Sunday, January 29, 2012

AoW#12: In China, Human Costs are Built Into an iPad

In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad
Source: New York Times (
published January 25th, 2012

The explosion ripped through Building A5 on a Friday evening last May, an eruption of fire and noise that twisted metal pipes as if they were discarded straws.

When workers in the cafeteria ran outside, they saw black smoke pouring from shattered windows. It came from the area where employees polished thousands of iPad cases a day.

Two people were killed immediately, and over a dozen others hurt. As the injured were rushed into ambulances, one in particular stood out. His features had been smeared by the blast, scrubbed by heat and violence until a mat of red and black had replaced his mouth and nose.

“Are you Lai Xiaodong’s father?” a caller asked when the phone rang at Mr. Lai’s childhood home. Six months earlier, the 22-year-old had moved to Chengdu, in southwest China, to become one of the millions of human cogs powering the largest, fastest and most sophisticated manufacturing system on earth. That system has made it possible for Apple and hundreds of other companies to build devices almost as quickly as they can be dreamed up.

“He’s in trouble,” the caller told Mr. Lai’s father. “Get to the hospital as soon as possible.”
In the last decade, Apple has become one of the mightiest, richest and most successful companies in the world, in part by mastering global manufacturing. Apple and its high-technology peers — as well as dozens of other American industries — have achieved a pace of innovation nearly unmatched in modern history.

However, the workers assembling iPhones, iPads and other devices often labor in harsh conditions, according to employees inside those plants, worker advocates and documents published by companies themselves. Problems are as varied as onerous work environments and serious — sometimes deadly — safety problems.

Employees work excessive overtime, in some cases seven days a week, and live in crowded dorms. Some say they stand so long that their legs swell until they can hardly walk. Under-age workers have helped build Apple’s products, and the company’s suppliers have improperly disposed of hazardous waste and falsified records, according to company reports and advocacy groups that, within China, are often considered reliable, independent monitors.

More troubling, the groups say, is some suppliers’ disregard for workers’ health. Two years ago, 137 workers at an Apple supplier in eastern China were injured after they were ordered to use a poisonous chemical to clean iPhone screens. Within seven months last year, two explosions at iPad factories, including in Chengdu, killed four people and injured 77. Before those blasts, Apple had been alerted to hazardous conditions inside the Chengdu plant, according to a Chinese group that published that warning.

“If Apple was warned, and didn’t act, that’s reprehensible,” said Nicholas Ashford, a former chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, a group that advises the United States Labor Department. “But what’s morally repugnant in one country is accepted business practices in another, and companies take advantage of that.”

Apple is not the only electronics company doing business within a troubling supply system. Bleak working conditions have been documented at factories manufacturing products for Dell, Hewlett-Packard, I.B.M., Lenovo, Motorola, Nokia, Sony, Toshiba and others.

Current and former Apple executives, moreover, say the company has made significant strides in improving factories in recent years. Apple has a supplier code of conduct that details standards on labor issues, safety protections and other topics. The company has mounted a vigorous auditing campaign, and when abuses are discovered, Apple says, corrections are demanded.

And Apple’s annual supplier responsibility reports, in many cases, are the first to report abuses. This month, for the first time, the company released a list identifying many of its suppliers.

But significant problems remain. More than half of the suppliers audited by Apple have violated at least one aspect of the code of conduct every year since 2007, according to Apple’s reports, and in some instances have violated the law. While many violations involve working conditions, rather than safety hazards, troubling patterns persist.

“Apple never cared about anything other than increasing product quality and decreasing production cost,” said Li Mingqi, who until April worked in management at Foxconn Technology, one of Apple’s most important manufacturing partners. Mr. Li, who is suing Foxconn over his dismissal, helped manage the Chengdu factory where the explosion occurred.  “Workers’ welfare has nothing to do with their interests,” he said.

Some former Apple executives say there is an unresolved tension within the company: executives want to improve conditions within factories, but that dedication falters when it conflicts with crucial supplier relationships or the fast delivery of new products. Tuesday, Apple reported one of the most lucrative quarters of any corporation in history, with $13.06 billion in profits on $46.3 billion in sales. Its sales would have been even higher, executives said, if overseas factories had been able to produce more.
Executives at other corporations report similar internal pressures. This system may not be pretty, they argue, but a radical overhaul would slow innovation. Customers want amazing new electronics delivered every year.

“We’ve known about labor abuses in some factories for four years, and they’re still going on,” said one former Apple executive who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of confidentiality agreements. “Why? Because the system works for us. Suppliers would change everything tomorrow if Apple told them they didn’t have another choice.”  “If half of iPhones were malfunctioning, do you think Apple would let it go on for four years?” the executive asked.

Apple, in its published reports, has said it requires every discovered labor violation to be remedied, and suppliers that refuse are terminated. Privately, however, some former executives concede that finding new suppliers is time-consuming and costly. Foxconn is one of the few manufacturers in the world with the scale to build sufficient numbers of iPhones and iPads. So Apple is “not going to leave Foxconn and they’re not going to leave China,” said Heather White, a research fellow at Harvard and a former member of the Monitoring International Labor Standards committee at the National Academy of Sciences. “There’s a lot of rationalization.”

Apple was provided with extensive summaries of this article, but the company declined to comment. The reporting is based on interviews with more than three dozen current or former employees and contractors, including a half-dozen current or former executives with firsthand knowledge of Apple’s supplier responsibility group, as well as others within the technology industry.

In 2010, Steven P. Jobs discussed the company’s relationships with suppliers at an industry conference.
“I actually think Apple does one of the best jobs of any companies in our industry, and maybe in any industry, of understanding the working conditions in our supply chain,” said Mr. Jobs, who was Apple’s chief executive at the time and who died last October.

“I mean, you go to this place, and, it’s a factory, but, my gosh, I mean, they’ve got restaurants and movie theaters and hospitals and swimming pools, and I mean, for a factory, it’s a pretty nice factory.”  Others, including workers inside such plants, acknowledge the cafeterias and medical facilities, but insist conditions are punishing.

“We’re trying really hard to make things better,” said one former Apple executive. “But most people would still be really disturbed if they saw where their iPhone comes from.”

You can read the entire article at:
The iEconomy: In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad

Response Questions:  Choose one of the following options for your response:

Option 1:  Who is responsible for poor the working conditions described in the article:  Apple and other companies that use foreign labor to manufacture products?  The United States government?  The Chinese government?  The American consumer who buys these products?  Explain and use specific evidence to support your response.

Option 2:  Reply to a classmate's post: 
  •  Summarize the argument made in the previous post and agree or disagree with your classmate.  Be specific by pointing out what you agree with or disagree with.  
  • Then add your own response.  Use evidence to support your response.
  • Finally, post a meaningful question to keep the conversation going.  

 Challenge:  How does American capitalism affect different groups of people?  Does capitalism support economic equality?  Why or why not?  Use evidence from this article and/or other sources to support your answer.


  1. Option 1

    I believe that the ones responsible for the conditions of their workers are the company owners. It’s in their hands to decide how they want their companies to work. In this article, it is stated that even when Apple knew about the incidents, they decided not to worry about it; “If Apple was warned, and didn’t act, that’s reprehensible.” They decided to do what benefited the company best, which was to keep the former policies, because if they changed it, it would affect the time of production and shipping; “executives want to improve conditions within factories, but that dedication falters when it conflicts with crucial supplier relationships or the fast delivery of new products.” They want to keep us, the customer, happy, like they’ve been doing for the past years, so they won’t change anything. If anybody can change their working conditions, it’s the company, but “workers’ welfare has nothing to do with their interests.” “Two years ago, 137 workers at an Apple supplier in eastern China were injured after they were ordered to use a poisonous chemical to clean iPhone screens.” If I were Apple, and something like this happened I would fix it because, we the costumers, might think twice about buying something that can cost the life of anyone around the world.
    -Lhia, 9LE


    2. I agree with you. The company owners are responsible for the conditions of their workers and the conditions they work in. It really does shows how Apple is more worried about the products being made and not about the workers who get injured due to making these products.
      -Arlin Guillen

    3. I agree with Lhia because I believe that the people that are responsible for the conditions of their workers is, the company owners. If they have the power to own a company then they should be the ones responsible for the condition of their workers. With such an important role would comes important responsibilities and I believe that if they don't take good serious care of their responsibilities that they have, then maybe they shouldn't be in the position of being company owners.

    4. i agree with you . The company owners are the ones in charge of maintaining everything how it's suppose to be. It actually does show how Apple is more into the products being done and not about the others who struggle with making it.

    5. I agree with you Lhia. the company owners decide how they want things to happen. they choose how the job will be done and they are the ones who have the liberty to atleast buy chairs for the workers. I Can connect this to what i learned last year about the sweat shops. How so many workers suffered just because of the owners, because the owners were not considerate.

    6. I agree with Lhia because its true that the company owners are responsible for the conditions of their workers. They should be responsible for their condition because since they have their company like Katy then it would be fair to be responsible for their conditions.They should also be more worried about the people who are injured instead of the protects that they have. In my opinion first comes the people and then the protects because they help to do the products.

    7. i agree with Lhia. The company owners are responsible for the conditions the workers work in. They should be responsible for any injuries that happen.

  2. I think that everyone is equally responsible for the unfortunate events that go on in Chinese factories. First i think that the united states play a part in this because if you trying to keep a productive relationship with such a powerful country like china you should at least keep an eye on your companies so they don't have a power overdose with the labor that they give to the Chinese workers. The Chinese government also has a blame on this because they kind of let the american government take advantage of its citizens. Lastly the companies themselves because they see it happening under their noses and don't do anything about it.

    1. I disagree with you because the fault goes to the owners of the companies because they should take care of their workers. Also if the United States Tries to Start waching the conditions of the chinese factories then it might start a insident between the U.S.A and china. I agrre with what you said that the chinese government is to blame because they should pay attention to their own factories.
      - Keanu Abreu, 9LE

    2. I disagree with Yohan the reason being because is true the United States should make the factories better since they are the ones responsible in creating the Ipod,Ipads etc. But then again is true that the Chinese Government should be more responsible in their workers who work in there factories and make the items or devices we the people depend on.If it were me i would care for my workers and instead of telling the united sates to fix it i will fix it for my self because they are my citizens so i have to protect them. -Jessica Betances 9VO

    3. i agree with yohan because people have responsiblties for there own actions.i also agree with jessica because we should make the factories more stronger.i always think that they should be careful about the people they hire because it can be fault about why the companny is bad in there way.i also agree with keanu because of there owners they should be wiser of the people they this point i agree with all 3 of ya.people should just make better dession of people they hire.

  3. I believe that the company's are responsible for the poor working conditions in these factory's. The reason I believe this is because yes its true they want to make us happy and provide us with the best experience but it doesn't mean they have to treat people like/or close to slaves. I think it is their responsibility to take responsibility and provide good working conditions for the workers because from all the money that they are making it would not be much trouble to send 10000 dollars to make the conditions a bit better.
    -Xavier Rosario

    1. I agree with Xavier because when i started to read it said companies are responsible for the poor working conditions. The United States is not to be blamed because the way they have nothing to do with the factory's they companies have around the world. It is the company's fault because just imagine how much money a ipad cost or a ipod a lot and just imagine how much stuff of the apple company make a day and they don't have enough money to pay for a safe working conditions. The people in china should see the american history because the Industrial Revolution was a time in the United States that is happening the same way in China.The people should stand up and fight for there rights.

    2. Jayson,
      Nice point about the Industrial Revolution! I wonder what the working conditions were like during the U.S. Industrial Revolution? Research anyone? Could be an interesting reply!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I tend to agree what Xavier and Jayson is saying but not all the blame goes to the companies all do I do agree with both of you that the companies are wrong to use foreign workers and pay them as much as they should be getting like the workers that in production in Latin America. Like stated in the article "'Apple never cared about anything other than increasing product quality and decreasing production cost,' said Li Mingq." This is hurtful for the environment, the workers and the companies because just like apple said if the people knew where there products came from they would stop making apple tech. and stop buying tech. from them. Also to answer Mr. Voulgarides question in the Industrial Revolution the conditions where very bad worse then now for example I remember from last year I was in social studies class and my class and I where studying the Industrial Revolution and heard a story about a who girl cut her finger off with the sowing machine and didn't even notice because she was so exhausted from the hours she worked to support her family. - sucre marmolejo 9LE

  4. I believe that the ones who should be blamed is the Chinese Government and the United States. One reason is because if the United States is taking the stuff that they make like the ipods or the ipads that the United states should be helping them get the factories a better and safer place to work in and make the products that the US depends on them to make. Another reason is that the Chinese Government should also be blamed because those are their people and they should be worried that their people aren't being treated well in factories. They are not taking the time to listen to what the workers have to say and what they want to change.If I was working in a factory and most of the products I made went to another country and I had bad conditions I would have quited the job because I would be very concern for my conditions and wouldnt want to risk my lfe for people who wouldn't have much concern for my health.
    -Rachelle 9SM

    1. I agree with Rachelle because it is the chinese citizen that arent having any rights in their jobs. But i disagree with the fact that rachelle believes that United states also is to blame the reason why i disagree is because we just pay for the ipods and ipads we dont mess up or have rules in which have with the works in china conditions.

    2. I understand where you say when the United States shouldn't be blamed but what happens if you were making products for other people or other countries and you was working in a factory where the conditions were bad you would want to also have the other countries do something because of the products that you are making are helping make their lives easier while yours in be treated bad and unattended.

    3. I agree with Joanna for many reasons. One is that the United States shouldn't be blamed for China's mistake. Us as a society have fought to have a good relationship with other nations to make things better. I think that without technology we wouldn't be as organized. Do I think it's right to blame other people for making a simple mistake no because it happens to us on a daily routine.
      I think that nobody is responsible for the fire. I- personally think that the people who were making the IPads cases are not doing hard work labor because they choose to that as their career or job. Just because the Chinese people are different than us they are not like movies we see that their bad. And if Apple didn't trust them they shouldn't have had them working doing work for us in the United States. They are not doing poor jobs because I see the struggle that most Americans go through and it's the same I believe. Not everybody is perfect but I believe people try their best to provide for others.

  5. -Alexis Jimenez
    The Chinese government is to blame for people getting killed and injured in apple factories. In the United States there are laws to prevent situations like this from happening. The United States had a huge history with this type of situation back in the Industrial Revolution when workers weren’t treated right. Workers had to work too many hours and didn’t get paid enough much like the places that people are getting hurt and injured now. Thankfully Franklin D. Roosevelt made working conditions better, safer and worthwhile. The Chinese government must fix their high profiting companies and make laws that help hard workers. This will continue if nothing is done so always inspect as well and if it’s not fix after a notification then it not a place worth working and must be shut down.

    1. I disagree with Alexis that the blame is on the Chinese government's fault for people getting killed and injured in apple factories.I believe that the government played a part in the environment that they allow as a work place.Also I think that most of the fault for deaths and injures are the fault of the workers who choose to staying in a unhealthy environment knowing all the risk that could happen to them.But I do agree that Chinese government should make a law against factories conditions and inspect unhealthy work places notify them to fix them or shut them down till the work place is healthy enough for works no to get hurt.I believe that if Chinese government had the same law the united states has for working conditions the would be less deaths in factories like the apple factories.

  6. i believe the united states goverment and chinese goverment are responsable for those company's. one reason is because they using us to make their company's better and better,also because li mingqi said '' apple never cared about anything other than increasing producy quality and decreasing production cost.''i agree with her beacuse apple never cared the effects that can prevent our society. i wonder the apple's company's reaction when they could not make more ipad, ipod touch and different things. this is unbelieveble because apple sales $13.06 billion in profits and $46.3 billion. Every year comes new tecnology even the world is growing up more and more, and steel learning new things.

    1. I agree with scarlet because its true we should blame the united states government and the Chinese government. One reason is i do believe that apple doesn't treat there works in a good conditions and all there care about is making money. Another reason is i believe they should have gave the workers more free time but they didn't because they didn't care of the fact that they had 137 laboers were injured. A third reason is we use to live without all this ipad,ipod and the other things so i do believe we could live without them again so more people could be alive and not be injured for us. -xiara guzman

  7. I think the working conditions are terrible. 137 laborers were injured in China. They used poisonous chemicals to clean apple material. This is too risky for peoples health and less people will buy apple materials because of this. I think that the people responsible for this are the companies and apple. The companies are responsible because they force workers to work in harsh laboring conditions. While the companies make millions of dollars manufacturing apple materials laborers suffer many terrible working conditions. Apple is responsible for this too because they know that they the workers have bad conditions but they don't do anything about it. Apple just wants to come out winning money no matter the cost but it's unfair to the workers. This is who is responsible for bad laboring conditions in companies.

    1. I agree with Fernando for several reasons. One reason is that how is it possible for you to use poisnous chemicals to clean the apple material when you know people will work on that? That is very dangerous and you are basically putting yourself at risk when you do that. In my opinion, the company 'creators' or whoever make desicions for this is at fault.This is because they are wasting a whole bunch of money making chemicals and several other things and then towards the end to find out that they probably can make something right but at the same time loose aomething big. These are horrible working conditions and nothing is being done about it.
      - Yesenia.

    2. Yesenia, I agree with you & Fernando as well. Those who are the "creators" of the company are at fault for all of the deaths occurring due to making Apple products. How is it that they are going to use poisonous chemicals to clean these products if they know people are going to work with this? Many lives are put to risk, way too many. It's like the owners & important people don't care, they just care about the money.
      This kind of relates to slavery in some type of way. The slaves were made to do a lot or work, too much work. The health of these slaves didn't concern the owners, the owners just wanted more money to be made & more crops to be picked.
      Its sad to think of the fact that these people's health are being put at risk, while we're here enjoying the products made by these hard-working people. Apple doesn't care about the health of these people which is also saddening, they just care about making billions of money. These horrible working conditions need to stop. Something should be done about it.
      -Arlene Salcedo♥.

    3. Dear Fernando i pretty much agree with everything you said i thought that when you said that the company makes millions of dollars they do not help the laborers at all. They even know that the laborers are having trouble with these chemicals it is very harsh. I think that Apple should do something about this because the people working(the laborers)are in chaos. Apple should make better working environment don't they make like billions of dollars well they should HELP THEM its unfair!

  8. In my opinion this article speaks a great deal about corporate responsibility and places a great spotlight on the chinese government and their actions. This article , writen by two americans , did a wonderful job of pointing out different groups and their faults. From this point of view, i have been lead to believe that all od the people are responsible for the poor worlking conditions described.
    First of all, the apple company in itself is reponsible for these horrible working conditions which have lead to deaths and casualties within the factories where these products are manufactured.It has been revealed that apple was warned of the factory conditions and they said something along the lines that corrections have been demanded. A former Apple executive admittedly said, " We've known about labor abuses in some factories for four years and they're still going on.Why? Because the system works for us. Suppliers would change everything tomorrow if Apple told them they didn't have another choice." Of course this sound immoral. Some might dare to push this question further and say if they know that lives are being put in danger because of these unsafe conditions why wouldn't they react and put an end to it ? Well Li Mingqi who was once the manager at Foxconn , a maunfacturing partner with Apple said ," Apple never cared about anyhting other than increasing product quality."
    This leads me to my next point of how many Capitalist ideas are a part of China's complex form of economy which incoporates socialist and communist ideas as well. The Chinese government is also responsible for these working conditions for not being as strict about factory worker's rights. When it was realized that withing 7 months last year 4 people died and 77 people were harmed, the chinese government should have stepped in. Especially, when it was also reported that there were bad working / unsafe conditions in Dell, Nokia , Sony and many other companies as well. According to the article more than half of the suppliers that work under Apple violated at least one of the codes of conduct every year for the past 4-5 years and come even violated the law. Surely this can be punishable by law or at least seen in a court. It is the Chinese government's fault for not imposing .
    In my opinion the United States is also at fault by being connected with these companies because in a way having connections as large and powerful as the U.S can encourage the companies and factory managers to continue their unprofessionalism withing the factories. To conclude, I do not belive that the American consumer is at fault because most aren't aware of this. I do however think that this is a lesson to all consumers that it would benefit them to know where the things they are buying come from and how they're coming about.Afterall, America is not the only country that is connected with China and we aren't the only ones to buy these products. I also believe that the fact that they're selling many products encourages them so maybe the factory workers could take control of their lives and working enviornments by spreading the word of these conditions because things could change. Even another former Apple executive said , " Now we're trying really hard to make things better, but most people woould be really disturbed if they saw where their Iphone comes from."

    1. Reyna,
      Excellent job referencing the article and making your arguments!

      You mention that the American consumer is not at fault, but aren't we (and the other world consumers you mention) really at the root of the cause? As we buy up the product (our iPod2,3,4,4s and Sony PSPs, PS3s and Wiis etc etc) aren't we fueling the demand and thus contributing to this problem? Are we in some way responsible?

      You mention that there are 'lessons' to be learned about knowing where the products they buy come from... What lesson? If we now willingly purchase a product knowing how it was assembled and the possible lives that were lost making it, does that matter?

      Finally, we started our year talking about the importance of knowing where our food comes from. Should we also be questioning other products we use and consume come from? What 'lessons' did we learn in our study of understanding where our food comes from?

      Thoughts anyone?

    2. I totally agree with you Mr. V, I think that us customers are the "root of the cause." All we want is the product so that we get entertained and kill time in our daily lives. As we buy more of these products and companies continue making more money, they will continue making these products and people will have higher chances of risking their lives or having big injuries. So i would have to go with you in us being responsible for these causes.

      I do not think that it matters if lives were lost in the making of these products Mr. V. People just want the product, mist people don't even want to know where the product was mad and the lives put at risk while making it.

      Finally, I think thats a great idea! We should start looking at where products come from like we investigated where food comes from. We learned that food comes from all over the world and that food from other countries are eaten in other countries aside from the country where the food comes from.

    3. I agree with Sixto and with Mr. V. because Reyna, we can't say there is lessons to be learned because if they were we would have been the first ones to learn them, because we use mostly every product that apple does. We all buy the products that apples construct, so basically is our fault why people are being injured and having higher risk of dying. Sixto I also agree with your idea, we should have an investigation on where our products come from.

  9. I Think that the cause of this whole problem was Apple. One reason i think that this is Apple's fault is because Apple made the iPad, and they made it really expensive. Another reason why Apple is the cause to this whole problem is because they made the choice to import the Apple iPad, Apple had the choice not to import the Apple iPad, but Apple imported it anyways

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You cant blame everything on Apple. It is their respectability and all but remember they are a business. That means their trying to make more money without wasting that much of their own. Really you have a iPod so in a way your supporting them. I think it's the workers fault. They're working in horrible conditions why don't they do something about it.
      -Brian R.

  10. After reading this article, every time i use an iPad, see a iPad or hear about the iPad from now on, i'm going to think about this article. In my opinion I think that the Apple company is responsible for deaths or injuries caused during the making of the iPad, since its their product. I also think that if Apple has to start buying new machines to make their product, then thats what it should be. People shouldn't be risking their lives or getting injured even if their getting paid to make someone else's products. I believe that if big injuries continue to happen and people continue dying due to making Apple products, other employers should start leaving their job unless new machines are used and know that they are safe to work around. Connecting to what a former Apple executive said, "Now we're trying really hard to make things better, but most people woould be really disturbed if they saw where their Iphone comes from," people shouldn't be judging where their products come from, as long as they work and are original, they shouldn't be concerned. As a Apple customer I would stop buying their products if this problem doesn't get fixed.

    1. Sixto,
      I agree with you that the article makes one think... After I read this I found some fine print on my machine, "Assembled in China." That fine print seems pretty loaded after reading the article. Makes one question why the print is so fine eh?

    2. Yes, most of ours products do say, "Made in China" or "Assembled in China." In the real world i think that the Chinese product makes mark their products to make sure that no one else earns credit for something that they did. Does that make sense? In other words, these Chinese products want to make sure that they give themselves credit for something that they did. What's your opinion Mr. V?

    3. I have to agree with you there, about at least 60% of the thing i buy like baseballs or my ipad or other daily things i buy say"made in China". its really strange i use to wounder why almost everything is made in china i use to thing that america had dropped the ball on production or something. Apple is considered a large company but i didn't thing they had grown so large to start the horrible conditions thing. o mean its not like you hear about it on the news or anything they are an the low this article really surprised me.

  11. I think that the people that control the factory because they are making the working conditions to have a hard time for the people to do anything on the work. It makes them have to work harder and have chance of something that going to be missing from the thing that they are making. I think that the Chinese government should make more breaks for them because if they don’t then they have a hard time to make things and to sell them to other people. In the United States government give the workers breaks so it won’t cause problems with the machines that they have from it. The people that want to buy the ipad or something with apple in it so it can have an easier time of communicating with other people. So the American consumers are going to have more money from the people are buying from it so they can keep building with it.

  12. I agree with Jayson Flores. The factory owners and bosses are responsible for weather or not their workers get hurt because they decide how thier companies run and if making i-pods, and i-pads, and so forth is going to couse the death of not only one person but many, than this shouldn't be about. The life of inocent workerss is in thier hands. This is so like the Industrial Revolution because workers weren't safe in thier own jobs and were mistreated meaning that inequality hasn't changed one bit and that is very truly unfair!

  13. I believe that it is the chines industrise fault because they should have known or at least predicted something like this would happen. Their employees were working overtime, and were working for 7 days a week and with crowded dorms. Their Employees were working for a while and were problably have some mistakes when they were working. These chines workers were also exposed to the harch chemicals from the clean products

  14. Miriam Arrieta
    I think that Rafael has a point and it is true that the factory owners have all the fault of what happened to the employees. This also connects to the waist shirt factory fire because the owners didn't even thought of helping the woman that were in danger, they only thought of themselves. This is bad because to be a good factory the owners also have to do something to help their employees needs since they are the ones putting the hard work into their jobs.

    1. I agree with Miriam because it was the owners fault of what happened to the employees.Also the owners are suppose to deal with the heat and if an employee get's hurt or anything it's there responsibility.

  15. i agree with madeline because if someone gets hurt during work, the owner of the business should pay for the damages. If they dont the should get sued. But if the employee tries to sue, then they might not win the case because the owner might have enough money to get a lawyer that could be way smarter

    1. I agree with blueberry muffin. It is true that the owners have all the blame. Before you have a company like that with working machines you should make sure everything is safe. Also they should run inspections daily on factories to secure the fact that everything is safe. This relates to the triangle shirtwaist fire that happened in NY downtown. This should make the world open there eyes and try and figure out a way to make working in factories safe.

  16. I believe that everyone maybe except the workers are at fault from making working conditions harmful for everyone. The Apple company managers are one of the first to blame. They make all of these fancy gadgets to please the buyers. But of course they don't care about the way the items are made; if they are done, sold and earning their big amounts of money everything is fine. There is a reason why they didn't want to comment when they recieved various versions of this article. With all of the money they get from all the people that buy their products; they can't find a way to use it to give factory workers a better enviroment to work it? Of course not because that will just be less money that falls into their wallets. The United States and Chinese government are also to blame. I am pretty sure that the US government was and is still well aware of all that is happening in the factories, if they were as caring to people as they make themselfs to be, if they are not supportive of the way the factories are being run, they shouldn't sell the products here. But of course that won't happen because Apple is a very popular brand that makes a lot of money. The Chinese government is also to blame becuase those are their men and women out there working in dangerous conditions, they should be fighting to help them not ignore the way their daily lives are being made. But one of the most to blame I think are all of the people. We buyers are just supporting the labor and since so many people keep buying, the factories will keep on running. I understand that so many people love the products but we are harming people, even if we don't notice it. It's time to open our eyes and see that we are hurting so many people that don't deserve any of it.

    1. I agree. It the US government is to blame because if they know that the working conditions aren't so good then they should try and fix or like you said stop selling the product. Though due to the type of economy we have everything is about making money and pleasing the consumers. In a way I think that the workers are responsible because if they don't like the way they are being treated they should stand up and fight for they believe in. There is strength in numbers.

  17. I think the blame is shared equally between the U.S government and the people in charge of the Chinese Industry because, first off, because Apple Tech, is very popular in the US large amounts of apple technology are needed for schools, hospitals, and people who want to buy them. Because there very needed, companies need to work fast and hard to make these products by a certain, date or time, and overworking to meet these deadlines could and probably made these type of accidents occur in their company. However the people in charge of their business need to acknowledge how dangerous the working conditions are. And even though it would mean working slower and neater, these drastic measures need to occur otherwise the company would continue to fail health wise.
    -Dhilexa Martinez

  18. To be honest, I think everyone is at fault here. The people from he Apple company are at fault for using the Chinese people in such a way that is wrong and is almost against one's rights. People should not be having such labor that puts their own life at risk, and if they are aware of all the dangers that they are putting their workers in then why do they keep up the work conditions. The article says, “Apple never cared about anything other than increasing product quality and decreasing production cost,” said Li Mingqi. If he was a worker in this famous manufacturing place for Apple, and he was aware of the working conditions and the risk he was putting his own life in, then why didn't he just quit the job beforehand? Why even start the job if you knew what you were getting yourself into? I'm confused about the fact that so many people know how bad the conditions are, and are open to speak to people that are interviewing them, but they just complain and don't take a stand against something that they know is not right and does not come to their well-being.

    If anything I believe the consumers of Apple's products are not responsible for anything that happens. Half of the people don't even know where their products come from, for that matter even know how they are produced. Why are the consumers being blamed, if they aren't aware of anything? I can almost be positive that everyone who wrote on this blog found this as a surprise since you have never heard of it. Don't blame the consumers for wanting more advanced equipment and technology. Blame the people that are aware of it and still don't care. Being aware of the things these laborers go through and not doing anything is not right, but how can you possibly take a stand against something if you had no idea it was going on in the first place? We are all quick to point fingers, but it is a quicker way to make products, and it is what keeps the United States as productive as it is. Apple is not doing it to torture any human being, it's just a way of earning money and keeping our economy well as well as pleasing the people.

    1. I most definitely agree with Erika's response. The Apple company are disrespecting and literally taking away the civil rights that the chinese people have and deserve to have. They shouldn't be mistreated with the loads of work the must complete. Additionally, I agree with what Erika says on that the consumers shouldn't be held responsible for the loads of work that the chinese people must deal with, most of us don't even know how it is produce or for that fact, where it is made is a surprise to millions of people. We aren't the bad ones that take the products and use it thinking it might have been made here in the United States but the bad ones are the other millions of people who know how the product is made and how hard people must work to produce that product and continue buying the products from that company, basically hurting those in China.

    2. Erika, I do believe that the consumers in this case is not to blame. However, if the consumers knew about the working conditions many of them would not pay no mind towards the laborers. Furthermore, you said that the worker could have quit but, some if not most does not have a choice. These workers may have children to feed or bills to pay. Wouldn't you think if the workers had a choice they would quit and find a better and safer job?
      On a another note, in the poll that is happening many said that they would pay more money for better working conditions for the workers but who pays for their products. Most likely not them but, their parents. Apple gains too much from their products and gives a small amount towards the worker's environment. I feel Apple is to blame. Due to, the fact that Apple is a multi-billion dollar company that profits 13.06 billion dollars and they can afford to at least improve the laborers surroundings. You were right 'we are quick to point fingers' but, every person has a reason why to point.

    3. Ronald, you have an iPhone right? Did reading this make you want to turn in your iPhone just because you feel bad for the people in China? People are choosing to have those jobs, for example the man quoted in this article came from another place to China just to work here. Are you telling me he could not find any other job? There are a lot of opportunities you just need to find them.
      However, I must agree with you, Apple is abusing the people they should give more care treatment towards the laborers it wouldn't hurt their billions of dollars.

    4. Yes Erika that is my point I do have an iPhone and no that does not make me feel bad enough to turn in my phone. This can be connected to the children in Africa that suffer from there working conditions mining diamonds. This does not mean people would not accept a diamond knowing the conditions of the kids. I wouldn't but some will. Same goes for my iPhone. The consumer can not help themselves. They would keep on buying and buying like a drug addiction.
      -Ronald Alvarado

    5. Just like a food addiction too right? It's all the same, and that's what people need to understand. In the world we live in now, people do anything just to keep the flow of the economy and the consumers are helping by buying the products repeatedly although they might be aware of conditions. It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately it is.

    6. Yes like any other addiction. We live in a live or die world where anything can kill us and few can help us. Where overdose can be more from then only drugs. Where addiction is considered a disease and it can spread quickly amongst the strongest of all but, the true power comes from who can embrace addiction and use it for good. "Check your ingredients before you overdose, on The Cool"- Lupe Fiasco, Isesha Poem.
      -Ronald Alvarado

    7. Anthony - what kind of rights do they have in China?
      Erika - nice connections -- Are there other options for the Chinese worker? I wonder what they are?
      Ronald - wickedly poetic!

      Well done folks!

  19. I think the Chinese government is responsible for the poor working conditions that the workers in this industry's suffer. I say this because the Apple products are made in China and if something happens to the workers the U.S government is not there to look up for them. The Chinese government are suppose to provide them a safer environment. For example to prevent them from using poisonous chemical to clean IPod screens they could look for another method to clean the screens without having to use this chemical.-Victor Liz 9SM

    1. i agree with you victor because the chinese government is responsible for the poor working conditions!!!. and that is true how because the chinese people are the ones who make the technology and how is it our responsibility to be looking up for them. Hey victor do you think that it is fair??

      -Raymond Carvajal 9SM

  20. Brian Concepcion-
    Based on the information that that I read from the article I can say that they that the people who are responsible for the poor working conditions is basically the people own the Apple company. It is like the article says, apple are making these poor factory workers to work in a toxic factory. It is like the situation that happened in china where tons of people were seriously injured and some even died. The problem was so serious that the people who lived had to go straight to the ambulance. But, of course the Apple Company had been taking advantage of the factory workers in china because there are no laws that prevent people from working in hazardous conditions. It could probably be true that maybe the apple company is making that huge mistake and not realizing it realizing it. But that can’t be true because a huge tragedy already happened, and that is enough reason for them to realize that their making a mistake and fixing it right away. You could blame the Chinese government too because they have not done nothing about it, but are they the ones giving these harsh working conditions? That is the reason why the Apple company it to blame for and until they do some serious changes.

  21. i agree with both Erik and Miriam because i also think that the owners were a bit responsible for what happened. also i think is the government fault for letting those people do such thing. i also want to point out what Erika said about the Apple company not being responsible, i agree with her because there are certain people who do not know where their products come, i think that they should be more aware of that, and not immediately blame others.

  22. All i need to say is wow. Working in these kinds of conditions is just something that needs to change in most parts of the world right now. People should not get poisoned or even killed just to work in a place that others know is too dangerous and has a lot of health concerns that others were warned about by using a new product to cleaning Apple products that can poison and/or even kill other people. I think that people need to change their safety conditions for other workers so stuff like this does not happen again.

    1. I agree with ariel because we did the same thing here in 1910's. The result of that happening is the triangle building burning downtown. Almost 100 Women had died working and got paid like a dollar an Hour. The point of these are to get cheep and quality product in a fast time. I think they should change like we did. They have harsher condition they need to change it.

    2. i agree with jordan because no one pays attentiopn to the conditions that workers work in, in factoriesm, which is in humane. all humans are ghere to helps eachother succed not to hurt or go against eachother.

  23. I believe its Chinese government is o blame because. The apple products are being produce their in their own factories. They should be able 2 understand the hazards of anything dangerous they should've gone over to make sure it could never happen. Their hurting their own people and loosing money by losin their own factory.

  24. In my opinion, I think that the Apple company is to blame for causing dozens of injuries and others hurt. “Employees work excessive overtime, in some cases seven days a week, […] Some say they stand so long that their legs swell until they can hardly walk.” Doesn’t this seem unfair to you? The Apple store is USING Chinese workers in a way that is cruel because no one deserves to be working in a environment that is unsafe. If Apple themselves know that the Chinese workers life is at risk why did Steven P. Jobs stated that, “I actually think Apple does one of the best jobs of any companies in our industries […] I mean for a factory is a pretty nice factory.” Therefore Apple is to blame because they are causing deaths and injuries and not paying their workers the amount that they suppose to. In addition they denied the honest truth! I mean they are abusing their rights and since workers need the job they will work no matter how bad, unsafe and risky the factory is. The Chinese workers that work in the factory should stand-up for their rights and do something about it. However, is not the consumers fault, and they shouldn’t be blame. For example I never knew where did the Apple’s products came from… So it isn’t my fault that Chinese workers rights are being abused, is Apple’s fault for knowing and denying it yet NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

  25. I believe that people should have a better working place and actually feel safe in the place they work. Who would want to work in a place where their health is in danger? Not me! I think that it is the Chinese government who should get in trouble for allowing such thing to happen. The people are in danger but even though they are, I don’t think that it would make other people with the Apple products to feel guilty. I think that the laborers also should try to stand up for themselves more and say something because if they don’t, worse things may happen. This should change so that it doesn’t continue and spread to other parts of the world. I think that things should change, and for the better. It’s the Chinese government who is to blame, in my opinion.

  26. I agree withe gabriela that its not safe at all what they are doing to the workers.its dangerous to there health and its not fair or right.I believe that and i know if i was to work and a cleaner and more safer place i would complete my work more efficiently and i wouldn't be worried about being harmed.i also think that the chinese government shouldn't let that happen to their people.and the laborers should take a stand and say or protest and say that its not fair or safe instead of letting it happen written by emile lewis

  27. I think that people should have a more safer place to work at because I understand is their job but at the same time their health is in danger.I agree with Gabriela i believe the Chinese government is responsible for even allowing this to happen. However, the laborers should do something about it and make their point about this because if they don't worst things can happen.This should change because it can happen anywhere not only china but i truly think the Chinese government is responsible.

  28. I say that the Apple company is to blame for causing lots of's not shown to the public but the u.s and china have some sort of deal going on, and are very careful not to get caught. i say that some consumers are responsible because they know what is really happening and yet they do nothing to stop it but not the one that don't know because they still have not opened their eyes to the reality in this world.


  29. I think the people that are resoonsible for this is are the owners and the governments. I think that no worker should work in poor conditions at all. Apple should know how to take care of their workers, I mean they have over a billion dollar corporation they should take care of people they sre have the money for it aswell.

    Leisley gonzalez 9LE

  30. I think that the ones to blame are the companies and organizations making the workers doing theses things. Its as if they don't care about anything else but the money and are putting workers at risk of dying.This is not fair to the factory workers who are being exploited so that they can earn much less money than they deserve. Im sure that the majority of the people that buy Apple's products are not aware of the circumstanstes that the factory workers have to go through. One thing that couls be helpful to stopping the people that exploit the factory workers is to educate the customers and a protest can begin about the worker's treatment. Think about it can be one of your loved ones using poision to clean a stupid Apple screen then die.

  31. I think both take in fault. The Chinese government for not enfourcing the law and the U.S for not asking for the proper conditions. We should never be denied good working conditions. It is dangerous and can lead to diseases and illnesses. If your health is in danger then , you need to do something about it . It's something no one should go through.
