Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcome to Article of the Week!

Welcome Team 2015!  In order to facilitate  discussions around our "Article of the Week," we are moving our AoW to the blogger.


1.  Read and Annotate: (this will still be collected in class)

  • QUESTION:  Ask level 1, 2, and 3 questions
  • CONNECT:  Make text-self, text-text, text-world connections
  • INFER:  What is the author's purpose for this piece?  Why does the writer include or exclude certain information?
  • DETERMINE IMPORTANCE:  Highlight the most important words, phrases, and other information.  Why is this important to the article?
2.  Post
  • Post an original response.  You may respond to the questions on the bottom of each AoW or post an original response.  Use text evidence to support your response.
  • Reply (comment) to a teammate's response  Use text evidence to support your response.
  • Keep the conversation going with thoughtful, text-based responses.  Use text evidence to support your response.

    Note on professionalism:  This is a public blog available and visible to students, teachers, parents and administrators within the WHEELS school community.  Please make sure the content of your post is appropriate, professional, precise, and accurate!  If you are worried about grammar or spelling, try composing in word, use the spell/grammar check, then copy and paste to the blog.

    *Article of the Week online blog is a structure adapted from Kelly Gallagher (


    1. I disagree with the writer of this article completely. I really think technology has affected us positively for many reasons. One reason is that if we didn't have technology we wouldn't be able to communicate with people across the world. Due to technology we are allowed to progress with cures for diseases, stats for sports. With technology we are allowed to predict the weather, now if that doesn't happen I would feel sad for everyones plans that got ruined from unexpected rain. Another reason technology has affected us positively because it we didn't have technology we couldn't replay famous history movements that have happened. Another reason is that with technology everyone can know what is happening in the world at that moment due to technology. This I why technology is a great thing in the world.#Christopher Arnaud

    2. I really think technology has affected us positively for a lot of reasons. one reason that if we didn't have technology, we wouldn't be able to communicate with anybody across the world. For example, Skype has help us talk to friends and family all around the world. And another example of technology that helps us everyday is Microsoft Word, if there wasn't any Microsoft Word, students that have bad writing won't be able to pass classes because the teachers won't be able to read what the students wrote.

      1. I disagree with you(Luis) because technology has not affected us in a positive way. For example, techenology helps ciber bullys hurt and make people feel depress and suacidal because of the things they write only can make people feel un safe. Another reason is that sexual predators are not only around you in the real world they are also online too. Sexual predators can make you belief that they are the perfect person for you by liying about the things posted online.The average kid, ages 8-18, spends over 7 ½ hours a day using technology gadgets equaling 2 ½ hours of music, almost 5 hours of tv and movies, three hours of internet and video games, and just 38 minutes of old fashioned reading.This keeps your brain from thikig and analyzing or discovering things about your surrondings.In 2004, 16% of children (over 9 million) that are between the ages of 6 -19 years old are overweight or obese, a number that has tripled since 1980 (mostly due to electronic usage). Being overweight can bring with it great health concerns. Many of these children have a good chance of developing Type II Diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, social discrimination, high cholesterol and/or blood pressure.The amount of violence kids are exposed to while playing video games or watching television. Many TV shows now posses poor role models and expose children to things that they may be too young to see while video games allow kids to play with fake guns.

      2. I agree with Diana, because technology is very useful. Everywhere you go you'll see someone listening to music or reading for example on an iPad. Without technology how would we live our life? Technology is not a bad influence because if it was none of us would have been using it. Luis, I know technology may have bad stuff that influences kids but their parents are the ones that need to keep an eye on them not companies that construct our technologies.

      3. I agree with Luis and Totally disagree with Diana and Lorianny because the way technology has really affected us because the way how technology has stop us from knowing our own identity because texting all day isn't a identity like spending time with your family is really important because life is to short and technology is starting to eat your mind and not enjoy life. If you want to talk to friend then don't start texting them just talk to them in person. Lorianny your parents aren't the one who make you use the technology it is yourself who wants to be online and not even listening to your parents and then you get cranky because they are stopping you what teens these days say is enjoy life which is a crazy idea. And technology are ideas in why people are doing bad stuff because there are bad ideas in the internet.

      4. This reminds me of the triangle shirt waist factory.An explosion occurred that injured many employees.Companies should care more about their employees as much as they do about their products.In this discussion I agree with Luis and Diana technology is needed in this world.Without technology we would have not evolved as a species,my point is that technology gets it done! It makes our lives much more easier and efficient.

    3. I agree with this writer 100%. The reason for my agreement is because us teens are to focused on our social life to actually take the time to interact with our family. Technology takes our time away from being what we are which is kids. When was the last time we played on a Summers day. I don't even remember wither because we're to busy texting.

    4. I disagree with this article because technology actually makes his country who it is. I mean where would we be without technology? Teens sometimes dont associate with their mothers for reasons right? So why blame the only factor which is technology?

    5. I agree and disagree with the author’s perspective. One way in which I agree is because technology is kind of like taking over our life’s! The reason to this is because many people won’t leave their house without their phones and things like that, also while they are walking they are just texting and ignoring the world around them. This is very negative to me because is separating us from the world and reality. Another reason is because the social web such as Facebook and Twitter have taken over our social life. Instead of going to a family’s member house we would just chat with them online. The social media is taking control over you just because things seem to be easy. On the other hand, I disagree with this because if we had to do a school project and we had to do research instead of going to the library and reading plenty of books we would just Google it at home. It make’s life so much easier and better. Technology is also very good for us because if you are outside or waiting for the train you can just pull our your Ipod and listen to music, and you would be entertain. Therefore technology can be both a bad influence to our life’s and also very beneficial.

      1. I agree with you Edelin because sometimes Technology is a bad influence on people.
        Alfha Gonzalez

    6. I diagree with the article. Yes is true that technology has ruined many teenagers life, but technology is very useful. You see and use technology everywhere you go. It is used for a lot of things such as, homework, work, entertainment and etc. You see technology even in professional places. Without certain techonology we wouldn't be who wer are now. Technology helps develope many new ideas and without entertainment the world would be boring doing and having the same things everyday. Also technology is used for comunication and you need comunication espeically when you out in the streets for any type of emergencys.

      1. I agree with you Rusmaldy about the fact that technology is very useful. Without technology we wouldn't be able to complete this homework assignment right now, we would have to write it by hand instead of simply typing it up. Even teachers use technology to help us learn. For example, teachers use laptops to type up their lesson. However, I do understand that they're some people who use technology for negative things such and cyber bullying and in that case that is wrong. But, that can be avoided in several ways. Technology is very useful and I think we're mostly concerned about getting the actually technology, not really about who or how people make it. This connects to our food decisions because we choose to eat food that taste good such as McDonalds even though it's made in a very disgusting way. -Kathy Tavarez, 9LE

      2. I totally agree technology is the future if there was no technology man could not advance. We could not be as strong as we are we cant aim higher if we are as stuck as we would be without technology. it can solve almost any problems like, violence,money,corruption,pollution and many more. But nothing is totally good there is always a bad or dark side like cyber bulling and all that kind of stuff.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I agree and disagree with the article for so many reasons. One reason is because technology is like the best thing for people and some people technically die without it. But the people should understand that technology isn't everything. Another reason of why I agree with this article is because people should know that technology isn't always good for people because they don't want to go out or anything just because they are on their ipads, ipods ETC.. The thing is that people should sometimes put away that thing I go out side and hang with their friends.
      Alfha Gonzalez

    9. I disagree and agree with the article for a lot of reasons. One reason is because technology has changed many things today it has changed the way we communicate and has made it way faster then it was 20 years ago.Also it has nothing to do with why people don't go out for example there are many things out there for teenagers to do like sports and clubs. Technology never stopped me from going to Football practice or going out to hang out with friends. People have time to use technology cause it's not going anywhere it's gonna keep improving but what people choose to do it's up to them._Fernando Gomez 9sm

    10. i disagree with the article beacsuse technology is like the best thing that happened and without it then how we will do are typed essay how we will communicate with people in just a second and how we will listen to music i disagree technology is everything.
