Called Trujillo And Fidel Castro because of my Nationality and i just Notice Isn't White is a Color in my Crayola Box so there count as Colored person to so there Hypercrit and Ignorant
