Friday, February 12, 2016

AoW#2: The First Amendment

The First Amendment


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Public school students do not lose their constitutional rights when they walk through the schoolhouse doors. The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that “students in school as well as out of school are ‘persons’ under our Constitution.” This means that they possess First Amendment rights to express themselves in a variety of ways. They can write articles for the school newspaper, join clubs, distribute literature and petition school officials.
But public school students do not possess unlimited First Amendment rights. Two legal principles limit their rights. First, as the Supreme Court has said, minors do not possess the same level of constitutional rights as adults. Second, the government generally has greater power to dictate policy when it acts in certain capacities, such as educator, employer or jailer. For instance, a school principal can restrict a student from cursing a teacher in class or in the hallway. However, the principal would have limited, if any, authority to punish a student for criticizing a school official off-campus.
This principle of greater government control applies broadly in the public schools. The paramount duty of public school officials is to educate children in a safe environment. As one federal court put it: “Learning is more important in the classroom than free speech.”

Today, many First Amendment struggles occur in the public schools. Here are some of the leading issues:

Speaking out in school:
The First Amendment protects the right of citizens to express themselves in a variety of ways. Public school students, as young citizens, may engage in many modes of expression — from the words they speak to the ideas they write and even the clothes they wear.
In the 1969 case Tinkerv. Des Moines Independent Community School District, the high court ruled 7-2 that school officials violated the First Amendment rights of three Iowa students by suspending them for wearing black armbands to school. The Supreme Court established a protective standard for student expression in Tinker, which says that school officials cannot censor student expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights others.
Though public school students possess the right to free speech, they are not free to express themselves in an unlimited form or fashion. In 1986, the Supreme Court ruled in BethelSchool District No. 403 v. Fraser that school officials did not violate the First Amendment rights of a student suspended for giving a vulgar and lewd (i.e. sexually suggestive) speech before the student assembly.

Clothing, dress codes & uniforms:
Students often communicate through their clothing. But more and more schools are regulating what students may wear through dress-code and uniform policies. Proponents argue that they increase student attendance, instill discipline and ensure positive attitudes toward authority. They also say dress codes and uniforms make schools safer by making it easier to identify school visitors and intruders. Others contend uniforms reduce the peer pressure associated with wearing expensive clothes.
Those opposed to uniforms contend that they threaten students’ free-expression rights and parents’ liberty interests in rearing their children free from government intrusion. They also argue that dress codes and especially uniforms discourage individuality and critical thinking. The courts are divided in how they analyze dress codes, though the general trend has been to side with school districts. Teacher’s note: There has been no case brought before the Supreme Court regarding school uniforms yet, so this issue may be decided once and for all at a future date. For now, most lower courts have agreed with schools and have allowed them to enforce uniform policies.

Underground newspapers & off-campus speech:
Students generally may distribute their underground newspapers at school as long as they do not create a substantial disruption of school activities. School officials, however, can enforce reasonable regulations with respect to the time, place and manner of distribution. School officials have even less authority to regulate off-campus speech — particularly if that expression is never distributed at the school.

Many students have turned to the Internet to express a variety of viewpoints, including criticism of school officials. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that speech on the Internet is entitled to the highest level of protection on par with (meaning: on the same level as) the print medium.
Students generally have broad freedom to express themselves on the Internet on their own time, using their own off-campus computers. However, some school officials have suspended students for their off-campus Internet postings that lampooned (meaning: made fun of in a mean way) or criticized school officials or contained vulgar commentary. However, if a student creates certain online expression as part of a class or even using a school computer outside of class time, then school officials will argue that the speech is in fact school-sponsored and therefore subject to less protection.

Hate speech and speech codes:
Some school officials have implemented speech codes, arguing that they help to ensure a safe learning environment by prohibiting students from engaging in harassing speech or so-called hate speech.
Sometimes it isn’t students’ speech but their choice of symbols that is interpreted by school officials as harassing or hateful. There is perhaps no symbol more controversial in the public schools than the Confederate flag, which supporters say is merely a symbol of heritage, but critics charge is a symbol of hate. Many students have been suspended for wearing such garb or even for drawing pictures of the flag in class.

Pledge of Allegiance:
In the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a resurgence of patriotism has swept the nation. Public schools have helped fuel this patriotic zeal by requiring students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
After the attacks, school officials in Georgia suspended two high school students for failing to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. The court reasoned that the First Amendment free-speech clause included the right not to speak.

Other Things You Should Know:
            There is a “clear and present danger” test applied to determine whether or not the statement you are about to make is protected by the First Amendment. The famous example of this is that you aren’t allowed to yell “fire!” in a crowded theater if there is no fire. If you did, you might start a stampede towards the exits and people might get very hurt. Their rights to personal safety are greater than your right to say whatever you want.
            You are, in effect, allowed by the First Amendment to say WHATEVER you want. However, the First Amendment limits WHEN and WHERE you can say it. In the aforementioned example, you could be jailed for screaming “fire!” (what) in a crowded theater (where), but if you were the only person in the building you could scream it all you want (where/when). You are allowed to wear a t-shirt with curse words on it (what) in the street (where), but could be suspended for wearing it to school (where). You can protest WalMart’s employment policies (what) in the public park across from the store (where), but you are not allowed to protest in the parking lot owned by WalMart (where).
The First Amendment would say that teacher is allowed to give you detention for saying “why do we have to do this? This is boring! I hate this class!” (what) in the middle of a lesson (when), but would probably protect you from suspension if you said it to them in private (when) in a respectful manner (again: your rights to freedom of speech are less valid than your classmates’ rights to an education). The Supreme Court says you have the right to write an article in the school newspaper saying you don’t like your school’s uniform policy, or stand up and make a speech to student council, or make an appointment with the principal to discuss your concerns. However, courts still give schools rights to enforce their school clothing policies.

The First Amendment protects your rights, as long as the action taken does not infringe upon the rights of others.


Choose one of the following options:
  • Respond to a question at the bottom of each AoW.  Use text evidence to support your response.
  • Reply (comment) to a teammate's response  Summarize the argument made then add your own thoughts and evidence.  Finally, post a question to keep the conversation going.  Use text evidence to support your response.
      Be mindful of the rubric:  (Focus, Development, Reading, Organization, Conventions, Formatting)


      The First Amendment provides for freedom of expression.  Should schools have a right to limit a student’s freedom? 


      1. I believe that schools have the right to limit a student's freedom. I believe this because if schools would limit students rights than they would have no control over them and they would do whatever they wanted.For example in dominican republic students fight and don't get in trouble and I believe that is risking other students safety. Also since the school has a uniform policy students are not harassed or judged based on what they wear. However others might say that it's unfair that they limit how we dress. And it's true sometimes we want to wear whatever we want however it all depends what school you go to. Because in A Philip Randolph students can wear whatever they want as long as it's appropriate. Therefore I believe that even though we want to wear what we want they school should still limit our rights.

      2. Schools shouldnt limit freedom of speech and expression for student. My reason for this is because students should be able to express and voice opinions on things as long as it wont disturb other students learning. In the example of the court case Tinker vs Desmoines, Tinker wored an armband to protest a war and was being suspended but as the case went to the supreme court they disagreed with the school since it wasnt "disruptive" for the other students. I agree with how this case was ruled and how the school didnt give freedom of expression to Tinker. According to the First Amendment research attorney he saids,"Public schools students as young citizens may engage in many modes of expression- from the words they speak to the ideas they write and even the clothes they wear"(Hudson JR).

      3. Schools should limit a student's freedom because if the student is causing disruption or fear during school then there's noting that a teach can be because there is no rule restricting that. The first amendment can give you freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion but the school can limit how much freedom you have in school. For example you can't shout out something false like fie. In the article it states. "The famous example of this that you aren't allowed to yell "fire"! in a crowded theater if there is no fire"(Paragraph 9). It is saying that if you scream fire in a theater when there isn't no fire then that just going to cause chaos and fear which can lead to people getting trampled and getting hurt. People might say that thats the only way of the students expressing them selves but what if they want to express them selves in a bad way.

      4. Yes, I believe schools should have the right to limit a student's freedom because schools should guarantee a safe environment. Foul language in a school environment can cause a distraction for other students and can lead to physical fights between other students. A school's learning environment should be surrounded by knowledge not intolerable language behavior. “The Supreme Court established in Tinker, which says that school officials cannot censor students expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights others”(Speaking Out in Public). A students rights in school should be limited because unfortunately some students take advantage of that right not knowing the full consequence. For example, joining the school's newspaper that allows students to express themselves in a creative mindset without a disruption unless a student or teacher’s life is in danger. However students should be allowed to dress freely in school because clothing is another way of expression towards students on the other hand it is safer to have student with uniform so it can be easier and safer to spot an intruder attempting to enter the school. Students should recognize their limits towards their rights in school.

      5. Schools should not limit students freedom because students feel a certain pressure with being forced to keep in your actual self. Students can express themselves through thrir clothing unseeded of speaking it. In the article “Thr first amendment” by David L. Hudson, it states “ students often communicate through their clothing” (Hudson paragraph 6). This "stage house some students cannot verbally communicate so they visually communicates a proof points. Students dress up or do different actions to speak ideas.” From the words they speak to the ideas they write and even the clothes they wear” (Hudson Paragraph 3). Cool as well describes how students can show ideas and communicate through many ways to prove a point. In the 3rd grade one day in school we had a be free day which meant it was a day to show who we are a point we are trying to to prove. On that day i came with no uniform and dressed up with colors just to express who I am and how we shouldn't have to wear uniform.

      6. I believe that schools should limit student’s freedom, however very little dhe to children not being able to express themselves the way they want to. So many children have original, creative, mindsets that which therefore makes them stand out and do things rather than people who strictly follow school rules and wouldn’t normally do what other open-minded kids would do. In the article, “The First Amendment” it states, “ school officials cannot censor student expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights of others.” (Hudson pg.2). This regulation of not being able to stop someone from showing freedom of expression unless it causes a disruption among students and their ability to learn leads into a very famous case called : Tinker v. Des Moines.
        The case concluded of Tinker , a high school student who wore a black armband in school. The school soon banned anyone from wearing black armbands in school but Tinker refused to obey orders and continued to wear it. Tinker was later on suspended and his family sued his school because they believed they were violating his freedom of expression. It was violating his freedom of expression due to not letting him wear/dress the way he wanted to dress/wear. The black arm band wasn’t offending anybody nor was it disrupting anyone’s learning time. Getting Tinker, or in general, anybody in trouble for wearing what they felt like is violating their first amendment rights because Tinker was not putting anyone in danger, he was simply wearing an armband that showed how he protested the Vietnam War. He was doing it for his own sake, not trying to put anybody in danger, nor getting people to join him.
        However, some people believe it’s necessary to implant rules because of how children can get out of hand with how they respect their teachers. In the article “The First Amendment” it says, “The First Amendment would say that teachers are allowed to give you detention for saying, “Why do we have to do this? This is boring! I hate this class!” in the middle of a lesson” (Hudson pg.5). With not limiting teenager’s rights they are in full control of disrespecting or even harming teachers. Therefore they seem like it’s okay to continue this type of behaviour in school.
        On the other hand, limiting the children’s rights but to a small extent should be allowed at school to how these kids discipline. To know that there is a line not to cross, and if that line is crossed, there are going to be rules and consequences. These children can wear whatever they want because it is their body. However, it should be appropriate enough that it doesn’t disrespect or disrupt the learning environment.

      7. Schools should limit freedom of speech and expression because it can cause disruption when people are learning. The First Amendment states that we have the right to freedom of speech, meaning that people in the United States of America have a right to express their opinions. However, schools limit students freedom of speech because it causes disruption in class. There is a lot of ways to express your opinions, one way is with your clothes. You can say a lot with the clothes that you wear, which allows you to express yourself, but schools has limit that with uniforms and dress codes. A stricter dress code has been proven to increase attendance, good discipline, and positive attitude (Hudson 2). So this shows one way that schools limit students freedom and it was beneficial. Another way students can show freedom of speech is by using hate speech. In the text, “The First Amendment,” by David Hudson states, “ ensure a safe learning environment by prohibiting students from engaging in harassing speech or so-called hate speech,” (Hudson 3). In order to have a safe environment to learn, we have to limit their freedom of speech. Some people might argue that, schools shouldn't limit their freedom of speech because students voices should be heard. However, their voices are heard just not in a way that causes disruption in their learning. Instead of expressing themselves in their clothes or speaking out in class, they can go to an adult in the school and speak out their opinions and what they think should be changed. By doing this their opinions would be considered more than just speaking out in class. The first Amendment is limited even outside of schools. In the article it states, “However, the First Amendment limits when and where you can say it,” (Hudson 4). The First Amendment is limited in schools because you have to know when and where to say it, so that there can't be a distraction. For example, in my school a group of girls thought that it wasn't right that girls had less amount of sports than boys do. Instead of speaking out in class and instead of expressing it in their clothing, which will disrupt learning time, they went to an adult and told them that they wanted more sports for girls. Therefore, students freedom is limited during school hours. However, just like outside of school they need to know when and where to do it which is on their own time after school. Schools should limit students freedom, so there shouldn't be a disruption in the students learning.

      8. This comment has been removed by the author.

      9. Have you ever wondered why students need to wear uniform or why students are limited to the first amendment? The first amendment states that ‘persons under the constitution’ have the right to freedom of speech, religion, the press and expression. There was a case called Tinker V. Des Moines, it was one of the cases that led to students having more rights and freedom in schools. However, there was a drawback. Schools can limit what others say/do only if they disrupt others from learning. Also, school authorities can determined as to how students may be punished upon their actions. I believe schools do have the right to limit the rights of students’ because by having limits, it leads to an overall safer area of learning. In the previously mentioned case, students wore a black armband to school and got suspended. These high school students disagreed and fought for rights in court. The court favored with the students’ side because this violated their first amendment rights. They were not being disruptive, nor what they were wearing was distractive. By the win of this case, new laws were created protecting the rights of students in school. By having school uniforms, it essentially makes schools safer to be in. On an article called, “The First Amendment,” by David Hudson, it states, “Dress codes and uniforms make school safer by making it easier to identify school visitors and intruders,” (Hudson 2). Yes the dress codes/uniforms have both pros and cons to it, but the pros overpower the cons because schools are supposed to be safe, not an environment where students are scared to come to school. Some people may say that having uniforms ‘discourages individuality,’ but school uniforms are what keep school buildings safe. It has been said that by having stricter dress codes,it can increase attendance, increase discipline and ensure positive attitudes toward authority, (Hudson 2). Having school uniforms also allows people to have a reduced amount of peer pressure because of not being able to buy ‘expensive’ clothes, (Hudson 2). In addition to the school uniform, students can express themselves on the internet towards school/school official or teacher. Only if a “non-school” computer was used, the first amendment supports in favor with the student. Also, after the 9/11 terrorist attack, public schools made students recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Some students can choose to not participate when reciting the Pledge, and remain silent if they choose to do so. Therefore, schools should limit the power of students in school.

      10. I agree that schools don't have a right to limit a students freedom of speech because everyone has equal rights and it wouldn't be fair to limit what everyone has the right to do. The First Amendment protects students rights to freedom of speech and expression. In public schools students do not lose their rights,but are limited. In speaking out students can express themselves in a variety of ways unless it causes a substantial disruption. With clothing many students have to wear uniform or dress code,arguing that their freedom of expression is being taken away. Also in the third section of the article it says "proponents argue that they increase student attendance,instill discipline and ensure positive attitudes toward authority". So this is saying that if schools stop regulating what students wear then it won't improve attendance and discipline for students. In addition schools should not limit students rights because their shouldn't be a difference between rights inside school then outside of school.

      11. Schools should not limit freedom of expression and speech because it is a way for students to express them self. The First Amendment gives you the right to show your expression and speech. According to the article, “The First Amendment” it says, “Students often communicate through their clothing. But more and more schools are regulating what students may wear through dress-code and uniform policies,”(Hudson 2). Many schools thinks it is better for students to wear uniforms or have a dress code police but student are being their true self or express their personality. Students are basically being forced to wear a uniform against their will. Students like to be able to wear whatever they like because it’s fun for them to show their style and show who they really are. But students that wear uniform are representing the school not themselves. According to the article, “The First Amendment” it says, “They also argue that dress codes and especially uniforms discourage individuality and critical thinking.”(Hudson 2). It is not fun to go to school and wear the same clothes for a week and finally have the chance in the weekend to wear whatever you like. Some people might say that learning is more important than your freedom of speech but then how are you able to disagree or agree with something if you’re not able to give your opinion? In the article it states, “School officials cannot censor student expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights others,”(Hudson 2). It’s not at all bad to say what you need to say. However, when you are saying it in a way it is not affecting others. Therefore, school should not limit students freedom of expression or speech in school.

      12. Schools should limit students freedom of speech because there could be a lot of student who would hurt other if they don't have a limit.The first amendment give you the right on freedom of speech and to show who you really are. I believe in the first amendment but in school they should put a limit on freedom of speech because their student that can hurt the others students either verbally or sexually suggestive. According to the article,"The First Amendment" it say's, " Officials did not violate the First Amendment right of a student suspended for giving a vulgar and iewd (i.e. sexually suggestive speech before the student assembly"(Speaking out in school 2). This shows that even if the First amendment give them freedom but there should be a limit in how they use it in school because they can use it in an inappropriate way. Many people believe that student should have freedom of speech but if they do they can use the social media against the students. If they get freedom of speech students are the type to use facebook and bully other student. According to the article, "First Amendment" it say's, "Some school officials have suspended students for their off-campus internet posting that lampooned (meaning made fun f in a mean way) or criticized school officials or contained vulgar commentary"(Cyberspeech).This shows that even outside of school when student have freedom of speech they can hurt others student verbally on social media.

      13. In the constitution that our founding fathers synthesized, there is the first amendment. This amendment states that we have freedom of speech, relgion,press,and assembly. And there has been debates on whether schools should limit these rights. I belive that schools should limit these rights. I think that schools should limit first amendment rights because students might misuse. For example,if rights are not limited,teens will start to curse out people regularly which can result in many more incidents of bullying. In the article "The First Amendment" it states,"The first amendment protects your rights, as long as the action taken does not infringe upon the rights of others,"(Hudson). This is exactly what teens would do. They tend to curse at peole to let out emotion which can affect the self esteem of a person and even interfer with their right of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And teachers might not notice the bullying because they would probably be hearing cursing everyday. Also limited rights can discipline teens. In the article it says,"more schools are regulating what students may wear through dress - code and uniform policies. Proponents argue that they increase students attendance, install discipline,and ensure positive attitudes toward authority, "(Hudson). If rights are not limited, then based on this quote students are less mature and not as disciplined. So if uniforms give more discipline then rights should be limited. In th end discipline and order is better than chaos and disrespect.

      14. The first amendment protects freedom of expression. This means that the amendment gives you a certain set of rights if an authority figure punishes you. I believe schools should have a right to limit a student’s freedom of expression in order to provide a safe learning environment. Schools should limit freedom of expression because it will prevent students to disrespect the class. This makes a safe learning environment because it will make students feel more safe in school. An example of this is my little sister. Her school limits the freedom of expression of students. This makes her feel safe because she knows the class won’t be disrespected by another student and she will be on a safe learning environment. In the article “ The First Amendment” under the section “ Hate speech and speech codes” it said, “ Some school officials have implemented speech codes, arguing that they help to ensure a safe learning environment by prohibiting students from engaging in harassing speech or so-called hate speech”( Hudson 6). This means that schools are making a safe learning environment by prohibiting students from engaging in harassing speech. Schools should limit student’s freedom of expression but not take it to a point where the students will get so mad that they will actually try to do something that will disrespect the class.

      15. This comment has been removed by the author.

      16. “Should schools limit students freedom?”, is the question that needs to be answered. The first amendment says; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech or the press…”(Amendment). This is saying that we have the freedom to do whatever we want. However, our rights are limited when we walk into the school building. But, should it be limited? Schools should limit the certain languages that the students shouldn’t use in schools, however, shouldn’t limit how they express themselves in religion and/or clothing. In the text The First Amendment it states; “students often communicate through their clothing” (Hudson 3). Students shouldn’t be forced to wear uniform, they should have the right to express their mood/feelings through their clothing. In addition, the text also states; “school officials in Georgia suspended two high school students for failing to stand during the pledge of Allegiance. The court reasoned that the First Amendment free-speech included the right big to speak”(Hudson 7). Students shouldn't be punished for something that they don't believe in. According to the is quote, the court proves that schools can't limit how the students express themselves through the religion. However, students should be able to express themselves through their clothing. Like I said before, students shouldn't be forced to wear uniform. They should be free and wear anything they want that shows how they're feeling.

      17. The first amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting, the free exercise there; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” People might misinterpret the first amendment, such as students in schools. Schools should limit the freedom of speech and freedom of expression for students because at the generation that students are living in some of them like to take advantage of the first amendment. The way that students might misinterpret the first amendment is by thinking that they can say anything that could be vulgar and trying to back it up with the first amendment and saying “I have the right to say what I want, it’s called freedom of speech”. The reason I say that is because in school I’ve been one of those students who believes they can say anything they want and back it up with the first amendment. But in school the first amendment is very important, it affects what people could wear and what they can say. For example, “students are allowed to join school newspapers, join clubs, distribute literature and petition school officials as a way for students to show their freedom of speech and say respectful things. But a way that students might take advantage of freedom of speech is probably by judging other students who may come knew to their school and offending them in any kind of way, then it becoming into an argument but the students backing everything up with “freedom of speech”. School limits where and when you can say things. “You are, in effect, allowed by the First Amendment to say WHATEVER you want. However, the First Amendment limits WHEN and WHERE you can say it.” (Hudson paragraph 16). This quote explains how the first amendment allows you to say whatever you what but that it limits it where you say it and when. Which is similar to school, they limit where and when you say things. I once talked bad about a teacher in front of another teacher, and the teacher told me to not talk about that teacher in school, I can do it outside of school but not in or during school. Later on is when students take all the hateful things they have to say to the internet. “Students generally have broad freedom to express themselves on the Internet on their own time, using their own off-campus computers. However, some school officials have suspended students for their off-campus Internet postings that lampooned (meaning: made fun of in a mean way) or criticized school officials or contained vulgar commentary.” (Hudson). This quote is saying that the first amendment lets students express themselves on the internet about school officials but there is a limit to it.

      18. Students should have a limited freedom of speech in school because classes shouldn’t be interrupted while learning. Up to this day some cases have been brought to the court of interruption during classes. According to Cyber speech in Freedom of Speech in school, “Some school officials have suspended students for their off-campus Internet postings that lampooned (meaning; made fun of in a mean way) or criticized school officials or contained vulgar commentary,” (The First Amendment pg. 3). If students were to do this to teachers, the teachers wouldn’t have a nice attitude toward the student. Most likely the teacher would have some kind of dislike toward the student therefore causing the student to learn less or even causing the teacher not to pay attention to the student. Not only that, but bullying/cyber bullying should be part of why school freedom of speech should be limited. According to the same article, but the section of Hate Speech and Speech Codes it talks about how some students have gotten suspended for wearing or drawing the confederate flag in school, (The First Amendment pg. 3). If someone symbolizes a form of hate it shouldn’t be something used in school. Symbolizing is the same thing as expressing something just not with words and the confederate flag affects so many people, unlike if they believed in something, but kept it to themselves. According to Other Things I Should Know in Freedom of Speech in school it says, “In the aforementioned example, you could be jailed for screaming “fire!” in a crowd theater,” (The First Amendment pg. 4). Putting the safety of other should be first. Playing around with things that can hurt somebody can’t be a reason why the first amendment should be used therefore another reason why it should be limited. Some argue that freedom of speech shouldn’t be limited in school because they like to dress differently however they have to think of how students communicate with teachers. Also according to the same section, “ The First amendment limits when and where you can say it,” (The First Amendment 4). The first amendment has been brought various cases of different scenarios and this is what they came up with. The first amendment is for the people to defend themselves, but not to defend themselves for the wrong things. In my life I have experienced the use of the first amendment since I started first grade.School uniform! School uniform is something that most kids that I know hate. The first amendment defends our freedom of expression and fashion is an expression. A lot of students say they want it to be changed but no one takes action and goes to the court with this problem giving the school full authority of uniform or no uniform. Overall, the first amendment should be limited in school for the purpose of it being a place of education.

      19. The First Amendment protects the right of United States citizens. It protects the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition. An example of that is being able to wear to wear a t-shirt with curse words on it in public. Another example is being able to publish any opinion or type of information. This grants us the freedom to express ourselves. It encourages individuality and creativity. Even though, we’re given this freedom, some places limit our freedom of speech and the right to express ourselves like at school. Schools possess the power to limit students’ rights. This is a good thing. Schools should have the right to limit a student's freedom because it protects students rights to learn without disruptions. Every student is granted a free education at public schools. If a student is interfering with this, school officials should step in. An education or learning is more important than limiting a student's rights. David L. Hudson Jr., the First Amendment Center research attorney said, “The Supreme Court established a protective standard for student expression in Tinker, which says that school officials cannot censor student expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights of others,” (Freedom of Speech in Public Schools: The First Amendment). Students are able to express themselves in many ways. Like writing for the school newspaper, joining clubs, and giving out literature and petitioning school officials. However, students aren't granted the same rights as adults. Meaning they aren't able to express themselves in unlimited ways. Like in the Tinker case, three students were wearing black armbands to school representing peace from the Vietnam War. The court ruled in favor of Tinker, those students weren't disturbing others right to learn. And the number one priority of public school officials is, “to educate children in a safe environment. As one federal court put it: ‘Learning is more important in the classroom than free speech,” (The First Amendment). School officials should have a good reason to limit a student’s right, if not he/she should not limit the student’s rights. If the student is causing a disruption then his/her rights should be limited so others can learn. School officials should limit students’ rights so they can provide an education without disruptions.

      20. The First amendment. The protector of a person’s freedom of speech and expression. Everyone may say whatever they wish and perform any actions to express themselves in any way they deem necessary that does not threaten the general safety of others. Anyone and everyone can practice these rights, including children. However the moment they walk into class it is acceptable to place restrictions on what is allowed as freedom of speech. School should have the right to limit a student’s freedom. Schools must carry a safe and great learning environment free from distractions and or disturbances. The staff may do anything that is needed to keep this environment intact. This freedom can easily be abused by fellow classmates and can be seen as a form of aggression. According to the attorney David L. Hudson Jr., Students are allowed to express themselves in certain ways without causing a disruption, “school officials cannot censor student expression unless . . . the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights others.” (Hudson Jr Paragraph 5). Schools should only be able to interfere with the right of freedom of speech if it will directly affect another student which is the way it should be. Anything that won't cause a disruption is fair game, such as appropriate clothing. One limitation that should not be placed is uniform for all students. Clothing does not pose a threat to another child's learning experience unless it was taken to an extreme. Students wear certain type of clothes that they use to express himself and taking this away can have some repercussions, “dress codes and especially uniforms discourage individuality and critical thinking.” (Hudson Jr paragraph 8). Many others agree with me and see wearing certain clothing is a safe form of expression. This should be used as an example of what shouldn't have many limitations. Others might disagree and belief that schools shouldn't have any control over the students freedom but this quickly leads to an abusive relationship betweeen the freedom and the student which ultimately will destroy the safe focused learning environment in schools. Without something to stop them students may take this to the very extreme. Schools should have the right to limit student’s freedom of speech however these restriction must be reasonable and may only be placed on anything that may cause a disruption or disturbance, unlike showing expression through clothing.

      21. Freedom of speech has been a well argued topic for plenty of years. Beliefs on people’s rights have been talked about and dealt with on and off. As students, you also have rights to freedom of speech according to the first amendment. Being that students do have those rights I also believe that there should be a limit to freedom of expression because it can be taken advantage of if not. According to the article, The First Amendment by David L. Hudson Jr says “First, as the Supreme Court has said, minors do not possess the same level of constitutional rights as adults” (Hudson Jr 1). These rights limit the amount of freedom of expression students have. In the second page it also says “Though public school students possess the right to free speech, they are not free to express themselves in an unlimited form or fashion” (Hudson Jr 2). The restrictions minors have due to authorization is high. As a student you're able to express yourself but there’s a line that can’t be crossed and that’s right to have because then students won’t have respect towards there teachers. On the other hand sometimes the restrictions are way too high. Although your a minor sometimes I feel as if what you feel and say has to be held back due to respect. To conclude yes the first amendment is very helpful because there should be an extent students should have while expressing themselves.

      22. Schools should limit students freedom of speech because if not students would take advantage and say anything they feel like and there would be a lot of chaos. Some schools officials have implemented speech codes. saying that they help to ensure a safe learning environment. They also don't allow students to use on-campus computers for criticism school official. This ensure the safety of teachers and other staff members of false accusations and threats. Though public school students posses the right to freedom of speech, they are not free to express themselves in an unlimited form. Some might say that students have the right to say whatever they want to express themselves because of freedom of speech. However, students are not allowed to say what they feel like because then they will be no restrictions to what they might say.

      23. Schools should limits students First Amendment rights inside of school because students might take advantage and be disrespectful or distract others from their work. There was a court case Tinker v.s Des Moines in that case they decided that if students are not harming others work focus than they have have the right to wear and protest what they want quietly. But if it's distracting others that would limit their rights.(Hudson pg.3) For example if a student curses out a teacher in school that is obviously disrespectful and is not and should not be allowed. (Hudson pg.3) Students do need to speak out some of the time but if it is disrespectful and would hurt someone it shouldn’t be said. People’s First Amendment rights can violate other people's feelings and make others feel bad so people should take advantage of that to use it in that way to people.

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      25. Schools should limit students First Amendment rights inside of school because students will abuse there own rights to disrupt their peer's learnings. "They also say dress codes and uniforms make schools safer by making it easier to identify school visitor and intruders"(article). Not too long ago when i was in a summer program, i was around 9 years old and soo we were inside a zoo where they were many people so it was easy to get lost. As it turns out i got lost when i went into the bathroom but later on was found by one of the directors on the program thanks the orange colored shirt that said the programs name. Having a uniform shirt made it possible for me to be found in a huge crow. "But more and more schools are regulating what students may wear through dress-code and uniform and uniform policies. Proponets argue that they increase student attendance. Instill discipline and ensure positive attitudes toward authority."(Article). Thanks to the first Amendment kids have better performance in schools because of uniform policies.

      26. The First Amendment in school has been as an excuse to disobey the rules that turned to a controversial topic about how it should be enforced. If limited, students would feel like they are being stripped of their rights. If not, the amendment would be used as excuses for students to use inappropriate behaviour. I think that school shouldn't completely limit students' rights, meaning as let students have rights to certain extents. One of the reasons we have school is to find students' identity and who they are, which isn't easy if the rules restrict things like their clothing or uniform. An analysis text written by a First Amendment Center research attorney, David L. Hudson Jr, states "Students often communicate through their clothing. But more and more schools are regulating what students may wear through dress code and uniform policies; Those opposed to uniforms contend that they threaten students' free-expression rights and parents' liberty interests in rearing their children free from government intrusion." (Hudson Jr, 2). Explains how it isn't allowing children to be themselves and isn't teaching them individuality. However, people may argue no dress codes gets distracting for class. I disagree with this with one case famously known as Tinker vs Des Moines, where a high school student had a black armband as protest the Vietnam War, and got suspended because it wasn't allowed, with one statement the Supreme Court supported where it wasn't disruptive to other students. Making Tinker protected by the First Amendment by complete ruling. Also, I once knew a classmate in elementary school that wore a lot of silly bands. Class was stopped for around 5 minutes because she didn't want to take it off when the teacher told her, and it wasn't distracting to our learning until the teacher kept on commanding her to take it off and actually stopping our learning time for something as odd as that. Because of this, the school, a week later, did not allow silly bands. It was ridiculous for that to be made for something not as big as a deal. Now, this all doesn't mean the students should be free as a whole in school. There should be restrictions in bashing, hate speech or underground talk, all falls in the freedom of speech. This has been used many times as a way out or permission to speak whatever. In the text, it states "Sometimes it isn't students' speech but their choice of symbols that is interpreted by school officials as harassing or hateful" (Hudson Jr. 3) This shows how you cannot say or wear anything offensive, then state "but freedom of speech" because it doesn't allow hate speech, to school officials and/or students. One time, one student drew a Swastika in Sharpie on a wall and it caused uproar by parents and students because it was disgustingly offensive. When the culprit was caught, it was rumored he claimed it was a joke. Although not directly stating The First Amendment as a front-runner, it wasn't allowed by no excuse. Overall though, these things are reasons with The First Amendment, why students should have a voice, but not overuse it.

      27. I believe schools should limit the rights of their student, because students should not exagerate their rights in school. By talking over teachers, saying inappropriate things/ language during class would distract other students from having there learning time. Which would be affecting their future of education slowy and over time. By getting low grades. According to the article " The First Amendment ", it says " The First Amendment protects your rights, as long as the action taken does not infringe upon the rights o there's " ( 8the sec ). Meaning that you can use your rights but it has to be at a good time and place that won't alert/distracting others.They also have the right to talk to them privetly, write a note or article saying what ever they want but not over a lesson in school or in school property. What's your opinion? Should schools limit students rights?

      28. Schools should and shouldn't limit the right to a student's freedom of expression because it depends on the situation and how it's being used. For example, the teacher's have the right to limit a student's right when it has to do with cyberspeech. With cyberspeech a student can post up anything they want on social media but, if it was posted through a school computer than there are consequences (First Amendment reading). The first amendment protects the right of students expressing themselves through social media yet, teachers can limit that freedom if it goes too far. For instance, it's ok if a student wants to post up whatever they want on social media if it isn't being done on school property (meaning the first amendment protects that right). What it doesn't protect is if the student had used that right for bad and use school projects as an excuse then in that case the teachers have the right to suspend them or punish. A personal example of mine is that before I thought the first amendment would protect a student if they wanted to curse out a teacher because they don’t agree with something. What I now know more about and understand is that the first amendment does protect this action just not in this way. In the first amendment it says that the only way this right can be protected is if it’s done in private and of course: respectfully.

      29. Schools should limit first amendment rights because it makes schools safer. Making schools safer would be easier in noticing students, noticing school visitors and noticing intruders. In the article The First Amendment its states, "They also say dress codes and uniforms make schools safer by making it easier to identify school visitors and intruders"(Hudson JR). This piece of evidence connects to how uniforms make schools safer. Some people might say that uniforms is a way for students to express themselves but this is not valid. Uniforms increases schools safety. With uniforms students don't have to worry about what they are going to wear tomorrow or what people might say about what they are wearing. This would cause more bullying in schools because students would talk about how expensive is your sneakers etc. With school uniforms students are more disciplined and would make schools safer. Without the first amendment students would be out of control which would make schools unsafe.

      30. Every individual is protected by the First Amendment, which protects our rights to unite together and protest, have freedom of speech and of expression, sue the government, the newspaper, radio and media, etc. However, many of these rights are limited to students in schools. You might be aware of these rights by uniforms or dress codes required in schools, or somethings prohibited to do or say like loudly and angrily criticizing a teacher, cursing, wearing hats, bracelets or necklaces depending on how it’s taken among others.
        I believe schools should and have a right to limit a student’s freedom of speech because they might be rude or say something disrespectful. In the article, “The First Amendment”, David L. Hudson Jr. stated, “Though public school students posses the right to free speech, they are not free to express themselves in an unlimited form or fashion,”(1). We, the students, express ourselves in a non professional and appropriate way. We allow our feelings to get the best of us and take advantage of our rights of the First Amendment. Many teachers tend to not allow students to say what they feel or speak in general if it has nothing to do with their class or lesson, which is a good thing. They don’t want any disturbance. Moreover, the dress code makes students all equal. The article stated, “Other contend uniforms reduce the peer pressure associated with wearing expensive clothes,”(2). With uniform, students don't get bullied or aren't peered pressure because they are the same. Limited freedom for students makes a safer, more united, and an equalized environment.

      31. The dream speech of Martin Luther King jr. Showing his thoughts about discrimination, which changed the world today. Which was a significant way to show how past changes future. But does freedom of speech occur a lot in learning and education? Education is very important to a kid’s life because it will show how deep you are into your journey of life. Freedom of speech is also crucial because you can express your things about thinking in life. Schools limit the right you have for the 1st amendment. Dream speech and education shows who we are and where we are now in life. Education and schools do have a right to limit students freedom in school because the uniform policy and the way you speak to others play a key role in the society of education. Uniform policy which many or some schools have do it for a purpose. A purpose of students not showing off and not distracting them from learning. The clothing they will notice will be more interesting to them than the education. Wearing True Religion ,”oh where you bought them at?” The student already wondering in his mind about clothing and what’s his plan to get to those clothing. In the article,” The First Amendment”, it say,” Others contend uniforms reduce the peer pressure associated with wearing expensive clothes”(The First Amendment 3). It shows how stereotypes play more than the rule of learning. People are going to be focused on the expensive clothing, than the education. The education is more important than what you wear because education can lead to you getting clothing that you wanted and a better future. Another reason that schools have a right to limit students right of freedom of speech is the way you speak to your teachers. If you speak to them straight up like cursing at them and saying I don’t like this about you in class. Will show signs of disrespect and shows how your expanding freedom of speech too much. You should have a private conversation with the teacher and tell them in a respectful way, so you're on the right terms. It will show to the teacher that you're mature and you're not disrespectful or distracting in her class. In the article,” The First Amendment”, it states,” This is boring! I hate this class! in the middle of a lesson, but would probably protect you from suspension if you said it to them in private in a respectful manner”(The First Amendment 5). This shows how that if you respect the teacher and tell her what's wrong it would be a better learning system because you're affecting others kids learning. Showing what you think outside of class will get you out of trouble and let others learn in the class. What others might say is student should have enough freedom of speech to talk or say what they shall in school. However there is a limit to when you can explain your thinking in class. For example writing your position, you can explain your thinking, but don’t try to tell the teacher an inappropriate saying during class it distracts class. Therefore schools have the right to limit students rights of the 1st amendment.

      32. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech”. This amendment means that citizens of America have the right to speak freely in the right place and time and have the right to the chose any religion you want in America. However, once you step into a school building these rights are limited and I totally agree with this for multiple reasons. First, it makes it clear for any visitors and makes it more safer, the article states, “They also say dress codes and uniforms make schools safer by making it easier to identify school visitors and intruders”(3). Limiting the student's expression makes it safer for them self because if there is a young boy who wears his pants saggy he can keep guns and knifes. Moreover, this fact it's also good for a student to participate in the pledge of allegiance. This shows respect to our country, after the September 11,2001 attacks students have to stand up and say the pledge of allegiance (4). This is good for us because in this country we need to show respect. At the end our right should be limited to make the students safer and show respect to the country we live on.

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      34. The First Amendment gives the freedom of speech. It allows people to express themselves in a variety of ways. The stops anyone from restricting a person the right to speak out. But there is some limits to saying whatever you want. For this reason schools should have some right to limit a student’s freedom. Minors don’t have the same level of constitutional rights as adults. But schools shouldn’t censor student expression unless if it causes disruption in school or if it invades the rights of others. In the text it says,”Learning is more important in the classroom than free speech”(Hudson,1). This shows that school is meant for learning rather than having the right to speech. Even if some think schools should not limit rights to speech students don’t lose complete constitutional rights when they go to school. Students are still allowed to express what they want in school but there is always a limit.

      35. The first amendment of the United States was created with the purpose to protect an individual’s right to speak and express themselves freely. Within schools, however, this right is limited. I personally believe this for the better, as it ensures both safety and simplicity amongst all students.
        A big example of expression not only in schools, but in our daily lives is clothing, it would be better for the school as a whole if a uniform policy was enforced. As David Hudson, the author the article states, “They also say dress codes and uniforms make schools safer by making it easier to identify school visitors and intruders,” (Hudson 3). This statement refers to the safety precautions uniforms provide. By making students wear a uniform, this allows it to be very clear for the authorities as to who is supposed to be in the school, and who isn’t. Those who oppose uniforms may say, “that they threaten students’ free-expression rights and parents’ liberty to interests in rearing their children free from government intrusion,” (Hudson 3). While this claim may be true to some extent, this can be quickly countered by bringing up an example from my personal life. Within my school, the uniform is literally just a shirt or hoodie with the logo of the school itself. This still allows students to be independent in many aspects of their appearance, while still maintaining the safety of a uniform.
        Uniforms help promote simplicity. As the old saying goes, if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. Allowing students to come to school with whatever they want may promote forms of bullying and peer pressure. As the article states, “Others contend uniforms reduce the peer pressure associated with wearing expensive clothes,” (Hudson 3). Removing the uniform policy that is currently enforced in the United States would bring way more problems than needed. The cons will definitely outweigh the positives. Like I previously stated, one example of this is bullying. Someone getting picked one because of what they wear is not a new thing. This is just another reason as to why we need to limit the first amendment within schools.
        To conclude, the first amendment should be limited within schools. Allowing students free reign to do whatever they want with their speech and expression to the literal term, will not only violate our safety in schools, but will also bring higher waves of bullying and peer pressure across the United States.

      36. Schools should have the right to limit a students freedom. Teens these days get too carried away with the whole "rights" thing so they think just because they have rights they can do or say whatever they want. Most people however think students should have the same rights as an adults according to the text , " Supreme court has said , minors do not posses the same level of constitutional rights as adults"(Hudson Jr 1). Basically students have to follow their offical school rules so any rights they have outside is not the rights they have in school. But however outside of school students basically have same rights as adults. According to the text , it says "However the principal would have limited if any authority to punish a student for criticizing a school offical"( Hudson Jr). So basically the student wont get as much trouble as if they were inside the school. But in school I feel like schools should be able to limit a students freedom.

      37. I feel like students have the right to do as they like in school after the age of 15. After 15 your more mature and have a better brain to process things. When your more mature you think more about what People around you think whenever you do a certain action. Uniform help school oficial know when its a student instead of an intruder. School that have little or dont inforce the rules have a higher ratio of dropouts and fights. School also need that one teacher to be strict or have the role as a bad teacher to show Kids that their some Kids you dont like. Getting in trouble helps you accomplish things like perseverance. People Who are more mature get to go to better colleges and eventually have a better life. I say if your younger than 15 their should be more rules in school.

      38. I believe that school should not have the right to limit student freedom. The first amendment says you have the right to express your self in a variety of ways. You can say whatever you want but it has limit on when and where you can say it. Student can wear what ever they want and show the expressions and their identity. according to the article it says " students often communicate through their clothing "(paragraph3). This explian that students have the right to wear clothes that communicates themselves. students have the right to stay quiet and say whatever they want but when and where is an appropriate. some schools force students to follow the rules but the First Amendment protect them. According to the article it says " two high school students for failing to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. The court reasoned that the first amendment free-speech clause included the right not to speak." (paragraph 7). This shows an example on why school should not limit students rights and freedom. Schools should not student freedom because they want to express ourselves and communicate with others and say what they feeling inside of them.

      39. Schools have the right to limit student's freedom to create a safer and better environment for the students. Limiting the freedom of schools keeps schools in order and it also allows to focus on the learning with no disruptions. According to "The First Amendment" it says," the government generally has greater power to dictate policy when it acts in certain capacities, such as educator, employer or jailer."(Hudson Jr.). The government also limits the freedom of students to also maintain safety. Although the school is allowed to limit the freedom of students, they can't limit anything that won't cause any disruptions or risks. "The First Amendment" says,"schools officials cannot censor student expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights of others"(Hudson Jr.). Schools and the government should limit the freedom of students only if it affects the safety or learning of other students.

      40. The first amendment was made to protect our rights as a citizen and to have freedom of voice so as a student the teachers should protect our rights and for our safety so for this reason the teachers should have the right to limit our freedom because this will create safer schools and if we have more rules around then we will be safe and know whats good to do and not. Also with more rules then students will learn to be more responsible and if there were no rules we wouldn't care about anything since theirs no rule saying wee need to do dat. On the other hand there's 1 thing that should still be allowed and its that students get to wear something that shows what they are against as long as it doesn't disrupt the learning day since it's apart of our right to freedom of speech.

      41. As a student, it is easy to see constant limitations to students and their 1st amendment rights, however there are laws and restrictions in place that prevent it from reaching the full freedoms available to adults and those outside of school. Although some find it to be unfair and harsh, I am in agreement with the belief that freedom of expression should be limited in schools because it provides for a more productive learning environment. One reason I believe this is because of a statement made by the federal court explaining that “Learning is more important that free speech”(Hudson),which although seemingly harsh and restraining, makes an important point. Students, especially those of rowdier nature, may abuse full capacity 1st amendment rights and make the learning environment disruptive and inefficient. Therefore, it is for the better of education that students have limited rights to freedom of speech and expression. Also, freedom of speech and expression should be limited a schools because it helps schools be safer and therefore more productive. Students typically use clothing to exceed use their expression, but with dress codes and uniforms that can be restricted in order to “make schools safer by making it easier to identify school visitors and intruders” (Hudson). School intruders pose a large threat to the learning environment, so having a uniform can help protect against so. This is good because it again does not interfere with learning, the point of school. Although I believe that it should, others may oppose due to the fact that rights shouldn't change based on locations, however they are already pretty restrained by circumstance. The text states “the first amendment limits when and where you can say it” and then goes on to list some samples of instances in which rights are already limited. This shows that schools should be included in those restrictions, even more so than some other places. This is due to the fact that school is for education, which should be valued and protected above all. Overall, I believe that freedom of expression should be limited in schools because it allows for an undisrupted and efficient learning environment, which should be one of the main things protected. It is important for the education of a class to be put over a disruption, as it is for the greater progress and advancement to our society.

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      44. Across the United States schools have restricted students from using their freedom of speech in schools. Students can't speak inappropriate, call out, say anything that disturbs the learning of students. However, schools cannot reinforce these school rules off-campus. I believe, schools do not have the right to limit a student's freedom because it's a person's unalienable right. First things first, no one should take a person's freedom of speech if it's something that they have and possess when their born. The first Amendment stated, “Congress should make no law respecting or establishing of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech”(Page 1 and the constitution). This is telling how you cannot make any laws prohibiting the free or basically limit the freedom of speech of a person of the United states. The supreme court is allowing schools to bend this amendment and limit students freedom in schools. It's wrong and unjustifiable because it's something that someone has and it states in the constitution that everyone has freedom of expression/speech. Also in a way it makes the supreme court a hypocrite for not allowing the freedom of speech for students in school when they're suppose to enforce the Amendments. Furthermore, It's unfair for something said disrespectful to student and they not being able to respond. If a teacher says something racist or disrespectful and a student says something disrespectful and they get in trouble for it then it's just wrong. The supreme court should do a better job of protecting and staying to the amendments at all cost. Someone that thinks Schools should restrict the freedom of speech to students would say that students would use it inappropriately and excessive. They are right but the schools should listen to the situation and then see if the student used it appropriate. If a student just starts cursing for no reason then there should be consequences but if they used cursing as a defense then it should be allowed. The only way to make it fair is to give student more access to expressing themselves if it's justifiable.

      45. The First Amendment was created to protect your rights and freedom of speech. You do have a certain of rights whenever an authority like a teacher punishes you but, the schools should have the right to limit a student's freedom up to an extent because it depends if a student uses it as an advantage inappropriately. The First Amendment tells you that you can say whatever you want however, it limits where and when you can say what you want to say. "You could be jailed for screaming 'fire!' in a crowded theater, but if you were the only person in the building you could scream it al you want." (The First Amendment 8) Think about it, imagine if you yelled "fire!" in a school lunchroom filled with students, how will that affect them? It would cause complete commotion. Many others would get injured/hurt during all the running, pushing and yelling to go for the exit. Now think about this, some students who go to public schools have the right to free speech but are not free to express themselves in a form of fashion. "In 1986, the Supreme Court ruled in Bethel School District No. 403 V. Fraser that school officials did not violate the First Amendment rights of a student suspended for giving a vulgar and lewd (i.e sexually suggestive) speech before the student assembly." (The First Amendment 2) In short words, as long as you don't break the rules of the school, your rights will be protected. Not only just that but also the dress code. In reality, many students dislike the fact that they have to wear uniforms for school based on the school policy but it is only for your safety. Dress codes can reduce bullying, peer pressure, and it would let the authorities know that you go to that school. (The First Amendment 3) Overall, students do have a voice but they cannot overuse it which is why I believe that school officials do have the right to limit a students freedom.

      46. The first amendment is basically about havin freedom of speach. But it aplies diffrent to schools. I believe that in schools one should follow the rules given. You can be allowed to tell teachers or principle about ur opinion. That way they might agree and change the rules. For example if a person curses out a teacher and is very disrespectful the student could get in serious trouble because it was handled in a way disrespectful. But if a person politely ask to have no uniform the teacher nd principle might have it as consideration. Also it works that way because adults have more freedom than children. So even though we are free to say watever we want because of the first amendment we can only say it outside of school. And not have to use violence or being disrespectful to prove something we feel should be dealt with. Like even adults are able to vote but kids are not because adults have more rights. So the first amendment is basically that we have freedom of speech but exept for where the schools are we have to follow the rules the school gives us. Also the rules the school gives us is for our own good to keep us safe.

      47. Schools should limit a student's freedom from the first amendment because if they didn't students would take advantage and be inappropriate. In "The First Amendment" it says, "you aren't allowed to yell 'fire!' in a crowded theater if there is no fire...their rights to personal safety are greater than your right to say whatever you want," (Hudson 8). If there wasn't a 1st amendment people could just yell whatever they wanted and cause chaos, and if they yell something like fire
        in a crowded place, people could get worried, freak out, and people can get injured. It also says, "a student suspended for giving a vulgar and lewd (i.e. sexually suggestive) speech before the student assembly,' (Hudson 2). If there wasn't a rule that limited form or fashion student could just say and wear whatever they wanted and that would just cause a disturbance in school when school is meant to be for learning. Some people might say that not everyone would violate the 1st amendment even if they were allowed to, that some people are smarted than that. However, most of the people would break the rules because they can and they wouldn't get in trouble. For example, if you could yell at the teacher in front of the whole class most students would you get attention, so the 1st amendment prevents that from happening so even if not many people would do it, make sure no one can. Students would still have the right to freedom, just not freedom that would disturb other people.

      48. The first amendment protects your freedom of speech. But, schools can limit your rights by restricting things that you'd usually do outside. Schools should not have the right to limit a student's rights because it limits a student's expression. Schools usually have a dress code policy to detect school visitors and intruders. But, uniforms can threaten their expression rights and discourage individuality and critical thinking (Hudson 2). Since uniform is basically making everyone look the same, it discourages students to be themselves and stand out from everyone else. Since elementary school, I’ve always looked the same as my peers which sort of felt weird to me. Everyone looked the same and it intimidated me from acting like myself. A court case involving this was Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District. In the “The First Amendment, ” it said, “The Supreme Court established a protective standard for student expression in Tinker, which says that school officials cannot censor student expression…., ” (Hudson 2). Schools can’t censor a student’s expression if they were disrupting learning which they weren’t.

      49. This comment has been removed by the author.

      50. School do not have right to limit students freedom. School do not have right to limit students freedom because students have rights to express themselves. In the First Amendment aritcle it says " The U.S supreme court has recongize that students in school as well as out of school are 'persons' under the our constitution"
        . This tells us that we are under the constitution and are know as persons that we have rights to express ourselfs. Also it says ".......First Amendment rights to express the,selves in variety of ways". We could express our selves in diffent ways blogs, posters protest.

      51. Freedom of speech and expression gives us the right to express our feelings and thinking about something or someone. Schools shouldn't have he right to limit student's freedom of speech because its like there not letting us be part of this country because there limiting our 1st amendment witch is basically a law that has to do with the people of america

      52. Should schools limit students first amendment? Most people say yes to provide a better environment for the students. However I believe not. Limiting a students 1st amendment doesn’t allow the student to express their rights. Another example of this is uniform and the fact that schools could implement a dress code is horrible. From a young stage you are limiting a kid’s rights and may not be able to fully express themselves in the future. A good example of this is voting. Why would people vote for the government when they couldn’t vote in school to get things that were wanted. A study shows that out of all the people that could vote only half do. Another example of how students should express their first amendment is in schools. Others may say that it is important to establish a role of authority in schools, however it is much wiser when kids are able to be free and express what they want. A good example of this was the kid that tried to wear the black arm band but was punished for doing so. This is a good example of how having rights early are beneficial to the students in the short and long run.

      53. There have been many incidents when students and schools have clashed because students thought the schools were violating their first amendment rights. Schools should only limit a student's freedom of speech or expression when they are disrupting the learning of anyone else because that is when their actions become a problem. In a text that talks about the first amendment it says,” School officials in Georgia suspended two high school students for failing to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. The court reasoned that the first amendment free-speech clause included the right not to speak” (Hudson). Clearly, these students amendment rights protected them but also they did not disrupt anybody else or their learning so it was acceptable. In the same text it says,” school officials cannot censor student expression unless they can reasonably forecast that the expression will cause a substantial disruption of school activities or will invade the rights others” (Hudson). This supports what I said before. It’s saying freedom of speech or expression only is a problem when it interferes with the learning environment of another person. People may argue that limiting a student’s freedom is clearly against the amendments because the first amendment says we have the right to say whatever we want and express ourselves in whatever way we may please. However, to a certain extent this expression may trample with the learning of someone else and that is violating the rights of an education to someone else, which is why it is wrong. In school’s , students have a right to freedom of speech and expression but to a certain extent.

      54. The first amendment protects abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble meaning you can talk whenever you want and you have the right to protest but has to be calm and peaceable. Schools should limit students expression and freedom of speech because if you don't stop them it will be a distraction and wont have a safe learning environment and they would learn less. One reason is that what you wear to show your expression in a good or bad way. In the article it says, "Other content uniforms reduce the peer pressure associated with wearing expensive clothes" (clothing, dress code and uniforms). This shows that wearing the expensive clothes makes them seem popular and makes others feel like they ain't nothing compared to them.

      55. I believe that school should limit some of the student right of expression so it can prevent voilents from happening in school. In school your not supposed to bring any type of weapons.One reason could be to prevent school shooting is because it can bring massacre to the school and it could get a lot of people hurt and the person that did the shooting could end up in jail. When im home and i watch the news every year i always hear about how there is always a school shooting or how a kid brings a pocket knife and stabs someone. I believe other school should be like wheels so people won't get hurt and they could go to school to learn and get educated.

      56. Everyone is protected by the first Amendment. Which protect our right to stand together and have a strike or protest, also to have the freedom of speech. It allows a person to speak freely on what thoughts they have. But in school student should have a say but it should be limited. I think this because it can create a safe learning environment for students. For example, some student might be very rude or say something mean to a teacher or a student. In a article, " The First Amendment", it states, " Though public schools posses the right to free speech, they are not free to express themselves in an unlimited form or fashion," (Hudson 1). Many students express themselves non professional. We, the student, allow our feeling to get the best of us and we take advantage of our First Amendment right , like our clothes represent who we are or what we stand for. Dress code is safer than wearing street clothes because if student go to a trip with street cloths it is more hard to find them and it easy to lose a student. But if student wear uniform it will be easier to find them and also safer because let say a student gets lost and someone finds the student the person can tell what school that students from and take that student back there. Also, it can less bullying, " Other contend uniform reduce the peer pressure associated with wearing clothes," (Hudson 2). Uniform can cause less bullying. Limited freedom for students makes a safer, more united, and an equal environment.

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