Thursday, April 5, 2012

AoW #17: "Get it Done"

Answer one or more of the following:

Option 1:  
What role do young people play in forming the future?  Do older generations have an obligation to listen to young people?   Use evidence from the article and/or your personal experiences to support your response.

Option 2:  Reply to a classmate's post: 
  • Summarize the argument made in the previous post and agree or disagree with your classmate.  Be specific by pointing out what you agree with or disagree with.  
  • Then add your own response.  Use evidence to support your response.
  • Finally, post a meaningful question to keep the conversation going.  

Post twice!  Respond to the video above (see option 1);  For your second posting, choose an article of your choice from below to comment on as well!  In your commentary, be sure to reference (give the title of) the article you are commenting on. 

India's fed-up middle class

An anti-corruption crusade inspires millions of middle-class Indians to political action for the first time

IQ test scores in the U.S. increased by an average of three points per decade during the 20th century.

Are Americans smarter than ever?

The nation's IQ scores have kept climbing over the past 100 years. Does that mean we're brighter than our forebears?

South Sudanese fly the country's new flag and celebrate the recent secession.

The world's newest nation

The map of Africa changed last month when South Sudan split from Sudan. What are the country's prospects?

Medical professionals are challenging the conventional wisdom that antidepressants are any more effective than placebos.

The case against antidepressants

A growing chorus of critics is challenging the widespread use of antidepressants. Why?

Ah, the well kept lawn: The outdoor refuge that is a $40-billion-a-year industry in the U.S.

Blades of glory: America's love affair with lawns

What’s behind our collective obsession with weed-free expanses of velvety green?

Though black swans aren't as rare as once thought, their symbolism is that of transformative occurrences, like 9/11.

Black swans

From 9/11 to Japan's earthquake, history is shaped by events that seem impossible — until they happen

Severe droughts in China as well as epic flooding in Australia have withered crops and driven food prices up worldwide.

Fighting over food

Soaring food prices are spreading hunger and helping to spark revolutions in the Mideast. Why is food so scarce?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez  reportedly looks for opportunities to challenge the U.S.

The anti-American

Embattled Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez is cracking down on dissent, and ramping up his hostility to the U.S.

Salva Kiir, the president of southern Sudan.

Sudan's perpetual war

After decades of violence, Africa's largest nation may soon vote on whether to split itself in two. Is civil war on the ballot?

Good teachers are always seeking new ways to engage their students.

Targeting teachers

Education reformers, researchers, and even a new film all argue that unfit teachers are dragging down our schools

Are online marketers the new Big Brother?

The internet is spying on you

Every time you go online, sophisticated data miners are tracking your every move. What do they know about you?

Automakers like Mitsubishi and Ford plan to debut their electric cars next year.

The future of the electric car

After years of talk but little action, automakers are starting to churn out all-electric vehicles. But will anyone buy them?

Amstrong at the latest Tour de France.

Cleaning up the Tour de France

Did Lance Armstrong use artificial help to win seven cycling championships? He wouldn’t be the first

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani

Death by stoning

The pending execution of Iranian woman Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has sparked an international outcry.


  1. Teenagers play a role in forming a future by us getting into different types of problems and ways. I personally think that older generation should listen to what we have to say. It would make a difference if they would and society needs all of us to do something and make a change.

  2. The role that young people play in forming the future is making changes in society. Changes that adults need to listen to get an idea of what young people want. Changes that would affect the society positively.

    1. I agree with victor at the fact that people of older age should listen to us because we are learning new things that will impact our kids minds in the future and they would most likely be following our foot steps and it while continue to affect further generations.Our generation plays a major role in our future since is continues to affect peoples life because it changes the generation as we continue on.

  3. Teenagers play a role of a "Slave" because mainly,the only thing that teenagers do as the future goes on is just listen to their parents and really most of time, teenagers don't really have the right to speak up to their parents or even to their teachers at school. I really think that people from the older generation should really listen to teenagers because teenagers are educated, and they have many thoughts that go through their minds

    1. Teenagers do have the right to speak up, but the "older generation" sometimes, gives us advice because they were children too, and are probably more educated than us

  4. i agree with Luis because adults think that just because they were our age once and did what we do now they think that they know everything and what goes wrong. Thats were adults are wrong. the way things were in the '50s have changed. And adults need to understand that we too know what is going on in this world but we also know how to prevent things from happening.

    1. im agree with brian because adults think that everything they says is right and our opinion is wrong but not their wrong because i knowrest that when their were our ages they didn't have the same right as us.

  5. teenagers play a role in forming a better future and changes to the society for those who want to be listen for those who want to be for their parents, governments, and adults. older people is not the only voice to hear because yopung people also has the right, feedom to speak that's why sometime young people make a bad decision because their parents, society do not wanted to hear their speech.

  6. I believe young people have a huge role for the future because they will continue the legacy left behind by the past generation. Older people have an obligation to listen to young people because we are following their steps as future writers, bus drivers, manager or employer in a corporate company. I was thought at home and at school not to leave a mess or liter anywhere because it was plane nasty and made it harder for the person who had to clean it up. Well multinational conglomerates are making it harder for young people to continue their jobs or steps, and do a good job. For example fast food restaurants are taking over the U.S, and it’s reducing people lives. Have you ever thought one of these children could be a future congressmen or a president well these people have a life to live and it’s all being taken by multinational companies. How much is human life worth, I wonder what they’d say? Our environment may not be the best but why make it worse, why wanting to fix climate change in 10 years when if it isn’t fix by 5 can leave permanent and harmful causes to the world. The people in charge now are just making it difficult for young people and that is why older generation must listen to young people. Is it really worth killing innocent just for a stock increase because that is pretty much what is happening?
    -Alexis jimenez

    i think that the availability to food has decreased around the world. the reason is because countries in Africa are suffering. children there are dying of starvation, and nothing is being done to help in my opinion the United States has more money for food than any other country in the world. The US has states that grow products in their own farms. These farms are owned by farmers. The farmers make the product and send it out for shipping. Also the US has more industrial factories that make products, pack them into packages, into a truck, then to a market. Why send it to us? Why not send it to countries who really need it. For example Japan has no homes, barely any shelter and they cant survive. So why not send products to these countries who are currently suffering more than us? Its just my opinion.

  8. "Get it Done" This article is showing how much of an important role young people play in our societies and communities, like Anjali Appadurai. Anjali Appadurai spoke out at a conference and she spoke on behalf of half of the world's population on the topic of Climate Change. Anjali Appadurai, supported her arguments about the Climate Change with facts and how we only have a maximum of 5 years to unite as a world and help make change before we have permanent damage of our climate's change. This is demonstrating how young people can make a significant change to our world and help unite people to make a bigger change.

    1. I agree with Anthony on the part where he says young people can make a significant change to our world. I agree with this because if we mess up the plant there where not be any more genorations to come. Another reason we make a big change is because of what Mr. Lenzner told in class. He said if put a lot of effort in spanish class and school we can prove Newt Gringrich about spainsh being the language of the "Ghetto". If we become well educated bilinguals maybe someone from our generation will run for president and win and give the spainsh race a good reputation.

    2. I agree with Anthony when he says How this article is"showing how much of an important role young people play in our societies and communities".Anjali Appadurai take a stand and spoke out and said what she believed. She didn't just have an opinion, she was able to support it. the fact that she took that big step shows how this generation may be able to make a change. if we all get educated and show that we are informed and that we care we can make a change. Just because she was young didn't mean that older people didn't listen to her because if they know that what you are saying makes sense then they will listen.

  9. in the article"FIGHTING OVER FOOD" i think that the availability to food has being decreased a lot because of that economics. in different country like in Africa people doesn't have the ability to get enough food."if our child goes to the hospital and we have to pay for that, then my wife and i do not have a meal. how can Mubarak be worth and we have so little?" these is the reason the food had been increasing a lot. people doesn't have the opportunity to buy good food because doesn't rich for then.that's why U.S should be equal as other country who needs as same as us.

  10. Young People do have a job as the generation of the future. Our job is to educate ourselves in order to be able to fix the wrong that the older generations have committed and also to get them to listen because we are too young to do it alone. Older generations do have an obligation to listen if they wish to have a better future because one day they will get old and need doctors and whatnot to help them , those people will be people who were once young. This video shows how a young woman fought for something she believed in with strong words and brought it to the attention of people who were older and had more power than she could have alone. She brought the issue to them ,stated why it was important and really took initiative by asking them what they plan to do about it and why they haven't done it yet.

    1. I agree with Reyna, younger people do have a job of speaking up and educating the older generations of the crises the world is facing now. It helps to see other perspectives of things that are going on in the world instead of just hearing from the older people, who are usually the people with the power and they control what the people are told at all times. Listening to the younger people can often tell people the truth and what the others are avoiding to tell the public. However, I disagree with Reyna on the fact that older generations have an obligation to listen to younger generations. Nobody has an obligation to listen to anyone else, people have rights to speak up, but nobody has to listen to someone if they don't necessarily want to. Although it would be nice and it would make life a whole lot easier, people always have a choice on what they want to do and when they do it. The young lady from the video, was very brave in the sense that she spoke out and asked for help from the people that were listening to her. It all just takes small steps and things will get done.

    2. I agree with both Reyna & Erika. Young people are very important & have a job as the generation of the future. We do because in the future the older generation is going to need the younger one. The older generation has an obligation of educating the young ones so that the future can be in the hands of wise people. I agree with Erika with the fact that the older generation has to listen to the younger one because no one HAS to listen to another person. The older generation likes to judge the young one most of the time which isn't right. The same way that young people learn from the older ones, they learn from us. We need to help each other for a better future.

  11. People in all should help to change the generation but i believe that young people are easy to make a change. Older generations do have an obligation to listen to young people because when there generation ends they would want the best for the following generations.

  12. young people actually have many roles that help form the future. Like for example, a computer software engineer might find another program that could make a computer no longer have any problems with viruses or screen problems or a person from the younger generation might achieve to be the president of the United States and actually make peace towards all countries. Or maybe they might have a way a person could fly a car withought hurting others. There are many other roles a person from the young generation could change the future and they need adults to actually guide them to that future and great decisions towards life. Also, I think adults should listen to the younger generation because you never know if they actually have a great idea towards the future that could help the world. Just because we are teenagers, doesn't mean we have nothing to say.

  13. The Young people have many roles for the future. People in the other generations needs the new generation to keep on what they are doing. This generation can continue on what other people has been doing ever since the earth was made. We can guide other generations to come and also continue what we are doing.

  14. Young people have a huge role in the future; we are the future. Like Reyna said, our job is to educate ourselves and others to make a better world and have a better brighter future, to learn from the mistakes older generations made so that we don't make them again, and so that we can fix them. Right now our job is to study, go to college, so that we can accomplish this role of improving our future. We have to study to be able to find the cure to HIV or cancer, find a way to clean up our world, stop wars, etc. I think that older generations should listen to younger generations and vise versa. Older generations have a greater knowledge and can tell us right from wrong, but younger generations are up to date on new technology and how this has affected our world. Both generations have to work together to create this bright big future.

    1. I agree to what lhia is saying because is true, we can make a difference

  15. i think honestly that us Young people do play a role in the future. We are the future now.Our main focus is to make the world a better place and have a greater future.To not only accept the mistakes the older generation made but to learn from them and create something more bigger.Our job as the younger generation is to study and accomplish the goal to make it to college and have a brighter future. We need to be able to stop all the unnecessary things in this world like the incurable diseases and the wars, to finally bring the world at peace.

    1. I agree with Jessica ^ . I say the same thing , that young humans play a role in the future. I also say this because our point in life is to become successful to make us have a great future in front of us and learn from our generation of what's good and what's not . Also , I agree because we need to make this world a better place in where everyone is in peace and not having to worry about dangerous things that are happening around in our society .

    2. I agree with both Jessica and Paola, us teenagers to play a major role in the Future. We should be focusing on what role we are playing now and start planning what role you'll be playing in the future. We need to accomplish the goal that we have been setting for ourselves, like Jessica said. Our main focus is to become somebody that will be remember for all the good things we done. Meaning we should go to college and become a master on the subject you enjoy, because if we do something for the future trust me the world would be a better place. We are a community and we should set a goal as a community.

      Lorianny Almonte
      9VO :]

    3. I agree with Jessica, Paola, And Lorriany. Apart from the fact that young teenagers play a big role in the future, we also decide when it should be taken into consideration. The reason for this is because we are getting educated now and learning from many mistake adults in front of us have done. We should respect our elderly but try and show them our ideas so that they can take them into consideration and about. This will soon play a big role in the future.

    4. I also agree with Jessica, that us young people do play a role in the future. When we grow up we are going to change stuff. Since we are gonna be older and have children we are teach them things and they will learn from us. I also agree with Stephanie because its true, we are getting educated so we can be someone in the future.

  16. I think that young people have a big role in the future because they are go to continue the next generation and teach the next generation how things should and should be.I believe that the older generation should listen to what the young generation has to said and try to Compromise with the situation.For example i agree with what the women in the video said the we should make cuts and help poor county like Africa get food they need.
    -Aneurys Gonzalez

  17. I think that young people have the power to make a difference in the future and to make a a big change. I think that the world should listen to what we have to say too because not only adults are part of the world. I think that since we are the generation that is going to be someone in the future, people should listed to what we have to say. WE should make a difference and get it done.
    Alfha Gonzalez.

  18. Brian Concepcion
    I believe that the role that young people play in the future is to advance and try to become more successful so they and the society can benefit from their skills. I know that the older generation are not obligated to listen to young people because they have power and they can just shut us up, but they shouldn’t need to be obligated to listen to us. It should be their choice because if they don’t, youth will want to solve their problems themselves and that might not be the best idea. And I should know from my own experience.

  19. Young people play a big role in forming the future. The older generation have to listen to what we say because are going to be in charge of the future and we will be the only ones left. They have to help us solve the problems that they created by being selfish. Because the people that own companies want to make money at all cost. They have destroyed our climate and many natural places just to make money. Just like the young woman said we have to start helping the people in poor places like in Africa. We are spoiled with food while people in Africa are starving to death. We have to help the poor because we all are humans.So the older have a big obligation to listen to us the young generation so we can have a better future.

    1. I agree with Fernando because the older generation started the problem and the least they can do is listen to our request. The youth generation one day will become the older generation and the generation before them would be in demand towards the future oncoming older generation. Right now she was speaking behalf half of the world but, as time passes by the younger generation will speak on behalf of most of the world. The youth generation’s role is to prevent the conflicts their older generations has caused. Therefore they must hear us out because then nobody would be heard.
      -Ronald Alvarado

  20. I am bias with "Get it done" because teenagers today might be the future of where ever you are but today;s generation we are slacking off you no why because all these people in the politics especially newt gringrich that the spanish language is from the "ghetto" and he might be a racist person but the facts show that latin people don't care about their education and this is why we won't see the first latin of the United States because a lot of people are just slaking off. If we don't stand up for what we want because today technology is advancing a lot and since it is advancing then this new advance technology will take your next future job even if you don't have a education. jayson flores 9VO

  21. I think that young people do play a big role because young people are the ones that are going to see the future and experience it to its fullest. No one knows when the real future will come when the world is at its best and there is a decrease in the bad things happening today but the chance of it happening is probably going to be seen by the young people today. I do not think its an obligation for them to listen to us but they should at least think about what we say and take it into deep consideration. -Xavier Rosario 9LE

    1. I agree with Xavier's point that young people play a big role. The reason is because the youth is the future of humanity. The actions of young people impact the future. Young people as my parents say "are the future." In the end of the video she says "get it down" and repeats this with a replica of a Mic check that was introduced by the occupy wall street movement. I don't necessary think older people need to listen to the young generation, but it is a good idea to listen to them because the young generation have things to contribute like the older generation.

  22. I think that young people are the future because they are the ones who are going have to take charge in order to take on or change the ways of the older generation. I feel that yes the older generation has to listen to young people because they are the ones that are going to take on the responsibility, of this community and government when the older generation isn't going to be in power. I think that its a cycle, because when the younger generation of today grows up and takes on more responsibility another "young generation" is going to form then they are the ones that our going to be speaking, and we as the next generation have to listen to what they have to say, because they will grow and take our places as the cycle continues.

  23. -Young people play an immense role in their generation. We have the skills and the ability to learn from past mistakes and prevent them from reoccurring. As young adolosents we are smarter and have more mobility to strive for success. Every generartion is more legible to a better future than the last with new technology and resources. We resemble a lot and need to express our knowledge to an audience of people who would not only hear but listen. Anjali Appadurai is just an example of what we can do and what we need to carry on. Her courage is what we should all learn to have . To be able to captivate ideas, topics, crisis and inform,debate,argue counter arguments. As adults , its not mandatory to listen to us the younger generation but as good people it should matter. Adults an all people from other generations around the world would listen but we need to first , get organized and preach those thoughts and ideas in a clear respectable form . It would be pure greatness if adults would listen . RNS. -JASMINEE 9LE

  24. Young people have all the power in making the choices for our future and our generation. We have experiences and we also have in mind the things that older adults have told us and also the experiences of others. Older and future generations are obligated to hear what we say because we are the ones that are planning to make a change which will affect everyone. Our generation has the power to do anything that will positively change the way things are now. Is the voice of one person going to be heard? No BUT that is why we have to work together to make a change. Just like the speaker was saying, change has begun since 2011 but it doesn’t stop there. Even the COP President said that she spoke for about half of the world’s population and that she spoke so well that she should be the first and last speaker upon that topic. Being a young lady, she made it clearer to the older generations what we want and need to change. With the mike check repeating “GET IT DONE" the audience was able to capture what she was saying and also support her. I think that age does not matter in this change but the power and motivation given.
    - Gabriela Jimenez 9LE .

  25. I believe that our generation has a huge role in our future. Because in a couple of years, once we hit the age of 18 we will be a high percentage of what happens in our society. I don't think that people of older age should be obligated to listen to us, well at least not yet because we are young and at this age we aren't 100percent right but they should consider the fact that our generation is basically the future.
    -Katy Rodriguez 9LE

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with Katy because what we decide to accomplish when we turn 18 will determine what happens further in our generation and the generations after us. We will have an impact as well in our kid's lives because if we went to college they would most likely take that example and look up to their parents and also go to college. People of older age should be obligated to listen to us because we're learning new things and just because we're young doesn't mean we don't have enough experience to talk about anything. Our generation is going to create an impact in the world and the people of older age can't do nothing about that. I personally find our generation something big because some of us are going to be the first ones to actually go to college and be something big in our family. -Kathy Tavarez 9LE

  26. Juan Santos_9VO
    "Get It Done"
    I disagree with Katy Rodriguez on a few things. Children play a huge role in forming the future because they will soon take over the problems that the adults are facing now. In reality even if were being taken care of, being given a education and living under their roofs we should respect them for all they have done so far, but I believe they are not respecting the young folks by not listening to us or our opinions thinking means very little. Alright so far what I understand is that when the Administration for Children's Services comes to check on how a parent treats their child that it's his or her opinion that matters, but when they decide to speak about politics the adults ignore their opinions completely. Adults are so caught about their problems fighting each other that suddenly their children become the parents and the parents are the children where they needed to be told to stop, look and listen. Adults do not seem to understand that the reason why we are speaking up to them now is because their decisions are affecting our world and our future. Children are then suddenly the voice of reason but grown ups refuse to listen until its already to late.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Yes, I think that the young generation us teenagers play a big role because with the experiences that we are getting should help us become somebody important and successful when we grow up. As Anjali Appadurai represented the entire community about climate change and how is going to affect us, we also should follow her step and become/do somenthing significant that we care about. As this reminds me of the PSA we had to do for ELA class, we took a stand in somenthing we thought was important and shared with the world. Therefore Anjali Appadurai was a example for many of that making a change is somenthing POSSIBLE not IMPOSSIBLE!
    -Edelin Contreras/9SM

  29. “Get it Done”
    I think that the young people have a big role since they know what is happening more than the older generation. The young people will have better knowledge of what is the problem of the government and how to fix an economy since there they notice a lot of the problems that the country has. I think that the older generation should listen to the young people because there are people don’t listen to them but they saying important about something from it. They are some show a lot leadership making have more reasons and have more knowledge making them beware of what is happening now. The older generation doesn’t know that young people know what is happening and they should take some ideas to help them to fix the economy and other government problems.

    Anderson German 9VO

  30. I believe that the role that young people play in the future is to advance and try to become more successful so they and the society can interact.The older generation are not obligated to listen to young people because they have power and they do not want to listen to the truth and to what kids have to say because they are always right, but they need to be obligated to listen to us because what if its important.And I should know from my own experience.
    -Raymond Carvajal

  31. i personally think that yes us teenagers have a huge role in our future. i mean we are the future, and in a few years not just when we turn 18 or 21 but when we feel 100% ready we will make big decissions that might or not affect our society. further more i do think that adults should be aware of us teenagers because not all of us are in the right track of making positive things in our society. it would be fine if they look up for us and we look up for them>.

  32. I believe that the minority in this generation are big parts of our worlds future. How teens are forming are future now is by the way they're living. For example; now a days many of them don't go to school or do poorly because they dont put the time and effort into their work. How does that effect our future? It might mean less people in college, meaning higher college tuitions, meaning its more difficult to recieve a good education. Adults now should be obligated to listen to what teens have to say because you never know, maybe one day as they get older and we do also they might work for us one day. So if they have "ideas to run by us" and we dont listen, we look to be the bad ones; when in reality we are just being treated the way we were in return. Us teenagers are the future of this world, so hopefully we can make sense of how disfunctional and unequal our government is; so we can change it and make a better difference for the next generation and future ahead of ours.

  33. Older generations do have an obligation to listen to young people after all we are the future. Also, what will happen in the future if we do not listen to our youngsters? They are obligated to not just listen but to also help them reach the right path. Instead of loathing themselves with all the "knowledge" and saying that they need more time, why not educate out younger generations about what should be done in the future and how to do it. They should want to educate these youngsters and turn them into smart leaders."Get it done."

  34. I agree with rachele because we are the future but i also believe that the old generations have a lot of wisdom to give to the young to. Even though things have changed from the past there experiences can also benefit us also and help us throughout the future and our lives
    Emile Lewis 9sm

  35. Targeting Teachers

    Thinking back to my experience in K-12 and two years of college, I\'ve had at least 5 teachers that should have been fired for being either mentally unstable people or pathetically incompetent. Public school or private school made no difference. Why should we simply trust that all teachers are doing a good job? Even when bad teachers are clearly harming kids, not much can be done because of a system of tenure. Why should any profession be exempt from performance benchmarks? Emile Lewis 9sm

  36. Our role in the future is to keep going or improve our society from all who had damaged it. Also for people who want to become better then others in certain topics that involve our community as one and live one in our cultures healing the wounds of the land
    Rafael Garcia 9VO

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Young people in this generation play a really big role for the future. You never know, you might be riding the subway and might be sitting next to a future lawyer, or a future hall of fame baseball play, or a doctor, etc. and those are young adults from our generation. In my opinion, i think that no one has to feel obligated to listen to someone else if they don't want to. You do what you feel is right in your life whether its listing to the younger people or not. The girl in spoke in behalf of half the population and was asking for help from the people in the hall listing to what she was saying. The older generation shouldn't judge the younger generation based of their background or skin color. Us the younger generation should depend on the older generation and the older generation should be able to depend off us so that the next generation should be better and so on and so forth.
    -Sixto Mescain 9VO

  39. This ban does not infringe on one’s individuals nights. This actually helps them. In pushing their latest antismoking initiative, city officials cited a 2010 study in England showing that smoking among 16- to 17-year-olds dropped by 30 percent after the legal age of sale for cigarettes was raised to 18 from 16 in 2007. This shows that overseas raising the age was only a good thing since underage smoking dropped. New York officials estimated that rising the age to 21 would reduce the smoking rate among 18- to 20-year-olds by 55 percent, and by two-thirds among 14- to 17-year-olds. This also shows that if we do this there is a good chance there will be a positive effect. In conclusion I feel that this doesn’t affect ones rights only helping them.
