Monday, January 23, 2012

AoW#11: How Technology Affects Us

"How Technology Affects Us"

By mads942, Houston, TX

Everyone has seen the moody, withdrawn kid with music blasting out of his white earbuds, or the girl rapidly texting on her phone. The youth of today are constantly immersed in technological advancements that promote nonstop communication and instant gratification, whether through cell phones, gaming systems, laptops, or MP3 players. But are these technological advancements a good thing? I believe that the growth of technology has negatively influenced the social interactions of today's youth because it isolates individuals from reality, hinders communication, and perpetuates the concept of immediate ­satisfaction.

Technology is a negative influence on us because it separates individuals from reality. The iPod is one example; by putting in your earbuds and immersing yourself in music while in public, you are disconnecting yourself from the real world. “For some people, the main appeal of the iPod is that it preoccupies you so that you do not have to deal with the uncontrollable factors of everyday life,” writes Krystle Song, a University of California, student on her website “Attack of the iZombies.”

The ability for people to surround themselves with the familiar by using their iPod is appealing because it rarely provides the listener with something unexpected or unknown. However, it can be argued that this is a bad thing. By constantly being cut off from personal interactions and new experiences because of a technological device, a generation with substandard social abilities is being groomed. If we do not have to face reality by experiencing new things, making personal relationships, and problem solving, then we will never be able to function as adults.

Technology hinders personal communication, which negatively impacts our age-group. Although “our culture heralds the Internet as a technological wonder, there are suggestions that Internet use has a negative influence on individuals and their social skills,” writes Bob Affonso in his article, “Is the Internet Affecting the Social Skills of Our Children?” Data shows that those who use the Internet frequently spend over 100 minutes less time with friends and family than non-Internet users, according to Norman H. Nie and D. Sunshine Hillygus in their paper “The Impact of Internet Use on Sociability.”

The Internet actually detracts from the communication abilities of society, especially the young. When our communication skills are gradually lessened, we begin “spending less time talking to families, experiencing more daily stress, and feeling more lonely and depressed,” writes Affonso. In our formative teen years, lack of personal communication due to excessive Internet usage can have an overall negative effect on mental and physical health. Communication skills are critical for everyone, yet use of the Internet is undermining this development.

Technology negatively affects us by perpetuating the mindset of immediate satisfaction. The creation of various portable technological devices has slowly ingrained the idea of instant gratification. With gadgets like the PS3 or Nintendo DS, which allow users to play games anywhere, or cell phones that let us keep in touch virtually everywhere and at any time, we grow up learning that whenever we want pleasure or enjoyment, it will automatically be granted to us.

Some argue that the Internet has a positive effect on social interactions because it allows us to form friendships online. However, the capacity to meet “a virtually unlimited number of people through chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other services,” is actually extremely negative, write Jean-Francois Coget and Yamauchi Yutaka in their paper, “Untangling the Social ­Impact of the Internet.” There are dangerous people on the Internet who are a threat to young people. The ability to access anything and everything someone posts without knowing if their intent is malicious is a downside to the open transfer of information available on the Internet. While Coget and Yutaka claim that “the Internet can foster openness, self-confidence, and a greater sense of ease and comfort in dealing with others … the Internet can even provide opportunities by freeing those who are too depressed to conduct a social life in the real world,” it is extremely unhealthy to make and sustain all of your social interactions online. We will not be positively impacted by communicating through a computer screen if we already do not have the self-confidence to socially interact in reality.

I believe the advancement of technology has negatively impacted our social interactions because it detaches us from what is happening around us, obstructs communication, and spreads the concept of instant gratification. Society must be able to utilize technology while not allowing it to impede social interactions, particularly for those who are easily influenced during our formative years. Our world must learn to embrace technology without allowing it to negatively impact the creation of functional adults in society.

Response Questions:  Choose one of the following options for your response:

Option 1:  Do you agree with the author that technology (such as the internet, iPhone, iPad, gaming, etc) has a negative impact on society?  Use specific evidence to support your response.

Option 2:  Reply to a classmate's post: 
  •  Summarize the argument made in the previous post and agree or disagree with your classmate.  Be specific by pointing out what you agree with or disagree with.  
  • Then add your own response.  Use evidence to support your response.
  • Finally, post a meaningful question to keep the conversation going.  

 Challenge:  Write a response piece to this editorial that argues that technology has a positive impact on our society.  Take a clear stand, make specific arguments to support your position, and consider counterarguments against your position.  Use evidence to support your claims.  


  1. I disagree with the authors opinion that technology has a negative impact on society. One reason I disagree is because technology makes life easier for a person without having to go through all that trouble. For example if an essay is due on a certain topic it is easier to type it and do research online than it is to go to the library get your evidence and then hand write the essay. Another thing is that it depends on the person and what he/she likes. If the person thinks it is healthier to be on the computer or on hand held games then it is up to them to change their mind. Some people are not great with making new friends and so they go online and try their luck with different people. I think this provides confidence for the person because if they know they can make friends with a person online they will get a little confidence to talk with some one in real life. I also think that technology has a positive impact on society because we get to learn new things that we can probably not learn in the real world. The computer provides us with information and news on things we might not notice in the real world. Also hand held games and other types of technology might provide some people with all the entertainment they need.

    1. I agree with xavier because technology has its advantages like cellphones, the internet and medicine. Cellphones where a technological break through because with out cellphones how would you communicate with other people in the world. The internet is used to search up information that you might not find in a library and can get you the confidence like xavier said to get to know new people in the real world and in the cyber world. Last but not least medical advantages have been created by using technology. Life support which in technology will keep the person alive until the actual medicine is applied. Also there is the situation with killing trees for paper and trees provide us with oxygen. we can use technology to write instead of using paper to save the world and to save the environment.-Keanu Abreu

    2. I disagree with what Xaiver said and Keanu because there are people in parts of Africa and other parts of the world that don't have technology and they live there life fine. Take for example very poor people in Dominican Rebublic they don't have any type of technology and work and play all day. They use the resorces they have like wood and bottles to play baseball and create games like that. All do thoese people don't have tech. they use there own resources to have a little bit of lesure time.

    3. I agree with both Sucre and Xavier because they have good points because people can make their own decisions and that people can make friends over Facebook or Skype. Also the point that Sucre made was good too because he expressed a point not taking into account, What about the people that don't have/use tech. what do they do as they live their life and are they happy with what they have. I agree with Xavier but then again i also disagree with the statement made about info, most of the info. made are by humans and produced by the human mind, we discovered the facts and post them on the internet and an example is the Africans and they're storytelling.- Aneurys G.

  2. i,m disagree and agree with the author opinions that technology has a negatively impact on society and positive things. one reason i disagree is because technology help us to communicate with our friends and families also because it help us to investigate any information that we want to use, for example when do we have to investigate for any background information.second reason that i disagree is because technology make us feel more easier, how? listened to the music when we want to relaxed our mind, when we bored and we don't have anything to do, or when we're in love.i,m agree with the author opinions that technology has a negative impact that affected in the society. one reason that i,m agree with the author is because ''we begin spending less time talking to families, experiencing more daily stress, and feeling more lonely and depressed, and an overall negative effect on mental and physical health''writers Bob Affonso in his article. second reason is because ''there are dangerous people on the internet who are a threat to young people''writer Bob Affonso. i,m agree with Bob because being seem in the news teenagers been disappear and having killed of having conversation with some strengers in the computer.

    1. I agree with Scarlet about how technology has a negative and posotive impact on us. One reason why I think technology has a posotive impact on us is because it has made our lifes way easier. I say this because it has helped us get things done really quickly , make us do less work , and help us with everything. I also think it has a negative impact on us too because there are many people who get distracted from work just to be in the technology system such as being on facebook, twitter, tumblr etc. instead of being concentrated on its work. I also think it has a negative impact on us because it has made many people loose there life by talking to strangers, and sending each other pictures and all in which affect there lifes because at the end is the people who be in it , doing it that gets affected and might even loose there lifes because of the people they talk too that they never met and but plan too meet the killer.

  3. I also agree and disagree with the author's argument, but I disagree more than i agree. Technology does have a negative impact on society. It distracts people, gives people too much freedom, and can sometimes be dangerous. But it is also a good addition to society. Cellphones and other communication devices are helpful for us to stay in touch or even safe someone's life. Without the cellphone, how would one be able to contact the police or call for help when they are in trouble? Computers may also have cons but the pros are very useful for our everyday life. Computers help in the office and at home, like writing an essay to paying bills, etc. Transportation is another way that technology is useful. Without our advanced form of transportation, we would not be able to fly across the world to do research or investigate what outer space looks like. I do believe technology is useful and necessarily.
    -Lhia, 9LE

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. i personly think that technology has impacted us in both ways negative and always postive because first technology made our lifes easier we can comminicate with people very easy and get things done quickly.i think it can be negative because people use the internet way to much and sometimes we just get too addicting like for example people probbly play games online or just go on facebook there is many things people can do with internet and people just takes too much advangtes.but in fact it also so helpful because when we do need help is there and get the information way more easier and quickly to in that case i think technology is both negative and postive in our lifes

  4. I have a mutual opinion about this article, I agree and disagree with some different aspects of this. To start out, I agree with the opinion of this article because they are correct, our generations are becoming more technology dependent and even if they don't mean to; they still tend to hide behind a screen from reality. For example, now a days when we feel uncomfortable around people or don't like our surroundings, we can just plug in earphones or take out our cellphones and isolate ourselfs, taking the easy way out; rather then overcome the challenge and feel confident to deal with the same situations later in life. A final way I agree with this article is because of the way technology effects is in a mental and physical way. When people watch too much TV, or spend too much time paying attention to their piece of technology; it makes them unhealthy in many ways, it can lead to them eating junk foods or unstable because of not being able to deal with reality situations. One way I disagree is because technology is evolving, and it does help our generations for the future. We also in someways need technology for communication or information. Technology helps us know what is going on in the world, and much more. That is why I think technology is both useful but also can be effecting people the wrong way.

    1. I agree with you Amanda because paying attention what happens in websites is taking away time from us talking to people face to face and making friends. I also understand how you said that putting in earphones and taking out our phones is a way to isolate ourselves but do you ever think how maybe a person might not be so brave to face being neglected and rejection from the real world? If you had to face reality all n your own or take out your phone, what would you do personally?

  5. I disagree with the author. The reason why is because in my opinion, internet, and all the new technology helps peoples lives so much more. Some people have too much stress with work and problems to be walking every where, when you can just send an email, have meeting online or something simple like set a reminder for anything. The newer the technology is just helping workers all over the world. It also helps the country with new discoveries. It all leads to better and newer things.

    1. I agree with Jay for several reasons. One, is because without technology, we wouldn't be able to do the many things we can do now. It keeps our work organized, protected, and less messy. And technology like the computer is probably more economic and better for the environment because you waste less paper and send a message instead of sending a letter, and it also saves time. And lastly, it is important to remember that technology does have a lot of affects to us but they're beneficial because it makes us smarter!

  6. I disagree with the author of this article. Technology has not made the world we live in a place where everyone is hiding from the real world and is only living a social life online. There are many people who tend to be too shy to speak up and spark up some type of conversation with someone, but that is not fully their part, some people are just like that and can not really help it. Forming a life online where they are able to speak to peers and even family members online can be a huge help for these people who might not feel like they always fit in. Sometimes people do need that moment when they are detached from the "real world" people need time to themselves at times, to just think and clear everything out. Personally, for myself and a lot of my friends plugging in your earphones to your iPod or phone can definitely help you out. Without technology where will we be right now? I'm sure we wouldn't be posting on this blog, and she wouldn't have published her piece on the website that she did. So who is really wrong? Communication through technology is important in your life, you just need to learn how to control it so that your whole life does not revolve around the internet. This girl claims that new technology has separated teens from their families, in reality some teens only have technology to rely on to speak to their long lost relatives and important family that they can not visit and vice versa. So how can technology impact a generation so negatively? Think about it for a few, technology is a main source of communication in the day of today, and if you manage well you will most definitely be able to keep your family close as well.

    1. I agree with Erika for several reasons. I personally don't get on the internet to do anything that can hurt me in any way. I like getting on twitter, facebook and things like that just because I can get away for a little while by talking to peers, people I know and maybe sometimes teens I don't even know, yet I do it in a very responsible way. Technology is basically what the world relies on and we use it every single day even if we don't notice. In some cases I do think that people don't know how to control themselves when they're on the internet and they disconnect themselves from the world around them. However, technology is actually something very positive. For example, in class teachers use the smart board a lot more than chart paper. This is very beneficial to the teachers because they could just type up the lesson instead of having to write it up and this also helps out our environment because less trees are being used for paper. Additionally, I agree with what Erika said about being able to talk to relatives because I myself talk to some family members from the Dominican Republic through the internet since they don't always have access to the phone. All in all, I disagree with the girl who wrote the article because technology has impacted our lives in ways that can really help us and I think if all the technology we had was taken away, the world would be very different and a lot harder to live in. -Kathy Tavarez, 9LE

    2. Kathy and Erika (and all!),
      You make some good points, but I wonder affect of technology is having on the literacy of our society? We tend to 'get things done' with technology through quick, efficient, communication. But I wonder if being quick and efficient is really nurturing our society and our social interaction?

      You both mention that you are able to use social networking to communicate with your families in DR. I wonder what the experience of writing a letter to family in DR would be? First off, writing a letter would likely take more time, energy, and thought. What is more meaningful: a letter or an email? Imagine your family receiving a well-thought out handwritten letter... it is this kind of deep thought, time and commitment that nourishes our social interactions.

      On another literary front and topic, the average magazine article has been 'trimmed' down significantly over the past several years. My heart broke about ten years ago when the editor of Rolling Stone magazine made the choice to move towards shorter 'bite-sized' articles from the longer, more deeply researched articles that were once published. Even the literal size of the magazine changed. As time moves on, the attention span for getting information seems shorter and shorter. What does this mean for our society? Will people be willing to pick up a book in ten years? Even as I continue teaching I notice that students don't have the patience to sit down and work through a longer, more difficult text. Does the evolving 'quick turnaround' role of that technology provides play a role in this?

      Last question: When you pick up a magazine, do you go for the longest or shortest article? Why? Next question; Which one holds more meaning?

  7. I agree that it can have some negative impact on some technology. I think that technology does have some negative impact because it shows how it is useful in something that needs to be e-mailed or have write letter to someone that is important for the person. It shows how it’s helpful to talk to someone that is far away with technology but there are technology have a lot problems like there are computers have something that is slowing down the things. This shows that technology can have problems with something that makes change how it works or affects the computer’s memory. There are some positive like the phones can make easy to call someone from other place so it can save some time when getting to their place. The internet can help to find information about them trying to find like history, science and more. They are phones that have extra things that make them have special things that make them useful.

  8. I don’t agree with the author that technology has a negative impact in society. It’s true that some people put music to high and always carry phone, gaming system and more but that’s because it is now part of everyday life. The author claims that technology disconnects people from society but to some people it just connects people to students and friends that are farther from you. He also says that people stay to long in the internet but most people I know have a balance life. We are outside having fun and ¼ of the time in the internet. One major thing I thought was important is when he said dangers people use the internet to threat young adults but are we really more endanger then when we were without the internet cause it just means metafiles or others would just have to get up and

  9. I really enjoyed reading this article and I was able to see many techniques the author used to write this article and convince the reader that technology is bad for the community but I disagree. One reason why I disagree is because as mentioned in the article, when people hear music they get into the music zone world but this wont allow them to do crazy things because even when hearing music or not everyone knows right from wrong. Another reason is because if people get badly influenced or threats from other unknown people it was probably because they weren't protecting their profile well, or emailing the wrong person and on the wrong place. Its all peoples choice on what they decide to do with technology in the community but what the people decide to do with it.

  10. I agree with this article because technology has affected us. Long time ago people used to make and invent things. Now we have lots of things already invented for us. This is important because as more time passes our brains will get smaller since our imagination will be gone by then. We should reduce technology.

    1. i disagree with u miry because we actually learn more from technology. With technology we are allowed to predict the weather, Improve medicine.. With technology we can communicate with many of the people around the world. We can trade ideas about how to make our country better with other con tries due to technology.

    2. I agree with Chris because technology has made us learn more things and made life easier by helping us discover new things and help for it to be really easy to communicate and become less stressful.

    3. i agree with Chris because technology has helped us in many ways. it has helped us communicate and has helped us cure diseases.

  11. I say that technology is bad. One reason is because technology has got us in bad shape. I say this because technology has been keeping us inside instead of outside plaing sports like baseball of basketball.

  12. I disagree with the article I think taht technology has positively affected us. One reason is that without technology life would be more difficult. For example if your struggling with homework you can just go to the internet to help you. The internet is very big and has many solutions. Another reason is that you can communicate through e-mail and webcams to people who live far away. Also you can meet new people that have the same things in common with you in the internet. Technology has positively effected us because instead of carrying arund cds you can use an ipod. This can also help students that are in college and instead of carrying around books you can just have a computer. I agree that sometimes technology is bad for some people because some people get obsessed with phones. For example in the street sometimes people are so obsessed with texting that they bump into other people. This is one of some of the diadvantges of technology. The only thing people need to do is to control themeselves with technology. I generally think that technology is overall good for us.

  13. i disagree with this article for many reasons and here is why. The first reason in why I disagree with this article is because in school our school is full of technology the computers, the elmo etc and also if technology wasn't a good source then right now i wouldn't be writing this in this blog. There is some technology that is bad for you but some technology is really important like the computer because it helps us study a lot and find information that will really help. Also sometimes technology is so advanced because sometimes im in the train and i see this thing that looks like a ipad but it isn't but there is books that you could read from. Technology is a good thing and people should ot judge it.

  14. I completely disagree with the author mads942 from Houston TX.The examples she gives about how technology made the world we live in a place where people feel the need to hide from reality,and expose their life online.There are some people that don't feel comfortable enough to talk to someone in person because they can't say what they truly want to say to the person's face so they feel that just maybe people will listen more when it is online and they will get way more attention then in person and someone might actually listen, or there just shy and can't really keep a conversation going or start one. there like that they can't change it even if they tried.the internet has some positive out come it keeps people in touch with someone they haven't seen in years and people they can't visit. think about it how will you talk to your friends and family members you haven't seen with out technology?how will life be without technology? -Jessica Betances 9VO

  15. I disagree with the author for many reasons. First of all he says that technology makes people antisocial, Facebook is a social media made for people to connect with one another and meet new people. It them starts to talk about how a teen's social skills start to be affected. I disagree with this because if you have something like a PS3 you would also have PSN, if you have an Xbox you would probably have Xbox live, if you have an iPod you would probably have game center. In other words you are talking to people all around the world. Another thing i disagree with is that he says that technology makes us spend less time with our families, sometimes we use technology to get away from our family problems. The main reason i disagree is because we use technology to save the lives of people, Have a strong military to protects us from our enemies and even have technology to better prepare kids for the future.

  16. It depends if technology is good or bad in my opinion i think both because technology is helpful to us can do alot of good stuff like fun applications like angry birds and it can be bad because you can get addicted to something you use alot like your phone that can change your life because you can change

  17. I agree with Jayson because without technology we wouldn't have our class lessons productive. Another thing is that if we didn't have technology we would be reading books to get our information. It has made our life's easier. If we didn't have phones how are we going to communicate? Technology is a benefit for us in many ways and I don't think it stops us from reality. The article says "I believe that the growth of technology has negatively influenced the social interactions of today's youth because it isolates individuals from reality, hinders communication, and perpetuates the concept of immediate ­satisfaction." I disagree with this statement because how are we suppose to get things done for our jobs. Us as a society are trying to make a change and it's for us to get things done easier without forgetting. We are facing reality because us teenagers go to school and we live in a economy that is different for different families. I think that technology is useful for everybody. Not everybody text and get on facebook it just about writing essays and doing work that is related to our lives as high school students.

  18. I have a mixed opinion on this article. Many good and strong points were presented and although for some reasons I agree with the article , I also disagree with certain things. One thing I can conclude for sure is that technology has an affect on our generation. Some reasons that I belive technology is negative is because people use technology to do things for example on a computer that they wouldn't necessarily do in person. I believe that computers and social networks have become a sort of shield that people use to get out of their comfort zone in ways they wouldn't. One example of this is online bullying. This may be true but at the same time I feel that technology is pushing us toward a future where although we may be more technology dependent, we are also more efficient overall.

    1. I agree wit Reyna for several reasons. This article has some good points but sometimes you have to view the other side of things. I believe that computers are useful because we need computers to do some of our school work like the article of the week. Sometimes technology is best for some people. I understand that headphones can make a person a but isolated from others but sometimes a little music is what you need to make you feel better. You never know what a person goes through and you dont know what is best for them. What if the person who always has headphones on is usually isolated and judged by their society? That person grew needing to be distracted from others. Like Reyna said, some social networks can be a disaster... For example Facebook. At first, social networks are the best because they keep you in touch with several people and you know whats going on in the world. But there's times when social networks like Facebook only cause drama and problems. Technology can make you either an independent person, a follower, or even just part of society overall.
      _Yesenia Negron

  19. I disagree with the fact that he thinks that technology is bad for us because technology can be both good and bad but it depends who and how the person is using it.I wonder if what cause the person to write this was from experiences or because of what he see everybody life ?

  20. I agree and disagree with the authors argument. I agree that technology has a negative impact on society such as the internet because some times when you on lets say Facebook,Twitter,Myspace and other social networking sites you can think that you are talking to your friends but it can be a fake page made by a person that can want to hurt you psychically or even emotionally. Their is also a lot of cyber bullying caused through these pages that can cause many kids to commit suicide. I'm not saying that these social network sites are bad because they also have positive things about them like the fact that you can communicate with you friends even friends that you haven't seen in a while and also meeting new people. In addition you have the freedom to make your pages private to protect it from people you don't know.However, I also agree that the technology we have has helped us in many ways as well. Our phones are very helpful due to the fact that they help us communicate with people easier and faster either by calling or by texting. Also when we need to email for example our teachers questions about improving our grades, or about something we don't understand in our class is also very helpful because sometimes we forget to tell them in school. Technology is also useful for people who cant go to the mall and do online shopping or people who don't have the time to go pay bills which they can do online as well. Either way I do believe that we do need technology.
    -Arlin Guillen 9LE

  21. I believe that technology has both a negative and positive impact on the people in our society. Even though it brings people together like Facebook and Twitter, they all seem to make people forget about actually making friends. Websites like the one’s I said also make a person dislike those people that they know. Like the author says, paying more attention to technology takes away time from family and friend’s time. Communicating through technology may be a fun way to reach others but at times it is also good to talk to others face to face. Even though the author makes a point by saying that it makes a person forget about the real world, at times it is what a person needs. When the real world gets tough, they need a place to escape to and feel good about themselves. This may help them with their self esteem. Communication sites like Facebook and Tumblr help make friendships with people world round but there is also a possibility that what you see about them on the web is not actually true. Meaning you might be making a bond with a person that is way different in reality. I personally believe that going out your way to make a bond with someone face to face is better than just sit around and chat and text a person. I always say that a person is different in reality than in text, from personal experience. Even though the author says that it keeps us distanced from what is happening around us, it is also a way to get informed. When one topic is brought up to a website, thousands and thousands of people talk about it and have debts about them. This happened when the death of Bin Laden was informed to the people. Even though technology may have a negative affect, it is helping the people advance and get smarter when it comes to technology and new changes.

  22. I disagree with the author's opinion. The author is saying that technology is causing us to disconnect ourselves from the real world, for example by putting on headphones and separating ourselves from reality. I completely disagree with this argument because many people put their headphones on to lay back and relax or even just think but it doesn't mean that we're disconnecting ourselves from the real world, the public and reality. For example, before a swim race I stand behind the blocks and put my headphones on and listen to music that motivates me to go faster and while I'm swimming, I think about the song in my head, I also remember my goals, hopes, dreams and all that my coach has told me before my swim race. The fact that I put my headphones on and listen to music is just another factor in our lives that has had a positive impact in all of our lives, aside from when we are talking to the real world. In addition, the author says that cell phones, laptops, iPods etc. have had negative influences on social interactions. Well, I disagree because it has had many positive influences in our social interactions, for example, I got in touch with one of my old friends from the 2nd grade just a year ago and we hadn't spoken for about 6 years, and without technology how would we have reunited our friendship. In my opinion, technology has truly impacted and influenced our lives in many positive ways.
    - Anthony Vargas, 9LE

    1. Anthony I disagree with you because, the author was correct on the fact that technology detaches us from the world and our surroundings. For example, every day I listen to music on my way to and back from school but, I notice cannot hear anything that is happening around me. Due to my music I couldn’t hear that the 2 train was being delayed or the 2 train is going express to East 180st. I missed all of it. Technology is a drug you can use it for prescription and take it for your benefits or you can try to abuse its power and it will take you as the drugs. Technology and teenagers have a parasitic relationship, while technology will be the one that benefits and the teenagers does not. However, technology can also have a mutualistic relationship with teenagers because teens can use technology and use it as their own medicine to relax or to forgive. Technology is going to rule the world and we cannot do anything about it but watch and suffer. I think the author should not only view technology through his own perspective but, through several others. I wonder if the author would understand our perspective of viewing technology or will he just ignore us.
      -Ronald Alvarado

  23. I disagree with the author. One reason i disagree with the author is that if we don't use technology we could have difficulty's with our daily life. I say this because for example, if you need to look for information about a school project is easy to take a computer with internet go on Google and search for that information. If we didn't had this it would be difficult to look for that information on a book. Another reason I disagree with the author is that we need technology to communicate for example if we have a family member far away and we wanted to communicate with them we could use a cell phone or a computer and video chat with them. If we didn't had this it would be difficult to contact them. -Victor Liz 9SM

  24. I see why you would say this about the internet and how its taking over people lives, but i think this can go either way. I say this because for one thing, i will support you on how technology might affect how we live by having virtual friends on a social network and having people that can hurt you in the internet. One think that i will disagree on is that technology has actually helped us through life by making life easier for a lot of people. I think that this can go either way, just don't use the internet like its your whole life on the line.

  25. First oh all isn't it ironic that we are question whether or not techology is good for us. Reading this article has made me question my lifestyle I would say compare to what adults told me we do interact less and go outside less. Though look at all the benefits techology brought. We can hear music on the subway,bus,street apartment without bothering others. Really I wouldn’t know where I’d be withoit my ipod because it made writing this AOW way easier than usual.
    -Brian Rodriguez

  26. I disagree because technology can be helpful threw what we have today or with work.Technology has made the world a better place.Without technology i wouldn't have my phone today. -Madeline C

  27. Technology help people in everyday life. One example is computers, computers help students, workers, companies, etc. A computer can be used to help students type a paper or sign up for programs, look for colleges and so much more. Jobs like in the military or NASA need technology to explore and do their jobs. Technology is going further by improving safety in many objects like cars, plane, helicopters, etc. If an accident would happen god forbid it would be less dangerous because it is safer. Although there are some downfall. Technology is using lots of resources to devolved and continue to grow. With technology growing faster resources won't lasts long. So technology has it ups and down.

  28. ELENA C. I agree with Jordan because computers are a big use of help for adults and also for kids. somehow i also think that technology sometimes might affect us in certain way but the true is that we do need technology, and without it our lives would be pretty hard.

  29. I agree and disagree with the author’s perspective. One way in which I agree is because technology is kind of like taking over our life’s! The reason to this is because many people won’t leave their house without their phones and things like that, also while they are walking they are just texting and ignoring the world around them. This is very negative to me because is separating us from the world and reality. Another reason is because the social web such as Facebook and Twitter have taken over our social life. Instead of going to a family’s member house we would just chat with them online. The social media is taking control over you just because things seem to be easy. On the other hand, I disagree with this because if we had to do a school project and we had to do research instead of going to the library and reading plenty of books we would just Google it at home. It make’s life so much easier and better. Technology is also very good for us because if you are outside or waiting for the train you can just pull our your Ipod and listen to music, and you would be entertain. Therefore technology can be both a bad influence to our life’s and also very beneficial.

  30. Dear mads942,
    I definitely do not believe that you are correct, you are actually incorrect. I actually believe that the new technology have actually influenced the teenagers of today in a positive day. I believe that it doesn’t really isolate the teens from society. I think that the teen are having more interaction instantly! I think that the purpose of the I-Pod is so that it entertains you while in public it lets you explore the different genres music has to offer. When you use you I-pod you’re not disconnecting yourself from the real world it’s just a moment of privacy and time to yourself. I think that the purpose of the internet is to actually provide our age-group with more connection or contact with friends and family, INSTANTLY! I think that meeting new and a lot of people virtually in chat rooms or Facebook are actually very good because it provides you to be more open-minded about more things so I think that that is not negative its actually very good! I think that we are positively embracing are society because we are using the technology to our advantage. We are using the technology for are school work, work, and anything else that technology is helpful. So in conclusion, I totally disagree with you mads492…completely.
    With total disagreement,
    Byron Garcia-9LE

  31. I disagree with this article because we need technology for almost everything. For example, we need it to send messages even from long distance. We also use Google a lot which helps us find information that we need. This makes us communicate to our family from far away. We also use technology for help. In case you don't know something you can always use it to locate what you need.You can also use it to make stuff easier like en-grade. We use to so we can know our grade from our computers or phone. So this is why i disagree with this article.

  32. I disagree and agree with the author for many reasons. One reason I disagree is because technology makes things easier for human life. For example when we in class and have to copy LT’S without a smart board not everyone would be able to see. Also if we have computers we can do research online, listen to free music, and watch videos. Anyways I also agree because with technology everybody’s life seems so hectic because all they think about is Facebook an using the computers once they get home and forget about homework!!!!

  33. I agree with the writer of this article. I agree because I must admit that when I have not happy or am just no in the mood to hear anything around me I do put on my headphones and put music with the volume as high as it can go. I do this because like in the article it said, I want to isolate myself from the real world. And I as part of this generation am agreeing with this. However I don’t think the internet is much apart of it. Internet can be used for school work as well. This is shows that not all us young people do in the internet is trying to separate ourselves from the world, sometimes it useful for research or any school assignments like we are using the internet to do our AOW this week.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I agree with the authors opinion. The author says that technology is disconnecting us from reality. I agree with this but disconnecting yourself from reality is just what people need, they need to get away from the people that cause them to feel the way they do. The author also says that because technology we start to spend less time with families and friends. I disagree with this because i spend a lot of time with my technology and i still have time to be with my family. She/he is exaggerating because is not like we spend 24/7 with our technology. we wont replace technology with families and friend. The author also says that the internet is dangerous because there are a lot of dangerous people on the internet. I agree and disagree with this statement. Yeah there are a lot of people on the internet that stalk and all that stuff but teenagers know right from wrong, they know who to interact with or not interact with in the internet. I Disagree because you make a lot of friends through the internet. For example in a website name I interact with a lot of people. I Have a lot of friends that i talk to regularly and once someone sent me a present so it just depends who you decide to speak with. Thats the only way someone could be safe in the internet.

  36. I agree with the author, but then I also disagree. I agree because technology does separate families from bonding. I, for example, use my phone a lot. I can be eating dinner with my family on Christmas Eve and still be using my phone. My mom would always ask me to put my phone down and to interact with my cousins and siblings. If I wouldn't of had my phone, then I would of been singing, dancing anf bonding with my family. However, I also disagree with the author. I disagree because cellphones and other communication devices can help keep in touch with our parents and family members and can also help save lives. If we see any type of danger, with the use of our cellphones we can simply dial 911. What if technology didn't exist? How would we contact the hospital, fire and police departments? Computers at home and offices are also helpful for when we need to write an essay for school or simply write a letter and send it to whomever. Technology is connected with a lot of the things that we do today. Without technology, our lives would be more complicated. Imagine living with no phones, computers, or music devices, yikes! My final opinion on this article is neutral. I agree with some of the points that the author makes, but disagree on some things he/she says. -Arlene Salcedo♥ 9LE.

  37. I strongly agree with the author of this article. Technology is used everyday and all around the word. Where would be without technology? Some places that technology is used in are hospitals, New York Police Departments, air ports, etc. At schools for example, the Smart Board is a very advanced source of technology. The Smart Board has allowed schools to save a lot of papers and writing utensils. The cell phone and house phone are a source of technology that is also used everyday to contact each other, receive text messages and emails, watch videos, receive photos, etc. However, I do also somewhat disagree with the author of this article despite the fact that technology is very important in our lives. I disagree because cell phones can distract people while driving and this can cause an accident and have their lives at risk. Technology is very usefull but watch out when you're using it!
    -Sixto Mescain 9VO.

  38. Check out this research article that just came out:

    What do you think?

    1. Brian Concepcion-
      I actually think that it can be possible that kids can have social issues because of the excessive multitasking of electronic devices and web browsing. But that depends, and by that I mean that kids should be at a certain age to start using electronics. And that is the parents fault because their giving their children the access to do these thing like surfing the web, or using a social network like Facebook. Because of that we have kids between the ages of 6- 12 going to websites that they’re not supposed to be going, like Facebook. I even know some of my little sisters friends that already have access to Facebook and know how to work it. In conclusion, I think that the real reasons that kids are having these problems are because of all the freedom their parents are giving them at a very young age with electronics. It is allowing them to learn to do things in an inappropriate age and is affecting them mentally and physically, not saying that there can never be a time to learn these things but at least to learn it in a time that is more appropriate.

    2. i do agree with you brian with the part of the kids having social issues one because of the multitasking and two because maybe they have been in the pc or in the cell phone for to long.That is true brian when you mentioned that young kids are having access to websites that they are not aloud to go.I blame parents for all of that because why cant the kids have a parentol control on the pc and be more responsible for once in there lives!!.hey brian should parents put parental controls in their computers for the kids?? please respond!!

      - Raymond Carvajal

  39. Juan Santos-
    I agree with the author of this article that technology has some negative causes for others. A reason for why I say technology is has negative influence is because I have some hands on experience on technology myself and witnessed others using as well and and seen how badly it impacts your daily life. One of my experiences proves this fact because it has distracted me from focusing or doing my school work before which I had managed to break out from with some help from family and friends, but I can't say the same for everyone else. If my experience alone doesn't convince you because you believe it's only affecting me only, well don't take this the wrong way, but your dead wrong if you believe that technology doesn't affect people. Technology is like a drug. People try it out because they are curious or want to try out something new, or want to relieve some stress or want some self satisfaction. Technology is no different and like a drug people continue to use it more and more which in a matter of time before you know it you already have a habit in using it every time. Another reason why technology has a negative affect on people is because I was convinced in this conclusion by observing a few people I know using technology and saw how it affected their daily lives. Notice that when using technology they hardly pay attention or remain oblivious of whats going on around them because listening to music,too busy texting or paying attention to television. Now imagine still having these habits once your an adult. You wouldn't do well in dealing with daily life if your waisting your time with technology and You would hardly be able to maintain a job. I wouldn't say technology is not useful, it has it's uses that benefit most of us in work or other things in our lives, but using it constantly every time is helpful in fact some become more interested in technology that they don't pay attention to your family, friends,your job or school. Besides, it's not really good for your health to use it constantly.

  40. I really disagree with this author because you are disconnecting your self from the real world if you have an internet capability technology that can multi-task while you are using it. Also if you are with your family you can still be with them if you can just put the control down or the iPod, or probably share you technology with them. And the internet is Not a bad influence on our social skill or something because the internet increases out intellectual because of the school- related websites like Khan or another that are for called Brain the teaches you about almost any topic you have problems on.Finally the internet and the technology are NOT a threat to our society because with out technology or any other type of
    internet capability or non-capability, we would have no progress in our society that could help us create vaccine that can cure deceases. And our progress in world wide news casting would be a problem because what would happen if we were going to have an Earthquake in NYC and we were to late to alert the authoritys or the citizen because or lack or technology.- Rafael Garcia

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I agree, but also disagree. I disagree because technology has affected the way teens today communicate with other people. Especially kids from the 2000 generation Because technology has become way more advanced than it was before. The kids from the 90s didn't grow up with as much of tech. Nowadays you see kids at very, very young ages starting to use advanced tech, like cellphones, Nintendo DS, etc. This making Tech. completely and 100% necessary in their lives. But I also agree, because technology, is a way to make shy or troubled kids/teens break their boundaries and start interacting with the kids and people around them, in the streets or in school. Technology is a , mayor part of the world without it, the world wouldn't be as successful as it is now. Technology has an big affect on the way, teens and even adults act around specific situations. Technology such as Ipods,can help people who are having difficulties throughout the day to be calmer due to the fact that different types of music have affect on the feelings of the listener. Overall technology is both a good thing and a bad thing, the only thing we can do is accept it. Because what world would we live in if we didn't have technology? Tech. is an essential part of our world, our cities, and our neighborhoods, we can't change it otherwise we would be like lost puppies trying to find an easier way to live.
    -Dhilexa Martinez

  43. I disagree upon the fact that supposedly technology is bad even though the author explains well and shows good elements of persuasion to make the reader agree with him. I also think that he was also good at explaining how we waste much of our day using technology. But i disagree because technology makes our world go round believe it or not. We use these toe to keep in contact with each other. Or even for purposes of to keep people on check like the governments viewing what we do so they can make sure that we are in balance with our society. Yea , we might have our problems through social networking but we are not perfect so we change to become different every day.

  44. I disagree upon the fact that using technology is bad but its also benefits us though the author only explains elements of persuasion to make the reader agree with him. I also think that he was also good at explaining all the bad things that can affect us using technology .

  45. i disagree with the author because technology has helped us in may ways. For example phones help us communicate with each other when there is an emergency. Also things like computers can help us find cure for many diseases.

  46. Sean

    i disagree with the author because i feel like technology does not have a negative impact on society because everyone even adults use technology but they don't change the way they act society is a group of people but in the group of people around 87% use technology and don't get affected by it in a negative way the 13% that do are mostly 9% of people born with dysfunction. technology is used everyday by human kind it is said to be the way to make the day go smoothly because of technology we are able to save life's everyday get to important events on time everyday and also learn new things everyday. if technology were to cause some people to respond negatively to it then it would be a different piece of technology that humans would use to help that person get back to normal and respond to technology positively for the next time


  48. I disagree with the author because it said that "I believe that the growth of technology has negatively influenced the social interactions of today's youth because it isolates individuals from reality, hinders communication, and perpetuates the concept of immediate ­satisfaction." The growth of technology has change everything in the world because now we have cell phones for we can speak to our family or friends from long distance. I think that if we never had technology we wouldn't survive, we wouldn't have clothing, food, homes, and others. Also why do you think that so many businesses are successful because of technology. So I don't think there's an negative impact of technology in our society.
    -Roberto Nunez, 9VO

  49. Without Internet: Life is dead
    Without CellPhone: you can't talk to your mama in the middle of the street

    Without Video Games: people would of kill each other rather then killing people in games

    Without non of those thing Life would of been Wayyyyy harder the reason why we have all of this is to make life easier and people can't do much of a hard work for example This Aow were reading why waste 96 life of Leaf while we can read this in the internet or Why waste time on buying Movie while we got youtube,Netflix...etc

    I can't agree with the author of this Post/story

  50. I agree with the author because i believe that many of us has been depending on technology like never before.Also i believe that if people back then didn't use so much technology then why can't we also do it because they still survie?. i think that now a days technology just made us do everything easier and not let us exprince things are own way for explain why can't we be the tv for people,why can't we to AOW on lose leaf paper.People just find this has a exuse of moving things more faster and easier when in reality its just making us seem more lazier.Also this is the last thing i gotta say but why you all yell at us saying why don't we go outside and be active and leave the computer,tv,ipod alone? well why don't you just stop making so much things that damnge us phyicaly and emotionaly and maybe we would stop thats all i gotta say.
    -Xiara Guzman 9SM

  51. I strongly,strongly,stronlgy disagree with this author.Technology helps us in sooo many ways. 1.The author himself wouldn't have posted such article if it werent with the help of the internet.2.Technology makes other things in life easier,things like cooking,reading,and communicating with freinds and family.3. The negative impacts society has are part of those individuals own faults.Their are more positive impacts than negative impacts.

  52. I disagree with the author's opinion about technology. Think about it listening to your ipod to not deal with something you do not want to deal with is not a bad thing. See it this way, when you don't want to deal with something and you put in your headphones, you stop thinking about what is stressing you out therefore you become less stressed. Also communicating through the internert takes the same courage it takes to communicate in person. Technology is what has brung us to where we are today, why would we blame technology the thing that brought up forward as the thing that is pulling us back? If anything we need to blame ourselves, the technology is not controling us we control what we do with the technology.

  53. I just finished reading this and i think that this author makes a very interesting point about technology. I really agree with this because i feel like people rely on technology too much to do the things for them . if we rely too much on technology , then who will we become at the end of the day? We use mechanical devices to do things for us that it makes us not be able to think about what the task at hand is. I really do think that technology has advanced in a way and that it is true that it has affected many. In my case, I rely a lot on my phone and on my laptop which makes me be less capable of doing the task my self.

  54. Actually, not everyone knows right from wrong. Some people are never taught, and some people are misinformed and haven't had the opportunity to learn better yet. That's why there are people (like me) whose job it is to teach morality.
